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  1. I asked my mom to come for our first birth, but she wouldn't because my dad was working and couldn't get the time off. She wouldn't come without him. We lived in another state at the time. We managed fine, but it bothered me for a long time that she wouldn't come. Later she said she regretted not coming and she was there for the births of my other children. She was a lot of help. She took over all the housework and meal planning and all I had to do was rest and snuggle baby. I hope my girls will want me to come if and when they have babies. We're living on different continents at the moment, but if they do, I'm going.
  2. I do. I use a journal with a pretty cover. I don't organize it, but just write down quotes and passages I want to remember or especially like that I come across in my reading.
  3. Wonderful news! I am so happy for you.
  4. Mine was Dish of Orts by George MacDonald. I gave it 4 stars and it was shelved by 306 other people.
  5. I finished The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings. I also read These Precious Days which is a book of essays by Ann Patchett and Hotel Du Lac by Anita Brookner. This was my first time reading anything by Anita Brookner. It's about a novelist who is sent away by her friends to an exclusive hotel because she's caused a scandal. The book deals with her interactions with the other mostly female residents. I was surprised to see this was published in 1984. It definitely felt like an old book. Next up is The Bullet Train Kotaro Isaka and Sam Malissa.
  6. I finished a cozy mystery called Pride, Prejudice, and Peril by Katie Oliver. The main character is an English professor who is an expert on Jane Austen. She's asked to be a consultant on a Bachelor like reality show called Who Wants to Marry Mr. Darcy? Her friend is accused of a murder and she has to help clear her name. This is the 1st book in a new series. It was ok, but I am not interested in reading any more. I also read and enjoyed Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie and That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis. Apparently I bought The Great Passage on kindle in 2017 and never read it. Moving it up on my TBR list.
  7. I'd like to join in this year. I have read these threads for years looking for new books to read but rarely if ever posted. I have y'all to thank for finding so many new authors to try. So far this year, I have read A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-18 by Joseph Laconte. I am currently reading The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings by Philip and Carol Zaleski and Pride, Prejudice, and Peril by Katie Oliver. I love all things Jane Austen. I read a lot of mysteries and am looking forward to the Crime Spree. A Woman in White by Wilkie Collins is on my TBR list. Thank you for these threads and for letting me join in. Paula
  8. Merry and cherry rhyme for me too. Grew up in southeastern US.
  9. Our church began meeting for Sunday morning worship in June. All other services and classes are either on Zoom or cancelled for now. Masks are required. You're requested to use hand sanitizer upon entry. Every other pew is marked off and the middle of the pews are marked off so you can only sit on the ends as a family or household unit. We do have singing but with masks on. The song leader takes his mask off while leading, but is behind a sheet of plexiglass and at least 10 feet away from anyone else. Communion is packaged individually and you pick it up on your way into the sanctuary. Ushers show you to a seat and we are dismissed by row to leave. We've been asked not to congregate outside after service, but to be sure we observe social distancing. No hugs or handshakes. I miss hugs. High risk people are encouraged by our leadership to stay home and they are continuing to stream services. Paula
  10. I donate current magazines to our church's food pantry after I've read them. Books I don't want to read again, I donate either to the library or to the food pantry.
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