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American Liberals - Where do you get your news?


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Not meaning this to be controversial. I'm just really curious. :)


I've seen polls that FOX news has way more viewers than CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc.  That makes me wonder... I can't imagine there are that many more conservatives in this country than liberals. (We're conservative. We don't own a TV, just get our news online, mostly through FOX.)


Are liberals really turning to FOX for their news? Or are there just other venues that are being used here... Any liberal (or non-conservative) Americans wanna help me out? 


And I'm *NOT* asking for a commentary on which news source is best/better, etc. :) 

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I turn on NPR first thing in the morning, and it's what we listen to any time the radio is on.

We don't watch TV, and if I see something interesting pop up on my news reader, I'll read it.

Anything but Fox news--but I avoid HuffPo too. Can't stand that either.


And we're liberal. :D

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NPR and BBC are my go-to news sources. With the exception of local news, I get most of my news online since we don't have cable.


I would never watch FOX. I used to check the MSNBC website in the morning but I don't like the new interface. Can't stand HuffPo. Too much anti-science woo there.

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Not meaning this to be controversial. I'm just really curious. :)


I've seen polls that FOX news has way more viewers than CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc.  That makes me wonder... I can't imagine there are that many more conservatives in this country than liberals. (We're conservative. We don't own a TV, just get our news online, mostly through FOX.)


Are liberals really turning to FOX for their news? Or are there just other venues that are being used here... Any liberal (or non-conservative) Americans wanna help me out? 


And I'm *NOT* asking for a commentary on which news source is best/better, etc. :)



I suspect most Fox (or any TV news) viewers tend to be older.  And in general older people tend to be more conservative than younger people.


I don't know any younger or middle-aged people who rely on TV as their main source of news.


I suspect that liberals who watch TV news are probably fairly well split between CNN and MSNBC.


I probably qualify as liberal and I get my news from many sources.  Most of them online, and from both domestic and foreign news outlets.  I do watch CNN and MSNBC, but consider them much more entertainment than news.


FWIW, I don't know anyone in real life who will admit to watching Fox news.  Not even my super conservative relatives.  Maybe they do watch it, but they won't admit to it.

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I turn on NPR first thing in the morning, and it's what we listen to any time the radio is on.

We don't watch TV, and if I see something interesting pop up on my news reader, I'll read it.

Anything but Fox news--but I avoid HuffPo too. Can't stand that either.


And we're liberal. :D


This except for the last part. I'm breaking rules by posting at all, b/c I'm more conservative than liberal, but mostly libertarian.


Oh, and I find non-American sources are best for news about the US. Call me crazy. It'd be the nicest thing I've been called.  :lol:

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I don't watch news on TV or listen to the radio.


I think it's good to look at a variety of sources. Online, I read news from the BBC, NBC news, CNN, and the Sydney Morning Herald. Occasionally I'll pop over to HuffPo (but I think they pay too much attention to celebrities and hurt their credibility that way), Slate, or the Guardian. I don't watch videos, so there are some things on CNN and NBC that I only see the headline for.


We read our local newspaper on Sunday, and DH subscribes to the Economist. Sometimes I find interesting news on Twitter, too (e.g., if you follow the USGS, you'll find out about minor earthquakes that don't make headlines).

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I read my news on CNN or MSNBC, I watch the Daily Show regularly and I read any interesting articles that catch my attention.  I don't have cable so no news networks for me.  I was subjected to Fox News a year and half ago (for like 4 days straight!  I wanted to stab my eyes)  when we went visit dh's very old grandparents, I think that is a good chunk of their viewership.  I know of absolutely no one under 50 that gets their news from TV, which is probably why Fox leads.  I definitely would not say there are more conservatives than liberals, or that media is particularly liberal, it's just one of those talking points.


ETA:  Viewing or reading information with a critical mind is very important in this politically divisive climate so I also cross check or fact check nearly everything I read, heavily biased information from either side is obviously not reliable.  And if the website loudly proclaims on it's front page something about "OBAMACARE" it clearly cannot be trusted to give much in the way of real or true information.

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If you add up CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Huffpost, etc., it will probably even out Fox.


Furthermore, there are more conservatives than liberals in America (but more liberal media than conservative media)


Correct.  I have heard polls in which people "self describe" themselves (redundant?) as liberal, conservative, or other.  Liberals are around 20%, conservatives are around 40%, and other rounds out the mix.  You sure wouldn't know that watching "mainstream" (ie: the alphabet channels) media.

Hot Lava Mama

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I don't watch TV.


I listen to NPR (Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Marketplace) daily. I listen to some BBC. I read NPR and BBC websites. I read The Economist when dh remembers it home from the office. I read Science.


I check my Twitter feed when I get up, at lunch, while making dinner, and before bed.


I am just to the right of Bleeding Heart ;)

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I'm about as liberal as you can get. I read The Economist fairly regularly, and most mornings I scan several news websites, such as BBC, CNN, etc.  For specifically political news, especially during election seasons, I go to Dailykos.  If there's some big thing going on and I want up to the second news, I'll check the CNN or NBCNews websites.  The only TV "news" I ever watch is The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, which I find much more informative than any of the news networks.  (Though I will always have a huge crush on Rachel Maddow. :001_wub: )  

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I don't watch any tv. However when I feel like I'm in the mood for "news", I troll around to a lot of different websites. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, BBC, local ABC or CBS.


Then again, I'd classify myself as moderate. A liberal conservative or conservative liberal. ;) So, I'm not your target demographic for this question.

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I don't watch TV.


I listen to NPR (Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Marketplace) daily. I listen to some BBC. I read NPR and BBC websites. I read The Economist ...




I am just to the right of Bleeding Heart ;)

That and BBC World News. My dog knows it's dinner time when she hears Kai Ryssdal (Marketplace comes on at 6 here.) My dad is 72. He listens to NPR, watches NewsHour on PBS and watched Al Jazeera until they blocked the US internet feed. (He still grumbles about that regularly)


Except I dangle off the edge of left. ;)

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I can't believe how many people don't watch TV.  What is wrong with you people?  Nobody ever gets killed in scary movies while watching TV (except for The Ring)!  Don't you care about your mortality??  Sheesh.


I surf the web, but mostly prefer foreign news sites as they don't really seem to have a slant in either direction (or at least not a big slant).  I like BBC.  It's amazing how much news there is going on around the world that most Americans never seem to know about.  We do watch the local news just see what's going on, and we watch NCB Evening News, because I have a tiny crush on Brian William's voice. ;)

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I very rarely to never get my news from TV. Sometimes I'll listen to the radio (NPR/local news on a music station), but mostly I prefer to read my news. I subscribed to the RSS feeds for the BBC, Al Jazeera America, and PBS NewsHour. From there it's rabbit trails, but almost never includes the American networks outside of NPR/PBS.

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Online- NPR, BBC, Aljazeera America, and Huffington (when I don't mind feeling smutty)

TV- very occasionally PBS, Rachel Maddow, Daily Show, Bill Maher

I'm not as informed as I used to be. So busy, so tired...

But, I'm not a liberal, more of a scoffer... at all politics.

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I don't watch news on TV, everything I get comes from online sources.  I start with NBC News, move onto CNN, then end up at Yahoo (which is less liberal then the other two but I like its layout) and sometimes I'll check BBC and NPR.  I used to look at Fox News, they have interesting "human interest" stories.  I had to stop though, the other stories featured tended to make my blood boil.  At my mom's house Fox News plays 24/7, except when I'm there, it makes us argue too much.  Discovery channel is a more neutral choice.

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Dh and I are both conservative but we watch no tv news. We both do look/listen to NPR and BBC often. If we're looking for something specific we will wander into ABC, CBS, CNN, or local news stations. Neither of us is a fan of Fox news and it plays in most places around here (we just sit away from the tv or tell our dds to ignore the nonsense).

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It occurred to me last night, and is being born out by the posts on this thread, that liberals will never have a network to rival Fox News because almost all the ones I know (including me) prefer to get their news from a fairly wide variety of sources.  I can't see most of them ever worshipping at the feet of one source.

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BBC, PBS, NPR….rarely MSNBC (I'm not a fan of pundits of any political stripe)….used to read the CS Monitor.  Our PBS station has the BBC news every night around 6:30 p.m.   Sometimes Al-Jazeera (website) as we don't get Al Jazeera America on our TV.  I usually check the Huffington Post, Politico, CBS, and NBC websites.  


And…Comedy Central (Jon Steward and Stephen Colbert)   :blush:

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Did you hear the news about Stephen Colbert!?


Yes, and I'm sad…but I'm trying to hold off judgement until I see what he does with David Letterman's show.  


These days, I actually prefer Colbert to Stewart…..and I miss Ham Rove. I hope Colbert brings him back for the next election.

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Liberal here. I almost never ever watch news on TV. That's extremely rare. Mostly I get news from our local paper (which most people would consider liberal) and the Sunday New York Times. Also we listen to NPR. If there is some big breaking news that we want to turn the TV on for it would be CNN (or local ABC affiliate if it's a local news event.)

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I'm about as liberal as you can get. I read The Economist fairly regularly, and most mornings I scan several news websites, such as BBC, CNN, etc.  For specifically political news, especially during election seasons, I go to Dailykos.  If there's some big thing going on and I want up to the second news, I'll check the CNN or NBCNews websites.  The only TV "news" I ever watch is The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, which I find much more informative than any of the news networks.  (Though I will always have a huge crush on Rachel Maddow. :001_wub: )  


yes.... this.... except CNN makes me a bit nuts.... so i tend towards one australian source, too.


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Thanks for all the feedback! :)


FWIW, we don't 'worship at the feet' of Fox News. We'd be to the right of them.  :leaving:  They drive me crazy by being too politically correct. :)  I mostly skim the headlines in the morning & before bed to be sure I haven't missed a major terrorist attack or anything (I grew up in NYC - was there when the WTC were hit). But I've quit going to CNN, etc. even out of curiosity. I get too mad. :) Now, I've never been to NPR. Seeing that mentioned here enough... Might be a good 'nother perspective. I'll have to check it out. :) 

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NPR mostly and our local news radio.  I scan the CNN website and the websites for the local paper and TV station.  We don't actually watch TV news unless we have a tornado heading our way, then it's helpful to see the maps rather than just listen.


I do see Fox News anytime I'm out, because around here every doctor's office, dentist's office, auto repair shop, etc. is tuned to Fox News around the clock.  I was even subjected to it for a full day when on jury duty.  There were TVs throughout the area where the jury pool had to wait.  I guess they turn it off if a trial makes national news.

(Sorry to sound so negative, but I would think even ultra-conservatives would go crazy watching the station 8 hours straight.  Honestly I'd feel the same being trapped with CNN's talking heads all day.)

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I do not watch TV. I get my news from BBC and the website of the semi local newspaper. When relevent I read the source. For example if there is a bill in the state legislature tha is a big deal locally I read the bill in full rather than assume any news or organization is being honest in how they present the issue.

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I am liberal, too. Well, maybe left of Lenin.  ;)  I am a Noam Chomsky libertarian type.


I don't own a TV and rarely listen to the radio, so my sources are online for the most part.  I start with the local paper's web site for local news, then i go to the nearest big city's newspaper website.


After that, I read Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, then I check Google News and Al Jazeera.  Occasionally I look at Huffington post, but there is very little news there as far as I can tell.  I used to read MSNBC until the redesign but not anymore.  Sometimes I check ABC News.AU or The Local in Swedish.


That said, I find the news depressing and I most often just scan the headlines so I can sound less like a troglodyte at the office.  ;)

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