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Drop. Your. Sword.

Susan in TN

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[i am not much of a movie person. However, for the first time this week, I saw most of the first Despicable Me. I now have been enlightened as to the source of many quotes from my daughters. I should have watched this several years ago.]

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joyofsix, on 01 Jan 2015 - 06:29 AM, said:

Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.


I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here

your winnings sir.


are my eye's really brown?


Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade


Major Strasser is one of the reasons the Third Reich enjoys the reputation it has today.



 Rick, think of all the poor devils who can't meet Renault's price. I get it for them for half. Is that so... parasitic?

 I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one.

You despise me, don't you?

 If I gave you any thought I probably would.

You know, Rick, I have many a friend in Casablanca, but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust.



Major Strasser: You give him credit for too much cleverness. My impression was that he's just another blundering American.

Captain Renault: We musn't underestimate "American blundering". I was with them when they "blundered" into Berlin in 1918.


Round up the usual suspects.


Banker: Perhaps if you told him I ran the second largest banking house in Amsterdam.

Carl: Second largest? That wouldn't impress Rick. The leading banker in Amsterdam is now the pastry chef in our kitchen.

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GailV, on 01 Jan 2015 - 08:09 AM, said:

"I just love finding new places to wear diamonds!"

I don't know what you do honey, unless you put Novocain in your lipstick.


You know I think you're the only girl in the world who can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket



Now lets get this straight, Gus. The chaperone's job is to see that nobody else has any fun. Nobody chaperone's the chaperone. That's why I'm so right for this job.


I wouldn't go there if I were you.  "mr. finch".

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Quotes often thrown around here:

As you wish.

Have fun storming the castle.

I'm not a witch, I'm your wife.

Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!


Nobody puts baby in a corner.


Dong, where is my automobile?




Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.

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