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Question for families that DO trick-or-treat

When do your kids stop trick-or-treating?  

  1. 1. When do your kids stop trick-or-treating?

    • Never
    • 16
    • 15
    • 14
    • 13
    • 12
    • 11
    • 10
    • 9
    • 8

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Poll to follow.


If your children trick-or-treat in the traditional door-to-door fashion - when do your kids STOP trick-or-treating? My dd is 14 and in 9th grade. She is not sure she is ready to stop yet. She enjoys the entire evening - getting dressed, running around with her younger siblings, etc. However, she is 5'9" and looks much older - even in a costume. :D She doesn't feel staying home to hand out candy or walking with dh and I through the neighborhood while her siblings trick-or-treat hold the same appeal. :tongue_smilie:

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well, i live in the country now so we don't get trick or treaters. in the past, we did give out candy & i never minded older kids joining in on the fun. the only time i found it annoying is when they wouldn't dress up or acknowledge me at the door (they would just hold out their bag but no, "hello"..."trick or treat" ....nothing. otherwise, i say she should go and have FUN!



ugh...sorry for the initial typos, lol. making pancakes and typing! :)

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I put 13 but I guess I should have put 12. Both of my boys did not want to go trick or treating after age 12. They chose to dress up walk around the neighborhood with friends or go to/have parties for their friends but no more trick or treating.

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When I was in high school, one of our clubs went trick or treating for items for the food pantry. It was fun at the time and I still got candy. Looking back as an adult, though, it seems really rude to have put people on the spot like that.


Out little town has tons of trick or treaters every year, and no matter how much candy I buy, we end up running out before the kids stop coming. I've seen some older teens out, especially later in the evening, but usually it's middle schoolers or younger.


ETA: I didn't answer the poll, as my kids haven't stopped. I figure it's up to them when they quit and don't have any problem with older kids coming to the door, though I don't care for the gruesome costumes some wear.

Edited by WordGirl
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Mine would do it forever. They went out with a huge group of teens last year in our neighborhood and had a ball. They did get some wary looks, even though they were very polite and well-behaved.


I told mine this year that I am just tired of doing it. I'm retiring. :lol: They have a costume dance to go to, and I'll buy them some candy. I just am over the whole traipsing through neighborhoods thing.


So...my answer really is...when mom gets sick of doing it.

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My kids quit around age 11 or 12. I admit I dislike seeing kids around middle-school age or older trick-or-treating. Maybe it's because most I've seen don't really dress up and don't show the same charm and enthusiasm as the young kids. But, to me it's something for littler ones. I felt like even at 11 or 12 my kids were pushing it.


But I would still give candy with a smile; I am not a mean treats-giver! The only time I said something was when some teen boys dressed as inner-city gangsta types rang my bell after 9 pm. But I don't think that's what you're talking about. ;)

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As long as they wear a costume - they can trick or treat.



That's what I think too. I have no issues with teenagers trick-or-treating if they are wearing a costume. A group of kids walking around the neighborhood in their regular clothes with Target bags? Yeah, not so much. :glare:

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My daughters also enjoyed the costumes and all that stuff. :) But they would always wear costumes--real costumes, not just old clothes IYKWIM--and so as long as they were willing to do that, I let them go. And I don't mind handing out candy to people of any age who have the gumption to dress up like crazy people. :D

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I did it through high school. A couple friends and I dressed up as a theme and played instruments for people, mostly going to houses we knew. One year, we were trumpeting Christmas trees. Another year, we were carrots and a rabbit.


I don't hand out candy anymore (rural neighborhood - no one walks all the way to my doorstep), but I'd be totally cool with a high schooler dressed in a costume.

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As long as they wear a costume - they can trick or treat.




DD is 12 this year and I keep teasing her that it is her last year, but as long as she dresses up she can go.


A couple of years ago we were out trick or treating and a car drove up and parked next to us. The driver was a teen girl dressed as a princess and her passenger was a quite tall and built football player. They both had bags and started going door to door.

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I voted 13.


Really, my girls both stopped around 12-13 and started again when they were 16. They just went with their little brothers. :D


We usually get one or two groups of high schoolers every year, a little later than the little kids. I don't mind. When ds7 gets home, we do a peanut check then dump all the peanut candy in the teens' bags.



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Dh and I still did in our early 20s (think 22 and 21) just for something to do, we didn't expect to get any candy though, but we look young. Heck I still get candy when trick or treating with dd even though I'm not dressed up (people ask if dd is my little sister, I tell them, No, she's my daughter then they ask how old I am and when I tell them they are shocked!) Oh and this year I turned 29

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I stop costuming you after 12. You can trick or treat at 13 and 14, but you have to find your own costume and it has to be a costume. My oldest wore her ballet dress at 13 and that was fine. 14 is the age we stop at though. We don't allow scary or gross costumes either. My oldest was taller than me at 14 and she decided not to go that year. She stayed with my mom who does a little game on her carport every year for the trick or treaters. She had a blast doing that.

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I think it is common for older teens to trick or treat now. I am in a heavy traffic area for the little goblins and ghosts and am really enjoying the older kids, too. Their costumes can be awesome! Last year my daughter and I sat on the porch with candy and got a kick out of the teens dressed like the group LMFAO ( I think that's right) they had a boom box and danced up our driveway!:lol: Halloween is just fun. I don't think it has to stop at a certain age.

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We always have plenty of high schoolers who trick or treat in our neighborhood so I would let her go if she wants to. DS13 has decided that he doesn't want to trick-or-treat this year, but instead would like to dress up and hand out candy. If he still wanted to go, I would absolutely let him. I went out until I was 16.

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Ds 15 went last year (at 14) and is torn about what he wants to do this year. He's considering going with my niece and her 4 year olds so he'll have an excuse.


As someone who hands out candy, I don't mind teenage trick or treaters as long as they made some attempt at a costume and are polite. In fact, I enjoy having them come to the door. Not as much as the cute little ones, but teens are fun because you can mess with each other in a way you can't do with little kids.

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As long as they wear a costume - they can trick or treat.


:iagree: Costumed, polite kids of any age are welcome at my door! I think much of this depends on what siblings and friends are up to and what your local teen situation looks like.

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They can stop when they want to; I won't stop them. Heck, I trick-or-treated the year after I graduated high school!

I'm so glad you said so, lol, my oldest went last year (she doesn't live nearby) I was a bit embarrassed but she went with a younger cousin (9). I do hope she doesn't go this year.:)

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Our 17yo has decided not to go this year. Last year she dressed up and went door to door in our neighborhood with her younger sister. They dressed as Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen, and sang an abbreviated version of "Sisters" from White Christmas at every house.


At our house, dressing up is just part of the deal -- the kids also come up with some sort of song or dance to perform at each house. I think they like the theatrical aspect of it more than they care about the candy. They work on this for WEEKS, coming up with a concept, figuring out how to make it work on various porches, costuming, rehearsing.

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Our 17yo has decided not to go this year. Last year she dressed up and went door to door in our neighborhood with her younger sister. They dressed as Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen, and sang an abbreviated version of "Sisters" from White Christmas at every house.


At our house, dressing up is just part of the deal -- the kids also come up with some sort of song or dance to perform at each house. I think they like the theatrical aspect of it more than they care about the candy. They work on this for WEEKS, coming up with a concept, figuring out how to make it work on various porches, costuming, rehearsing.


Now that I would love to see on my doorstep! Not a sullen teen in a hoodie mumbling at me.

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I think it is common for older teens to trick or treat now. I am in a heavy traffic area for the little goblins and ghosts and am really enjoying the older kids, too. Their costumes can be awesome! Last year my daughter and I sat on the porch with candy and got a kick out of the teens dressed like the group LMFAO ( I think that's right) they had a boom box and danced up our driveway!:lol: Halloween is just fun. I don't think it has to stop at a certain age.


If older kids did something like this I'd probably feel differently. Here teens rarely put forth much effort for costumes. Most often it's just a mask or streaky face paint with street clothes and carrying a pillowcase.

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My kids pretty much stopped two years ago, all of them.


I was surprised. I gave them the option to go and they all said, "Can you just buy some candy this year?" :lol:


This year we will be in Florida on vacation. We will be at Disney but not at the Disney after park celebration.



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