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What was your Cabbage Patch doll's name?


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Mine was "wishful thinking". :rolleyes:


I so wanted a Cabbage Patch doll, but my mother was against the idea of "adopting a doll" and thought it was silly. She had lots of interesting notions. I did get a cheap-y fake Cabbage Patch doll from Big Lots. It was not the same thing and very disappointing for 9 year old me.

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I had a make-your-own-body-for-an-imitation-Cabbage-Patch-doll-head doll named Jennifer. My two best friends were named Jennifer (along with half of the girls in my elementary school, LOL). I was never very attached to it. I much preferred anthropomorphizing my stuffed animals.

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I had a favorite doll I won for a swimming competition of some kind. I called her Mopsy since her hair reminded me of a mop. I think she is in the toy room/attic somewhere. I still have the sweater my mom knitted for her. The various household teddies wear it. I was just bugging my mom because she knitted it, but said she would soon get around to putting buttons on it. ... and I'm still waiting. 


My SIL insisted my boys have a cabbage patch kid doll. She bought one for Eldest and it was played with a bit. It's name was, "Radiation baby". 

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Emily Anna. My parents gave her to me as a present when my brother was born.


She wasn't a real Cabbage Patch though. She was made by someone who had worked for Xavier Roberts when he was first making them, before he sold the company. She kept making them with the certificates and everything. When I was a kid, he supposedly lived not far from us and... and I have no idea if this is true... but supposedly he rode around in a white limousine so whenever we saw one we were like, look, the inventor of Cabbage Patch Kids! 


Later I did have a plastic head one... I can't remember that one's name though.


ETA: Looking up the history... I think I must have had one made by Martha Nelson Thomas, who later sued Roberts and received an out of court settlement. Weird.

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I had an original Xavier Roberts cabbage path doll, before Mattel bought them. Her name was Marilyn Zelda. I still have her. I also have one "born" out of a cabbage at Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, GA. His name is Willam Alexander. You got to choose the name of you adopt one out of the patch there.

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Kelly Lettie (I still have this one.)  I played with this doll a lot.  A friend that my mom babysat had a CPK that was *almost* identical to mine.  Two brown pigtails and blue eyes.  We pretended they were twins, of course.


Andrea Sophia -- a preemie

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Unfortunately, I can't remember. I do know that I got one much later than most, once you could just walk into a store and pick one. It was an unspoken rule in my family that we did not entertain faddish frenzies. If everyone just had to be somewhere or have something, we boycotted it. This ruled out Black Friday shopping in general, as well as waiting in line at any time to purchase whatever the latest coveted item was. For this reason, my son never got a Tickle Me Elmo doll. Principle. We also usually purchase new technology a good 5 years later than most, after the fad has worn off and the price has come down. My parents waited until the VHS vs Betamax war was settled before investing in one. None of us got a smart phone until last year, with very limited data.


BTW, I'm 42. Are some of you ladies really that much older that you were buying Cabbage Patch dolls for your daughters? Surely your kids were part of a 2nd wave or something 😊.


ETA: I think she might have been named Luella.

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Tony Charles.  I hated that thing, did not want it (I wanted a skateboard).  I was so disappointed when I unwrapped that box. I *think* that was the last doll my parents bought me... FINALLY!!


One of the names listed by one of you above is my daughters name, first and middle. 

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So reading over some responses, Do you want to hear from original, pre-Mattel owners or anyone?


I had two, after Xavier, mass produced Mattel ones. A kid and a "premie". Even had a Koosas pet, along with outfits and disposable diapers. Probably because it was when my mom was pregnant with my brother.


Couldn't tell you the names. But I took great care of them because while out of the box, the premie was still pinky peach. Wound up giving them to my kids.

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Once again, I must remind you all that I am old. I was already an adult by the time Cabbage Patch dolls were a thing.



Ahh the age gap. I was buying those dolls for my daughters.



Aaah the age gap, by the time I was a kid they were quite out of style! Baby born, and the baby tumble surprise and baby headstand surprise were the big things in dolls for us. If only I'd realized what collectors items they'd become!

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Mine were named:


Never in your Wildest Dreams,

We Don't Buy Fad Toys Here,

Dolls Don't Get "Adopted," and

Do You Want a Doll or Would You Rather Have Electricity?

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And this thread shows why I will never be a multi millionaire.  Even if I had ideas for fads like these, my brain would easily convince me that it was a dumb idea and would never sell...


I had no interest.  None of my other family members did either.


One of my grandmothers used to buy me dolls.  She quit when I was 6 or 7 (long, long before CPK) after seeing that they never got played with and tended to be at the bottom of our toy box.

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