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What size does your 8/9 year old dd wear in shoes and clothes?


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My dd is 75%  for her height and weight, she definitely cannot wear skinny jeans.  She is more athletic built like me.  No stomach but what some might call solid??  Her build runs in the family, if that makes sense.   I am curious  what  size other girls her age wear?

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My 9 (and 3 months) year old wears a size 8 (slim for pants) in gap/old navy clothes and it fits perfectly. For shoes generally a 2.5 or so depending on the style. She is right at the 50th percentile for both height and weight.


I am dreading the move to 10's because they are so much bigger than the 8's.


Eta - she is 53 inches and right around 60 lbs

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My 8.5 y/o girl is built like a pencil.  So it's tricky to find pants to fit - she has the same waist size as my 6 y/o and my 4 y/o but is significantly taller!  She's usually okay in a 6x, so long as there is an adjustable waistband.  And I think she's a 12 in shoes.

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Mine recently turned 10, but she's worn size 14/16 since turning 9. She's athletically built as well, maybe slightly larger for her age, especially in the belly area. She loves jeggings, and we have them in many brands (TCP, from Kohls, Target). Jeans haven't worked for her for a few years, (too long for the size she needs, to small in the waist) so we don't buy them at all. She also loves skirts and leggings, athletic pants (the C9 brand from Target especially). Even though she's at the very upper end for girls sizing, I don't even look at juniors. Shirts seem way too long and narrow, and chest too large or too low cut. Fortunately, she's maintained about the same size for a long time, except getting taller. She also loves oversized sweatshirts (Under Armour) for winter.


When she was 9, she could still wear the last size in shoes for girls (5 or 6) and/or women's size 6 1/2 to 7. Now she's women's shoes only which is tricky to find them not too wide. Famous Footwear has been our best bet for a variety to try on.

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My dd just turned 8 and still wears a size 6 or 7 and weighs 42 pounds.  She wears a size 10 shoe.  She's tiny!


She prefers to wear stretch pants and long shirts or sweaters in the winter.   Ugg style boots with mis-matched socks underneath.


Summer - usually a skirt with bike shorts underneath so she can flip.  We can't find shorts that are comfy enough for her.  She had one pair last summer that she wore a lot with tank tops.  Flip flops on the feet.  Every day.

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Dd just turned 9 and is 54" tall and about 60 lbs. She wears an 8 for pants but they have to have an adjustable waist. She's tall and slim and the 8's are just long enough but always too big in the waist. She was still wearing 6's to stay home in--until I finally threw them out--and they fit her waist but were well above her ankles. She just moved up to a size 4 shoe.

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Dd7 is the height of most 8 or 9 yo. She wears size 10 plus in pants to fit her stocky build. I buy Old Navy skinny jeans in the plus size and use the adjusters to help them fit right. The plus size has room for her thighs and the skinny bottom keeps them on her ankles instead of dragging the ground since they are a bit long.
She wears a 14 size top if it is a thin shape and a size 10 if it is boxy.

Size 4 wide shoe.

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My dd10 (just turned 10 in November) was wearing size 12 jeans (mainly for length because she is slim) and a size 8 or 9 women's  :svengo: shoe when she was 9.


She weighs about 80 pounds and is right at 5'0" tall. She has never been on the growth charts for her age though. Always well over.


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My dd8 has a long torso, so wears size 10-12 in tops, but slim waist, so is still in size 8 pants.  She's always been tall for her age.  She's in about a 1 for her shoes.  (And heaven help him, but her little brother - 2 years younger - is almost the same size!)

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My 8 year old is 4'3" tall and weighs 80#. She has an athletic build - more swimmer/linebacker than jockey/dancer - and is solid. LOL


Her shoes are 3-4, her pants/skirts are 10-12, her tops/dresses are 12 (sometimes 14). She has broad shoulders and has to size up for those, but the fit is baggy.  It seems like most girls' clothing today is the skinny-fit, which doesn't work for her body type. When she wears her (boy) cousins' clothes, she wears a size 8-10/MED in both pants and tees. I think it's the fit.  Her dad has the same issue with tees, now that so many stores sell the Athletic Fit and he has those same broad shoulders.


Me, I'm petite and have a hard time dressing the both of them!

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My dd turned 9 last summer. She has 8's that fits and 10's that fits. Some 8's are a little small, some 10's are a little large. She is 4'7" 1/2 and 69 lbs. I think she wears about a size 2.5-3 shoe in kids. She's looking more long and lean as time goes on. Built like DH (lucky her!). She's been at the high 60's for weight for a LONG time. She looks tall among other girls her age, but I suspect she might just be early to stop growing? I didn't get much taller after age 11. (ETA she also dances 4-6 days a week typically)

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DD is 9 in July. She needs at least a 9 in pants, she's a bit tall, generally slim but i think she has a spurt coming. She's usually a size ahead of her age, just for the length, then add belts etc. Size 2 shoes, this is quite new.

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My DD will be 9 this spring.  She's got sort of a willowy build, even though she's not super tall.  Pants are tricky.  She can wear a 6, maybe even a 5, around her waist, but she needs a 7 for the length. Shirts are 5/6, again we need a bigger size for long sleeves.  She's wearing size 13/1 in shoes, depending on the brand.

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DD will be 8 shortly and is a 8 in tops and 8/10 in pants (for length only), then I have to take it in(I have taken to sewing her skirts as I do not find those with adjustable waists). Dresses are hard because she is so skinny and tall that the one that fits in the top is too short (like street walker short :lol: ) and the one that is long enough is too loose in the top.

Shoes she is a 3 (and about to hit the 4 I think). After that I think we hit women's sizes???? or is there a 5?

DS9 has already hit men's size shoes :glare: , I am not looking forward to the selection options and price increase iykwim.



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My DDs are 9 and will be 10 fairly soon. They wear mostly 8s in jeans or mediums. They are a little big but the next size down is much too small. They wear mediums in shirts or probably a 7/8. They wear 12s or 13 in shoes. Their 12s are from last year but anything I've bought recently has been a 13. They are about 50lbs and 50in. They used to be tiny but have really been catching up lately. I thought they were about average until I saw them coming out of Sunday School last week and they were a head shorter than most other kids.


They are about average, IMO, as far as build. They aren't super skinny but they don't have any excess either. It's hard because I have a very petite build and they seem to have a larger frame than me. They're still small, but I guess even they have noticed. One of them told me yesterday she needed to be skinnier because I am skinnier than her. :( I told her that she and her sister are already among the smallest 9yr olds we know!

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