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Would you go to a Christmas sing at a neighbor's house?


Would you go to this Christmas sing?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you go to this Christmas sing?

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I know it isn't even Halloween yet, but I'm just excited about this idea.


Here are the details on this Christmas sing:

- All the neighbors know each other fairly well. We're not all best friends, but we chat a lot and everyone is very friendly.

- There will be piano accompaniment, so it's not like you have to worry about your voice standing out.

- There will be food: appetizers, hot chocolate, desserts.

- There will also be activities for the kids after we sing several kid-friendly songs.


Does this seem weird? Dh thinks that people wouldn't come because they would be uncomfortable. Is that true? Are most people uncomfortable singing, even in a group? I think people love to sing Christmas carols and this is a fun, festive environment in which to do it.

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I'll house sit for the highest bidder, as I'd rather eat bees than attend the party. :)


Maybe I'm scarred from having a Christmas sing sprung upon me. I accepted an invitation that said nothing about singing, then found out it was two hours of a singalong. I cannot sing. At all. But they wouldn't let me just listen (and even that was more than I wanted to do). I wound up holding a tambourine and seething with resentment. I know...quite the trauma. Hold me.


So...no. But have fun!

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I'll house sit for the highest bidder, as I'd rather eat bees than attend the party. :)


Maybe I'm scarred from having a Christmas sing sprung upon me. I accepted an invitation that said nothing about singing, then found out it was two hours of a singalong. I cannot sing. At all. But they wouldn't let me just listen (and even that was more than I wanted to do). I wound up holding a tambourine and seething with resentment. I know...quite the trauma. Hold me.


So...no. But have fun!

Dh's family has a sing-a-long every Christmas.  I love going, but when it comes to the singing, I just sort of mouth the words.  Sometimes I do the bells!

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We actually have!  Our neighbors in Heidelberg (the best neighbors EVER) had a Christmas Eve open house every year, and each one of them learned a song on the piano just for the open house.  All guests were asked to sing along.  We had such a great time.  I'm not a great singer, but other than James Bond, who studied opera in college and has a gorgeous voice, no one else was either.  We just belted it out and had a great time.  I would love to do this again.  I miss those neighbors.  They were the kind of neighbors everyone wants and everyone should strive to be like.

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I'll house sit for the highest bidder, as I'd rather eat bees than attend the party. :)


Maybe I'm scarred from having a Christmas sing sprung upon me. I accepted an invitation that said nothing about singing, then found out it was two hours of a singalong. I cannot sing. At all. But they wouldn't let me just listen (and even that was more than I wanted to do). I wound up holding a tambourine and seething with resentment. I know...quite the trauma. Hold me.


So...no. But have fun!

That sounds horrible! And that's exactly what I want to avoid, so I would definitely call it a Christmas sing. People will know what it is before they show up, so they can decide whether or not it's for them. I would never want to throw that on someone. I can't believe they forced you to sing. That's crazy. So sorry for your trauma. :(

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I live in the NE and that sounds like every single Christmas party I have ever been to in my life. What else would you do? Eat, drink, hang out with friends, let the kids run rampant and sing a few Christmas songs. Then everyone gives everyone wine and chocolate and you go home. Then you do it again a few days later with a different set of friends.



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I live in the NE and that sounds like every single Christmas party I have ever been to in my life. What else would you do? Eat, drink, hang out with friends, let the kids run rampant and sing a few Christmas songs. Then everyone gives everyone wine and chocolate and you go home. Then you do it again a few days later with a different set of friends.


I want to live near you and be your friend!  Sounds like a hoot!

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I want to live near you and be your friend!  Sounds like a hoot!


Sweetheart, you are welcome!


We live in a big college town so many people live far from family. On Christmas day we host a big potluck and anyone who is in town is welcome to come. If you have guests in town, just bring them along, we'd love to meet them!


We have a house full! We always make a cocktail (last year it was sangria) and I make one large entree, appetizers, drinks (alcoholic and non and lots and lots of juice for the kids), cookies and nibbles and then whatever else people bring is fine.


We all huddle around the food while the kids go INSANE and have a good time. There is singing. Loud singing. I own a piano and usually there are several people who can play. We pass babies around. Once we had a snowball fight in the house.


Everyone leaves early-ish and then DH and I take down the tree and then we get up and drive 6 hours to my mom's house for a second Christmas with her. I sit on her couch and drink eggnog for three days.


Some day the kids will all be gone and we will have a sedate party, but I hope not for a long time.

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I have been invited to one for many years now and I never go though I love the quite nice gal who invites me. I do not like to sing in general. It's unusual for me to sing in the car or shower and I'd be mortified if even my dh heard me. It's taken me years to be willing to even sing those silly nursery rhyme things with my preschoolers in the privacy of our home. *blush*


But I hear tell my friend has a wonderful fun turn out.


So if you want to do it, then just do it and see how it goes.

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I voted no but it's not because I think your idea is a bad one. I'm an introvert married to an introvert.  I hate parties. We do just fine with 4 or fewer couples but more than that- no, thank you. 


Secondly, I do not sing. Ever. My children know I am not going to sing Happy Birthday like everyone else does. I seriously cannot sing. Not even a little bit. For years I lip synced when I had to sing in church or at birthday parties. Then about ten years ago I decided I was done with that. I am talented in many areas. Singing is not one of them. 

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Well, no one ever HAS to sing. It isn't like a rule. There are always people who will sing enthusiastically, and it helps if there are children who know the words. Singing the songs from Mama Mia and Greece might have happened a couple of times. Maybe. I am neither confirming nor denying. 


I have another friend who hosts a traditional wassailing party and that does involve mandatory singing. But, she is a music teacher. She has people going in harmony and she only invites people she knows can sing. She is a bit weird and intimidating.

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My expat community had organized caroling, and I went despite not being able to carry a tune in a bucket. It was fun! Also there was the German hot wine (I can't spell it) supplied by the German lady (there is always one, lol) for carrying around the cold night, so that helped. It sounds like a great way to meet the neighbors- maybe you can be the lady with the wine?

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There are always a few of those around here that everyone likes to go to. I usually avoid them because of the huge crowds involved, but the few I've gone to have been nice. Because yours is a first time and it might not be crazy crowded, I'd probably come.

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I knew I wasn't crazy! People love to sing carols and eat good food with friends!


Dh thinks homeschoolers aren't a good sample because we're all a little unusual to start with, but I'm assuming the Christmas sings you all have gone to or hosted involve mostly non-homeschoolers, right?


Whatever, dude. I already ordered our sing-along book for the piano. This thing is happening. (Speaking of piano music for sing-alongs, does anyone have a book they love? I'd love options.)

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I wouldn't, just because that sort of event/party is not my cuppa - not because I think it sounds terrible or anything.  ;)

And I hate Christmas carols/Christmas songs.  Love the time of year - just don't care for the music.  :D


Now, a Christmas party with food and everything minus any carols?  Count me in.  ;)

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I would come.  I would visit, eat the appetizers and drink hot chocolate, but I wouldn't sing - unless there was some peppermint schnapps in the chocolate, and I'd had several. :laugh:   I don't sing.  But I would have fun anyway.


Bahahaha! My kinda lady. ;) My sentiments exactly.

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No way. I hate to sing. I had an epiphany in church recently while we were slogging through the 40th stanza of some praise song: I am 45; I am a responsible adult; I do not have to sing if I don't want to. So I don't. I stand there and make a mental to-do list, or scan the crowd for fashion ideas, but I do not sing.

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