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When a Child has Birthday, Do They Get out of School?

Guest Xapis10

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Guest Xapis10

What do you do for your kids' birthdays? Is it a normal school day for them? A partial day? Do they get off of school? I have a summer birthday, so I'm prone to want birthdays to be free. Is that spoiling?

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I couldnt figure this out until i thought more carefully - ds 9's birthday is Sept 6th and we are usually still on break. dd 16s birthday is april 2nd and i usually try to make that a break. we school year round with quarterly 2-week (or sometimes 3 lol) breaks approx xmas/new years, end of march/early april, late june, early sept

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We take off from school completely on each child's birthday. Maybe on mine too. DH's only if he can have the day off work to do something fun (which is not likely). We take off on our family's birthday (aka mine and DH's wedding anniversary). We do school year round so that we can take days like those off. :)

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We have a normal school day, with a birthday breakfast and a family birthday celebration after dinner. We also do school on my birthday. :)


But I don't think it's spoiling to let them have the day off. My two older boys have birthdays during and closely following the holiday season, so we're already taking a lot of time off. If we had early fall or spring birthdays, we might take them off. (My youngest always gets his birthday off, as he was born on Christmas Day.)



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We have a normal school day, with a birthday breakfast and a family birthday celebration after dinner. We also do school on my birthday. :)


But I don't think it's spoiling to let them have the day off. My two older boys have birthdays during and closely following the holiday season, so we're already taking a lot of time off. If we had early fall or spring birthdays, we might take them off. (My youngest always gets his birthday off, as he was born on Christmas Day.)





This is pretty much what we do too. My dd(10) had a b-day yesterday and begged for the day off. We just started back last week, and Friday is always our hardest-hitting school day because it's our only day completely at home. So no, she couldn't have it off--and I felt like scum. :-/

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We still do school on birthdays. If we are having an afternoon party, we might make it a short day in order to get everything ready.


My dh's family made a big deal about birthdays, with breakfast in bed and such, but I've never been into making birthdays a big,day-long celebration. They are just a good excuse for me to buy presents for my kids and and eat cake after dinner. :D

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DS12's birthday is on 9/6, same as my dad's. We take the day off because we do a joint family outing with my dad on that day. It's the beginning of our school year, so we usually start the day after their birthday.


DS7 and I are a week apart on our April birthdays, so we schedule our spring break for that week. DH's birthday lands in summer, so he is very opposed to school on birthdays!

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We have a half day on kids birthdays around here and we start the day with a special breakfast and end it with a supper of their choice and cake and ice cream with family and friends. For adults. We might get a gift in the evening but otherwise nothing is different on our birthdays than it is any other day of the year.

I have tried to do a little more for my dh on his birthday as he comes from a family where birthdays were a big deal. I prefer to pretend that mine doesn't exist though.

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No bookwork on birthdays, whether student's or teacher's :) but most years we do take a school-y field trip of the birthday celebrant's choosing (museum, zoo, movie, etc.)


This is true only for birthdays which fall during the school week; birthdays over weekends only see a transfer of these benefits if it's my birthday LOL.

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I have two kids, and both get the day off when it's their birthday or their sibling's birthday. Unfortunately, I still have to work but I would take the day off too.


Same here. I do have a couple of floating holidays each year, so I try to take those for the kids' birthdays, and then we all have the day ff!

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We don't take the day off, necessarily. But I don't think it's spoiling a child to take it off if a family prefers to do it that way! It's just an individual choice. We always end up having a lot of "no-school" days due to sickness, doctor appointments, and other distractions so taking a full day off for a birthday just doesn't always work. We have a festive breakfast and dinner, and that seems to be fine for us.

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We school 6 weeks 1 week off. I try to make sure our break is on his birthday. If it's on the weekend, we take the week aftewards off. Ds shares a birthday with my mother and they are best buddies. We always get together on that day, the time together is worth more what he learn that day anyway.

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Birthdays are holidays here -I cross them out on the calendar along with public holidays. We usually go on a field trip for that day. My kids love birthdays - they get so excited over them that the lack of concentration would mean we get no work done anyway.

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