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What are your unusual talents?


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I've been stressing myself out tonight, so help me start a frivolous thread I can look forward to opening tomorrow evening.


What can you do that is weird or unusual? I've managed to train myself to fluently write upside down and backwards so that I can face a child and yet write so that it looks correct to her. It's normal to us but it freaks out other people when they notice. I also recently found out I can still stand on my head. My kids were pretty impressed :D


What can you do?

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I don't think I have any talent, or maybe it is so hidden that I haven't found it yet.


Domestic Goddess doesn't run in my family...





I wouldn't know if I have unusual talents. I think if I can do something, everyone else can too. I maintain this mindset regardless of evidence to the contrary, so I can't even think of examples where that has happened.

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I can spot messes & clutter that the rest of my family can't. I can also put trash IN the trash can, and I even notice when the can is full🙊.


As far as actual talent...I'm not sure. I do have the ability to creatively stretch our money as far as I can.

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I have special vision. I can see things that other in my family can't see. It's amazing, really. Dh looks for something in the kitchen. He asks me where it is. I tell him, He can't see it. I tell him to keep looking, it is there. He swears he doesn't see it. I get up from whatever I am doing, go in there and look. I see it!!!!!  When I show him, he looks confused. It is a real talent!

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I can spot messes & clutter that the rest of my family can't. I can also put trash IN the trash can, and I even notice when the can is full🙊.


As far as actual talent...I'm not sure. I do have the ability to creatively stretch our money as far as I can.

Can I assume you also have the amazing talent of putting dirty clothes IN the hamper, and not BESIDE the hamper? ;)

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I have special vision. I can see things that other in my family can't see. It's amazing, really. Dh looks for something in the kitchen. He asks me where it is. I tell him, He can't see it. I tell him to keep looking, it is there. He swears he doesn't see it. I get up from whatever I am doing, go in there and look. I see it!!!!! When I show him, he looks confused. It is a real talent!

I share this talent too. My hubby attributes it to my magical ovaries. Since I'm the only female in the house, I'm the only one with this superpower! Lol.

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I can lick my elbow.

My boys were just trying this the other day. They declared it impossible. Lol, they would be very impressed.


I can pick up small objects with my feet. It amuses dh to no end. I also have the special vision thing of finding and seeing objects in plain view.

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I have special vision. I can see things that other in my family can't see. It's amazing, really. Dh looks for something in the kitchen. He asks me where it is. I tell him, He can't see it. I tell him to keep looking, it is there. He swears he doesn't see it. I get up from whatever I am doing, go in there and look. I see it!!!!! When I show him, he looks confused. It is a real talent!

I have this too! I tell my male family members that it's because I have two X chromosomes and they only have one. When my daughter can't find something, I say, "Lean into your X chromosomes, girl!"


I can kill spiders with my bare hands.


I can walk on my knees. I get into what I think is called a Full Lotus in yoga and then I get up on my knees and walk across the floor. I probably should join a circus. Ha ha ha!

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I can hula hoop like.. forever.  Really.  It's like walking to me and I can just do it for as long as I want to.  I even won a contest once at an 80's party.  


The Mini I drive is a manual and yeah, I guess that really is an unusual talent these days!

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I can make my eyeballs shake back and forth.


This came in handy when I was younger and felt uncomfortable looking people in the eye. It blurs my vision.


My husband can do that!  I've never known anyone else who can. 


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I can parallel park.

I can find any object lost by anyone in my house (I never lose things).

I can shut down bullying men. I am sitting at a baseball game right now and made the other team's really obnoxious coach shut up. Not my first time, either.

I also am really, really good at figuring out what is really going on based on incredibly tiny snippets of information. It amazes my family. And terrifies them.

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I can shut down bullying men. I am sitting at a baseball game right now and made the other team's really obnoxious coach shut up. Not my first time, either.



Just curious --- do you have a particular technique, or is it some innate personality trait?

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Just curious --- do you have a particular technique, or is it some innate personality trait?

It freaks them out when a mom stands up to them, as best as I can tell. Keeping my mouth shut is not really my strong suit. Well, to be honest, it is not even a suit I own.

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I can gauge immediately if something will fit into a space or not. Very handy for loading car trunks or buying used furniture. Sometimes my husband or father will try to load something and I will have said, not going to work and I am always right. Another common thing is my dad repeating over and over "that's not all going to fit Kate" and me loading it all in just fine and turning to him and saying, "dad, please tell me one single time I have said something would fit in the car and it didn't?"


When I was younger I could also throw things with great accuracy. I'm guessing that is something that fades with not practicing a lot.

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I can completely unpack from a move in less than 24 hours. The last one took 12.


I can walk into a street market filled with food I don't know the name of or recognize and come out with something to make for dinner without saying anything useful to anyone. And dinner will taste good.


I am a street foodie.

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If we're counting driving a stick shift, then I'll count that too. And I can still parallel park, which has come in handy more than once in our own driveway but almost nowhere else anymore.


I can twist my tongue upside-down in both directions. Dd can twist hers one direction but not the other. But she can wiggle her ears; I can't.


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I often know when women are pregnant and when couples are getting married before they have announced the news.


I also drive a stick shift, which I wouldn't have thought of as unusual enough to mention, but, hey, I'll take the credit for it if others are doing so. And I parallel park pretty well. So, ditto on claiming that one.


I bake vegan-friendly cookies, cupcakes and such that even omnivores think taste good.


I can read information like titles and authors' names by "looking" at images of the covers in my mind.

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I can figure out what dh is talking about when it is complete nonsense. I swear the man is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's!


Oh, boy, I didn't think of that one! Yep, I can name the movie or play or actor or song my husband is thinking of even when he has almost every fact in his description wrong.


I also read upside down pretty fluently, which comes in handy when I'm tutoring and sitting across the table from my students.

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I can pick up a native accent within minutes of hearing a foreign language. 

I can drive a stick.

I am a master at improvising in emergencies with only whatever I have on hand. (Thanks USMC!)

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  • Fix things without any training.


Balance numbers to the penny.  ;)


Read in foreign languages, including non-Roman alphabets (getting rusty though as it's been years since I've practiced).


Read all those weird scrambled-up messages almost as fast as normal print.


Fit a lot of stuff into small spaces - and be able to get it back out efficiently.


Think of (and sing) an actual song that uses almost any casual phrase I hear throughout the day.


Imitate voices and accents.


Bend my fingers back really far.


Twist my tongue into unusual shapes.


Sit down on the floor and stand up again without using my hands for support.


Get into "Lotus position" without using my hands to position my legs.


Stick my tongue up my nose from inside.  (I know, gross.)


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I have a Dear Abby face. Perfect strangers in public places (and in inappropriate situations) will tell me their whole life story and ask my advice. I must look as if I was born to smile and nod with sympathy. It's genetic; my mother has the same gift/curse.


Give outlandish advice, secretly record their reactions and start your own YouTube channel.

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