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Please pray with us

Melinda S in TX

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We know you are praying, but we are asking for special prayer for Steven this evening.  This battle will be won one way or the other very soon.  We are praying and believing for complete healing and restoration.  Join us in prayer at 6pm central time.  Please ask everyone you know to pray with us this evening.


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Standing with you awaiting the will of God.  


Today is the Feast of the Ascension of Christ.  Somehow, that means something to me related to your beloved.


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O Lord Jesus Christ, our God and our Savior, for our sake Thou wast born; and for our sake Thou didst hunger and thirst; for our sake Thou wast mocked, scourged and crowned with thorns; for our sake Thou didst suffer and die on the cross, offering up Thy divine life for our salvation: as Thou dost grant Thy servant Stephen. to share in Thy sufferings, grant him also to share in Thy grace.  


May Thy wounds heal the wounds of his sins.  May Thy precious Blood wash away the stains of his sins.  May Thy divine righteousness purge from him every iniquity.  Look upon his faith in Thee, and the faith of us who pray, and do what is best for him according to Thy mercy, rather than our merit.  As his sickness increases, so likewise increase in him Thy power and strength.  Let not his faith waver or his hope fail, or his love grow cold.  Let not the fear of suffering and death cause him to cast away his hope in Thee, or to lose courage and the will to fight every sickness and sin.  Let him rather look always to Thee even to the very end, and cry out, as Thou Thyself didst cry from the cross to God:  “Into Thy hands, Good Father, I commend My spirit.† Bless him to enter Thine everlasting Kingdom, where all the saints continually shine with Thy divine glory.  


For Thou hast suffered that we might be healed, and hast died that we might live, and we send up thanksgiving and praise to Thee, to the Father Who sent Thee, and to Thy most Holy Spirit, Who strengthens us to share Thy passion, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. 

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