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I'm feeling worried - updated in #38


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Ds confided to me very late last night that he has a lump where there shouldn't be one, and has had some odd symptoms. Spent the rest of the night rubbing his back as he is terrified of what this means. We're going to try to find an open walk in clinic this morning. It's hard for my mind to not leap to the worst case scenario either...

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I'm sorry.  DH had a lump in his neck and trouble swallowing.  Dr. Google is not good for those symptoms in a man his age, even though he never smoked.  Even he was very nervous, because it did not go away and he had it for over a month before I could finally get him to see somebody.  The ENT guy did some exams, and basically he ended up on Rx ibuprofen for two weeks.  The lump went away.  It was not the head/neck cancer we feared.


But I totally know what you mean about worrying.  I'm hoping it's nothing.  It's tough, but try and stay away from Google!

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thx everyone. back from dr. on initial exam the doctor thinks it's something benign but we have ultrasound next wed to make sure.

at some point i'll have to have a gentle conversation with ds about taking care of things quickly & either telling us or going to dr on his own promptly. he first noticed it last august :huh: 


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I'm relieved to hear the doctor thinks it's benign, but agree that it's worth getting the ultrasound to further put your mind at ease.


This is going to sound so idiotic, but I have been waiting for your update since I first opened this thread. I have to go and run some errands, but I was worried about your ds so I waited to leave until you posted. I am such a worrier that I worry about people I have never even met in person, but I feel like I "know" you from all of your posts here and I could tell you were very upset and concerned.


So now I can relax and go to the store. :)

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I'm relieved to hear the doctor thinks it's benign, but agree that it's worth getting the ultrasound to further put your mind at ease.


This is going to sound so idiotic, but I have been waiting for your update since I first opened this thread. I have to go and run some errands, but I was worried about your ds so I waited to leave until you posted. I am such a worrier that I worry about people I have never even met in person, but I feel like I "know" you from all of your posts here and I could tell you were very upset and concerned.


So now I can relax and go to the store. :)


:grouphug: aw seriously, that's SO sweet.  Sorry it took forever!  The walk ins get insanely busy on Saturday. I posted as soon as I got home! Go and enjoy your day!!

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thx everyone. back from dr. on initial exam the doctor thinks it's something benign but we have ultrasound next wed to make sure.


at some point i'll have to have a gentle conversation with ds about taking care of things quickly & either telling us or going to dr on his own promptly. he first noticed it last august :huh:



Poor kid, he's probably had quite a few sleepless nights. I know Wednesday seems far away, but I'm glad you don't have to wait longer. Everyone will feel much better knowing exactly what's there.


Please keep us posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just an update to say he had the ultrasound & got the results today: (benign) cyst & a varicose vein.

So yeah, he's a lumpy guy but all the lumps are good. :D

Feeling relieved.

(though if a young man was going to get a malignancy, this might be the one to get. Highly treatable when caught early. So get the lads to check on their lads ;)  )

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Hornblower, I'm so glad your son is okay. 


I want to thank you for posting the OP.  Every time posts like this appear, it is another opportunity to  remind my boys to check their 'boys'.   And, while that is a very worthwhile reminder, it isn't one that frequently pops up in daily conversation.  But, with the help of the forum, I frequently find myself saying....."Today, on the forum, I read about a boy......"      


I find I use the posts here as a springboard for lots of interesting conversations  at home.

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