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How long have you had the same hair style or variation of the same style?


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I am trying to change my and update my hair I really am trying.  So I look up modern styles inverted bob, stacked, whatever and I always go back to a variation of princess di, dorothy hamill.  My hair stylist,  is about my age and very patient.  We are trying for a stacked look but will be working into it slowly like every three weeks for the next few months to go a little shorter.  Is that weird?

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6 days. I went in looking for a good trim, asked for 3 inches off and suddenly there were 6 inches on the floor. I went from below should to above chin. I'm not real happy. People say it looks good. I don't know if they are being nice or truthful. I realized most of the way through the stylist was giving me the same cut she had. weird.

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I don't think it's ever been more than a couple years. I get bored easily. End result of being easily bored is by now I've had most hairstyles I can get away with given my type of hair. Now I'm recycling through hairstyles I've already had....

I just cut off my bedhead Alexa Chung layered bob a month ago. Now it's sort of like Robin Wright's in House of Cards. I think I'm going a bit shorter next time.

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Almost 50 years, except for a horrible incident with the swimming pool when I was 7 (I couldn't stand bathing caps so I cut it all off) and Dorothy Hamill and Farrah Fawcett knock-offs when I got wimpy during the growing out stage.


Boring hairstyles make for much less embarrassing family photographs. ;)


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No, it's not weird. Different people have different ways of adapting to change. Personally, I'd just go for the change rather than just doing it gradually. But, that's just my style of doing things. :lol:


My hair has been short for a long time (over 25 years). I've had variations on that over the years, but there are a limited number of things to do when it's really short. A few years ago, I decided to grow it out & it's been chin-length for awhile now. I've done the inverted bob (love it) & some variations. I trust my hair guy & often just tell him to pick a way to cut it. My criteria are that it be a wash & comb type style (no 'fixing' needed) & that it work with my wavy hair. I have a trim scheduled for next week & I'm thinking of chopping a lot of it off again. I'm thinking of this:


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Pretty much my entire life :-)


I have long, curly hair and like to style it in different ways whenever I want a change. The exceptions have been after each child's birth when I've gotten it cut super short. For whatever reason, long hair drives me crazy when I have an infant. Have fun looking and trying out new hairstyles.

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Yep, 35 years.  Shoulder length or shorter, layers, a variation of a Jennifer Aniston as Rachel-type haircut, or Jessica Simpson style (when she has shorter hair).  There was a one year period where I had a radical change, to a Princess Diana haircut.  :laugh:


I have long known that woman's lifelong quest is for the perfect haircut.

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I don't think I have ever had the same hair style for longer than 2 years in all my adult life.  I have styles as short as 5 weeks.   My hair grows fast so it is easy to change it.


I am always cutting, growing, chopping or just doing something different. I do not color my hair, so cutting it ....or growing it out, is what I do.


Right now it is long (past my bra strap in the back) and in layers. 5 years ago, it was a short inverted bob.  I have had 10 or so variations of styles as it grew out.  Blunt cuts, layers, bangs, no bangs, and many things in between. 



I have had it so short that the hair stylist shaved the back of my neck

I have had it as long as 4-5 inches longer than my bra strap.  

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About 3 years--long with layers. Previously long without layers--the difference is probably pretty subtle, but I like the layers.


Not sure I even know what a stacked bob or inverted bob are! I'm pretty much out of the loop for current trends--I just go to Great Clips 2 or 3 times a year.


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Maybe a year and a half.  I had it cut short about 3 years ago (10" cut off), but have changed the style maybe twice.  The most drastic cut I've ever done was 22" of hair.  Talk about stress.  When it's long, it's pretty much the same, though sometimes I had bangs, sometimes not, sometimes layers, sometimes not, etc, but I could always do stuff with it.  I have a million ways to style my hair when it's long, but it's soooooo thick, it's easier to take care of short.

For some reason, every year around my b-day, I get antsy and want to do something with my hair.  I'll either get it cut (if it's long), colored (I have had so many colors!), highlighted or something.  This year, I had it straightened, and I love it.  

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About 35 years. I have thin, fine straight hair and a very high forehead. I've had some version of the 70's "wings" (less pronounced now) the whole time because I don't want to look like I'm balding.  My hair started out longish but has gotten shorter over the years and is now just shoulder length. I curl it slightly under. I cut it myself because I always hate what anyone else does to it.


A couple of years ago, a hair dresser friend convinced me to let her cut it. I showed her a picture of what I wanted. She ended up giving me feathery layers around my face and long bangs over my eyebrows (not what I asked for) which drove me crazy. I went back to the old style as soon as possible.

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I have curly hair and have had long hair for several years. I'll probably cut it to shoulder length again soon. I've had it very short or with layers or bangs before, but it's been a long time. I don't really have a particular hairstyle, but I like how my Deva stylist cuts it better than any other cut I've had.

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Since August. I had long curly hair and cut it shorter, like a bob without bangs. I liked it longer, but the condition was getting poor and it never looked quite right. I also was starting on campus classes and wanted something that would be easier to get ready in the morning and not get caught in a backpack. 


The front is still long enough that I don't look like a Qtip head. 

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my fall back style has been long enough so I can French braid it, or pull it up.


I've done many haircuts trying to keep a shorter, more sophisticated, style.  I think the longest it's been short is still under four years - then, I grow it back out, so I can pull it up.  My hair simply grows too fast, even now, short hair is just a big hassle to me.  (unless it's SUPER short. - and I simply don't like it that short.)


I finally decided, I didn't care any more, I can have long gray hair (I foil to hide the gray) - and pull it up.  I'll spend money on barrettes, hair sticks, combs, etc. without guilt,  after all, I'm not spending it on a haircut.

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Probably since middle school, with a disastrous detour now and then. So, going on 40 years, I guess.


My hair used to be thick, coarse and frizzy. Every now and again, I would go to a "good" salon and turn myself over the the stylist, hoping he or she could work some kind of miracle. And I often did walk out of the salon that day looking nice, but it was only after literally one or two hours of a professional stylist working on me. The minute I washed my hair, we were back to frizzy and unmanageable. When all else failed (as it usually did), I'd be back to pulling it back with a couple of barrettes. 


During my high school years, I tried blow drying it straight and pretty much every other technique I read about anywhere, but it eventually turned out the best option was using big hot rollers to sort of tame the frizz into softer curls . . . which I then pulled back with barrettes.


For a couple of years in my young adulthood, I tried a bob, which I blew out more or less straight and kept dyed red. But then it became too much trouble. (Plus, I had an unsettling date with a guy who told me he asked me out because he'd "always wanted to date a redhead," which just made me feel weird and self-conscious and fake.) I dyed it back to more or less my natural color and started letting it grow out . . . and pulling it back with barrettes.


Sometimes I have bangs, sometimes not. Sometimes I part in the middle or one one side or the other. For many years I kept it rather long, almost to my waist, in part because the sheer weight of it seemed to help make it lay flatter on my head. A decade or so ago, I started keeping it a bit shorter, sometimes as short as a bit above my shoulders, but usually either shoulder length or a squinch longer. I've also learned to encourage it to curl on its own, rather than frizz, and it's gotten a bit thinner and finer as I've aged. Both of those factors make it easier to manage and more flattering on me. But it's still definitely a variation on the same theme.

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I always have bangs - feathered bangs in the 80's, with a waist length spiral perm in the early 90's, with a shoulder length bob when I cut off the remnants of the spiral perm in the mid 90's.  Since the late 90's I've had bangs and long layers with overall length from a couple inches below shoulder to waist length.  I stick with that basic concept because it's really what works best for my hair and my lifestyle (I will not blow dry, straighten, curl, etc. on a daily basis or really ever).

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My hair does not grow much past my shoulders. A few times, I have cut it shorter than my shoulders. But pretty much, it has always been the same, shorter or longer...but only varies by a few inches. But I used to be naturally a dark blond with wavy hair. Now my hair has gotten quite dark, with some gray on the sides, and curly and poofy. All natural. I used to have reddishness in my hair, I think that is pretty much gone too.

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Probably since middle school, with a disastrous detour now and then. So, going on 40 years, I guess.


My hair used to be thick, coarse and frizzy. Every now and again, I would go to a "good" salon and turn myself over the the stylist, hoping he or she could work some kind of miracle. And I often did walk out of the salon that day looking nice, but it was only after literally one or two hours of a professional stylist working on me. The minute I washed my hair, we were back to frizzy and unmanageable. When all else failed (as it usually did), I'd be back to pulling it back with a couple of barrettes.


During my high school years, I tried blow drying it straight and pretty much every other technique I read about anywhere, but it eventually turned out the best option was using big hot rollers to sort of tame the frizz into softer curls . . . which I then pulled back with barrettes.


For a couple of years in my young adulthood, I tried a bob, which I blew out more or less straight and kept dyed red. But then it became too much trouble. (Plus, I had an unsettling date with a guy who told me he asked me out because he'd "always wanted to date a redhead," which just made me feel weird and self-conscious and fake.) I dyed it back to more or less my natural color and started letting it grow out . . . and pulling it back with barrettes.


Sometimes I have bangs, sometimes not. Sometimes I part in the middle or one one side or the other. For many years I kept it rather long, almost to my waist, in part because the sheer weight of it seemed to help make it lay flatter on my head. A decade or so ago, I started keeping it a bit shorter, sometimes as short as a bit above my shoulders, but usually either shoulder length or a squinch longer. I've also learned to encourage it to curl on its own, rather than frizz, and it's gotten a bit thinner and finer as I've aged. Both of those factors make it easier to manage and more flattering on me. But it's still definitely a variation on the same theme.

You're my hair twin.


The last haircut I had I just asked for a trim. The stylist asked if I wanted it thinned out a little and I agreed. Well she went psycho with the thinning scissors, cut way too much and inches from my scalp. I am now doubly frizzy because of it. I'm constantly going to the bathroom to wet down all the frizzy fly-aways. There is nothing I can do, just wait for it to grow. All I wanted was a trim!!! Waaaahhh! I hate my hair.

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For me, not very long. My hair grows very quickly, and I am fickle.  The cycle usually goes like this:  Let it grow for 6 months (usually reaches mid-back or longer at this point).  Get hot during the summer, or have some sort of hormonal outburst, and chop it all off in the bathroom.  Rinse and repeat.  I cut my own hair, so it is usually a variation on some sort of layering.  


My dh....wore a mullet for 17 years.  Seventeen, long, long years.  Happy to report that he finally cut that thing off about 7 years ago.  


Unless you are rocking a mullet, I would say do whatever hairstyle you feel comfortable in.

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Most of my life.


I have VERY wavy hair.  It is also thick.  It is in long layers, always.  If I were to have it all one length, it would look like it was growing OUT and not down!


I could never do a bob without major thinning and LOTS of time to blow dry straight.  It isn't worth the time to me.  I am a wash and go gal and this is the only style that will do that.

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I had short hair through most of the '80s (high school and part of college). My hair has been pretty much the same for the past 20 or so years - chin-shoulder-length. Yesterday I had about 3 inches cut off. Love that feeling. I usually go for trims regularly. Also, I had my hair relaxed and next week I'll have a keratin treatment. I do this about every 5-6 months. It helps a lot with my frizz. I'm usually a wash-and-go type - never blow dry, sometimes I use my CHI iron, but not very often. 



Love that cut! 

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At  46, my hair has been in a mid-life crisis for a couple years now.  I think I finally may be happy with it, settling into where it belonged all along, which involves elements of prior hairstyles but slightly different.  I could have styled it this way my whole life and gotten away with the style, but there's a lot I didn't know how to do.

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I change my style every 6 months to a year. It is full, very wavy, has hormone problems and frizzes out in places. It is brown and lighter towards the last 3 inches because of sun bleaching. I'm growing it long, it is just past my shoulders, I have bangs but they drive me crazy. With bangs my eyes look big and round, without bangs my eyes look very almond shaped. I tried the bob, I did not like it. I try asking for really short cuts but the hairdresser is always afraid I won't like it so short. I need courage.


Yeah, thinning out can be a nightmare.

I've got my silver and white hairs coming in in places, not too obvious yet.

I haven't had a perm in a long time, dh doesn't like the look on me. ?


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You're my hair twin.


The last haircut I had I just asked for a trim. The stylist asked if I wanted it thinned out a little and I agreed. Well she went psycho with the thinning scissors, cut way too much and inches from my scalp. I am now doubly frizzy because of it. I'm constantly going to the bathroom to wet down all the frizzy fly-aways. There is nothing I can do, just wait for it to grow. All I wanted was a trim!!! Waaaahhh! I hate my hair.


Yes, I've had similar unfortunate experiences. So many stylists seem to think they have "the answer" for this kind of hair. All I need, according to them, is a "good cut." But either that's not true or all those folks who thought they were the ones able to provide that good cut were wrong, because most of them just made things worse.


In my the wisdom of my advanced age, I've decided that the only thing that works is to support my hair doing what it wants to do naturally, with as little intervention as possible and just tame the results. Once i made the decision, I actually started to like and appreciate my hair. I get compliments on it frequently, actually. 


So, dear hair twin, I wish for you a a quick growing out of this latest hair mishap and the peace of mind of hair acceptance in your near future!

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Yes, I've had similar unfortunate experiences. So many stylists seem to think they have "the answer" for this kind of hair. All I need, according to them, is a "good cut." But either that's not true or all those folks who thought they were the ones able to provide that good cut were wrong, because most of them just made things worse.


In my the wisdom of my advanced age, I've decided that the only thing that works is to support my hair doing what it wants to do naturally, with as little intervention as possible and just tame the results. Once i made the decision, I actually started to like and appreciate my hair. I get compliments on it frequently, actually.


So, dear hair twin, I wish for you a a quick growing out of this latest hair mishap and the peace of mind of hair acceptance in your near future!

Thank you!

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I have changed a lot. I have had very long and very short and everything in between. I never had bangs though until about 3 months ago.  Now I have side bangs and I do love them!


Right now I'm busy with my kids and don't have time to go to the salon as often. So am doing a slightly above the shoulder cut that can grow for up to 10 weeks without looking too bad if I can't get in for an appointment.  I just trim the bangs myself.

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