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I just Got Chastised for not Celebrating Labor Day

Jean in Newcastle

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I was told that we were supposed to honor the laborers who have gone before us to give us better pay, hours and conditions.  OK.  I do understand that and appreciate it.  But is honoring somehow different than understanding and appreciating it?  And why would it be so bad for us to start school on Labor day?  Do I have to sit around and do nothing in order to honor it?  I have no intention of marching in some kind of a parade.  And most of the activities I see touted in the newspaper and t.v. are really fun family outings and vacations.  We're all vacationed out.  

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Ds2 was miffed that his teachers expect work to be done over Labor Day weekend. :rolleyes:  (He's been in school 4 weeks now so they are well into the swing of things. And he's a senior.)


Ds1 (college boy) is just glad he's off from work *and* school today.


Dh has to work today.


Dd is happy about not having school today. She's only in 5th; *I* need the break.


How does one celebrate Labor Day anyway? Go to the stores to shop sales and see the many people laboring?

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DH had to work today. We are having school. I don't think a picnic (or worse, going shopping at a business that did not give people the day off) would do anything for current or past labor organizers.


We did have a Labor Day service at my church yesterday, with an AFL-CIO speaker.

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My school is out of session, but both ds and I will be working on school work today. 


I don't think mothers get labor day off. 



My dad worked at a television station most of his life. It skewed my view of holidays as he was generally working, keeping the station running so everyone else could sit around and watch TV.  

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The labour movements of recent history were extrodinary, and I think a lot of what we have in life that makes life good is due to their visionary and tenacious work -- The revolutionary idea that people should be entitled to work in a way that earns fairly and compensates fairly, and the appalling assertion that there should also be enough limits on work that people can live like humans with relationships, recreation, and time to care for themselves... Those were WAY outside of the box thinking, and goals that were next door to impossible. But it happened.


And now we all take it for granted and find it unjust or even s violation of law for people to be treated otherwise. Something revilutionary became something perfectly normal.


So, yeah, that deserves a holiday. (I picked up in that theme of recent history fairly recently do its fresh in my mind.)


But it doesn't mean you shouldn't homeschool... And it naked sense that we celebrate (when we do) in recreational and family-oriented ways.

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I don't think people should be or feel obligated to observe a holiday in any particular way.


DH volunteered to work today, so we are doing schoolwork today instead of a day off.  But at least DH is working from home today, so we can see him more.

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Eh. People are dorks. I'm not "honoring" labor day today and people get so flummoxed by it. "You're making your kids work on a HOLIDAY?" swoon.


But hey, this coming Thursday a bunch of us WTMers are getting together in person, so we'll "celebrate Labor Day" on Thursday. While everyone else is in school this Thurs, we'll be hanging out playing with new friends.


People just can't get out of their little boxes and have no imagination sometimes.

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That made me laugh out loud. :)


I would only have made me laugh if I hadn't already had to explain to people over this weekend that their meme with the flag-draped caskets and saying "It's not just a three-day weekend" is completely incorrect and what Labor Day actually is.

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I went off to Wiki to find out why the US chose the September date specifically. I knew they didn't want to choose May 1 or 4 (the actual day of the Haymarket riot) because it was too closely associated with socialism and was seen as an invitation to incite violence. It turns out that a union leader chose the September date and my guess he was looking for a holiday at a nice time of the year. It turns out that the 80 or so countries that celebrate on May 1 also moved the date a bit in order to align with a traditional spring celebration.


What I didn't know and find pretty amazing is that Labor Day was made a federal holiday in 1887 only a year after the Haymarket riot. That's a very quick reaction to a historical event.

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I was unaware that my imprisioned Wobblie great great whatevers were only honored by the purchase of sheets, the consumption of beer, the grilling of meat and the sharing of FB memes. School at home with family sounds as good a way as any to spend Labor Day.


My husband brought my blueberry pancakes in bed. That's a celebration any day of the year!

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I am sitting at work right now.


I have plans to make my kids work later, after the air show.


I don't mind admitting I'm not a union supporter.  I have never worked a 40-hour week myself, nearly always work holidays, and it's been about 30 years since I got paid overtime.  :P

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I will be a rebel with you, as we are doing school today. So we honor and respect the laborers by laboring.

Conversation in my house today:


Dh: Alright! Everybody up from the table, brush teeth, and get ready for school!


Dc: What?!? It's Labor Day! We can't work on Labor Day!


Me: Think of it as honoring with your *focused*, *diligent*, and *careful* work all those who've gone before you.


Dc: <confused and slightly dismayed looks>


Dh&Me: <sip tea with slightly impish, but definitely angelic looks>

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The hubs (and everyone in his office) was forced to work today. 



Ds2 was miffed that his teachers expect work to be done over Labor Day weekend. :rolleyes:  (He's been in school 4 weeks now so they are well into the swing of things. And he's a senior.)


Ds1 (college boy) is just glad he's off from work *and* school today.


Dh has to work today.


Dd is happy about not having school today. She's only in 5th; *I* need the break.


How does one celebrate Labor Day anyway? Go to the stores to shop sales and see the many people laboring?


Yay! MultiQuote is working again.


DD (in college) has classes today.

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I am sitting at work right now.


I have plans to make my kids work later, after the air show.


I don't mind admitting I'm not a union supporter. I have never worked a 40-hour week myself, nearly always work holidays, and it's been about 30 years since I got paid overtime. :P

Yup. We don't celebrate it and don't much care, but my husband is using the time off from his main job to catch up on work from the other two. Heh.


As for us, it's a light homeschooling day today just because I'm lazy and sick.

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We have no school today.  CC and online schools are closed, and working family members have the day off.  Our parish always has a lively parish picnic on Labor Day, and another one on Memorial Day.  If we did not have this situation, I would see nothing wrong with holding classes.  I don't cancel school for Veteran's Day, and that, frankly, is a civic holiday with concrete meaning for our family.   

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1. They pick up our trash on labor day, which I find convenient but somehow wrong.


2. I'm working today because I have work (for the government, since they don't hire enough people since people don't want to pay taxes). 


3. My job and the garbage collection job are both unionized. I think they are okay working Labor Day because the trash is going to be picked up by them someday, so they'd rather take the overtime, and as for me... well, the taxes won't come, so it gets done or it doesn't.


We could all strike, but it wouldn't be for more holidays, since things are efficient and we get weekends. It would be for higher pay.

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I was told that we were supposed to honor the laborers who have gone before us to give us better pay, hours and conditions.  OK.  I do understand that and appreciate it.  But is honoring somehow different than understanding and appreciating it?  And why would it be so bad for us to start school on Labor day?  Do I have to sit around and do nothing in order to honor it?  I have no intention of marching in some kind of a parade.  And most of the activities I see touted in the newspaper and t.v. are really fun family outings and vacations.  We're all vacationed out.  


Eh...now that our family has close dealings with unions and union guys, I'm quite sure the 'holiday' is a joke.

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Conversation in my house:


"Why is Great Girl still asleep?"

"She doesn't have class because it's Labor Day."

"Wait, so why is Daddy going to work?"

"Because he can work better when undergraduates aren't bothering him."

"Why do we have to work?"

"Because tomorrow is Great Girl's Name Day and you'll get cake and fun in the afternoon."

"Yayyy cake!!!"


We get holidays. Just different holidays.


Conversation in my house today:


Dh: Alright! Everybody up from the table, brush teeth, and get ready for school!


Dc: What?!? It's Labor Day! We can't work on Labor Day!


Me: Think of it as honoring with your *focused*, *diligent*, and *careful* work all those who've gone before you.


Dc: <confused and slightly dismayed looks>


Dh&Me: <sip tea with slightly impish, but definitely angelic looks>

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Honestly, I think we should decouple the honoring days (MLK, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day and maybe Presidents Day too) from the days off and just have bank holidays then let the honoring days fall on the same day every year and let people celebrate them however makes sense for them.

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Honestly, I think we should decouple the honoring days (MLK, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day and maybe Presidents Day too) from the days off and just have bank holidays then let the honoring days fall on the same day every year and let people celebrate them however makes sense for them.

Hear, hear. And then can we have Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays back, instead of the awful Generic Presidents' Day? And Arbor Day, where did Arbor Day go?

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How did they expect you to do to honour it? 


Celebrate what you want and when. We do May Day here, we go to the local parade and rally (that is officially in remembrance of a local strike/lock out in 1833 and our continued local efforts on workers' rights), we enjoy the community events, the history and current issues with it, and it's become important to us over the years. I imagine if it were around now after all the summer stuff/just before the start of our school year and there wasn't the local connection or recognition beyond sales that we could connect to (which was how it seemed where I lived in the States) I would have less energy for it and likely wouldn't bother. 

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