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Do you allow your dog on the couch?

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Sometimes I boot the puppy (7 month old German Shepherd) off and sometimes not. It depends on whether he tries to put his behind in my lap or not. If he faces the right way, he can stay. :001_smile:


My husky does not get on the sofa. She used to when we had an older one, but when we replaced the furniture, the rules changed (and I built her a doggy bed). She's also getting to be a bit older now. She doesn't even try.


We do bathe them so they don't really stink (any worse than the kids...).


A cat, I would feel differently about. They actually walk in their litter box while a dog avoids stepping in its own excrement. I've actually been in houses that appeared cleaner than mine, but they allowed their cat on the countertops! Toxoplasmosis anyone? :ack2:

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My dogs are allowed on the couch. Before we had kids they came to bed with us too.:D They are all small though (papillons and chihuahuas) and very clean as far as dogs go. The couch is gold chenille fabric, 7 years old and in surprisingly good condition considering I have 5 dogs, 3 kids and a husband.:lol:

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Maggie & Chewy never were. They were 25-28 pound American Eskimos.


Jedediah is allowed in one chair or on our laps on the couch. He's too small to jump up, though he did make it onto the couch in a crazy, energetic, playing puppy leap a couple of nights ago. The boys put him on the floor with a "no". He's a miniature American Eskimo--he's currently about 8.5 pounds and will get to be 12-15.

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I never thought I'd be saying this, but yes. I'm a bit of a Nazi when it comes to keeping my house clean, but when we got a Schnauzer over a year ago, I caved. Of course, he's small (15 pounds) and he doesn't shed. We also had a lab at the time, and she tried to get on the couch when she saw that the Schnauzer was allowed, but we told her no. She tried a couple times and then was content to just stay on the floor.


Well, the lab passed away last spring (insert many tears), and this summer we adopted a Weimaraner. We have repeatedly told this dog, "Off!" when he's on the couch and he obeys immediately, until we leave the room. If we are on the couch it is a real battle trying to keep him off, as he wants to be as close to us as he can get. I just vacuum the couch more often now. :glare:

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We allow our dog on the couch - he's a border collie/lab mix, about 65 lbs. I love the cuddle time and it's more comfortable to me than getting down on the floor with him. However, he needs to be invite up and has to get off when asked. It's not his couch - it's mine.


I never allowed my dogs on the couch before, but now I wish I had.

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Yes, Baxter is allowed on the living room furniture. He has his spot to sit and likes being there. He thinks where I sit is the Alpha throne. If I get up he will sneak over to my spot on the sofa and hold it for me so no one usurps my Alpha power. Either that or he thinks he is in charge for 5 minutes.


He does not sleep with me or dh. He will occasionally sleep with dd. He has his own bed in my bedroom.


Here is a photo of him and dd sitting together under an electric lap blanket.

Edited by Parrothead
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We have two Jack Russells and they are allowed on the couch but I don't like it. Like you, I feel badly when they sit on the floor so I let them on the couch and they sleep with me too, which I both like and dislike at the same time. When these two are gone I really don't want to get another dog (they are ALOT of work) but if I do, I will not allow it on the furniture. They have very comfy dog beds but they rarely use them! If I were you, I would train her to stay off the furniture...and trust me, I am a total animal lover!

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Yes, Baxter is allowed on the living room furniture. He has his spot to sit and likes being there. He thinks where I sit is the Alpha throne. If I get up he will sneak over to my spot on the sofa and hold it for me so no one usurps my Alpha power. Either that or he thinks he is in charge for 5 minutes.


He does not sleep with me or dh. He will occasionally sleep with dd. He has his own bed in my bedroom.


Here is a photo of him and dd sitting together under an electric lap blanket.


It's like the driver's seat in the car! I came out of a convenience store one day and called to Mia to get back in her seat, she can't drive, her legs are too short and she has no thumbs... Two old farmer guys looked over, kind of shocked, and then cracked up. They thought I was talking to a kid.

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Our last dog wasn't allowed either but would go up at night when we were sleeping. He ruined the sofa with his claws.


Our dogs now aren't allowed out of the kitchen/dining/sunroom area as we have new hardwood floors. They can also go down the stairs to the basement. Since the area I am mentioning (including the basement) is larger than our CA entire house was, I don't feel bad. They have plenty of room to run around.



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We have a Golden. She is allowed on the sofa.


We have a cover for the sofa. It's convenient to have a cover because I can toss it in the washer and dryer and that will get rid of any doggy smell.


There is a hole in the cushion of the sofa from before we had the cover, but that's due more to my oldest dd who picks at everything than to the dog. The hole took 8 years to appear.

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No. We have a 60 lb labradoodle and he is not allowed on furniture. He is not allowed to roam the house when we are not home, either. I just don't want my furniture to smell like dog, nor do I want it chewed when we are not home. He will be getting a nice cozy dog bed for Christmas. I just hope he doesn't chew it like he has chewed every other soft toy he has gotten.

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We have a new puppy and so far we have not allowed her on the couch, but it's hard to do. She really wants to and we really want her to. However, she's going to be Golden Retriever size and I am wondering if we will regret it in the future if we allow it.


If you do allow your dog on the couch, could you please mention the size of your dog as well as the condition of your couch? lol! Or maybe ideas of how you protect your couch.




The Pom-Chi yes. He apparently thinks he is a cat but the Golden no. He is to big and would be too rough on the furniture. The cats go on the furniture. In that case, it isn't so much allow as the fact that cats pretty much do whatever they want.

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There are qualifiers though. She loves to bathe, so gets a shower very, very often. She only gets on the couch because that's the best place for her to see me when I'm in the kitchen while still not being under my feet. She immediately leaves the couch if anyone comes in and looks like they will also want to be on the couch. She has her own pillow, and we can put a blanket there, and she will obediently lay on her blanket only.

So yes, my polite, clean companion is allowed on the couch, and I don't mind having her there under those conditions. :001_smile:

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No, but I have no problems with the idea. I used to let our Schipperke on the couch, but he became incredibly possessive of me, so when the kids climbed up and wanted to be next to me, he growled at them! That was the end of that. I'd let the Corgi up, but he used to be incredibly obese (before we got him) and his joints are wrecked, so he can't climb up and I don't feel like lifting him up just so he can have the privilege of parking his carcass on the couch. He's perfectly content on the floor near my feet.

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Yes. He's an English Springer Spaniel. His favorite couch has a cover which I wash when appropriate. He's 4 and I haven't noticed any additional staining, ripping, or hair problems. The cats sleep on the back of the chairs and the beds too.


I'm not sure keeping them off the couch is keeping the dog hair off your clothes and furniture! When I was a child our dog had to stay in the kitchen. I really didn't want that this time around.

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she's going to be Golden Retriever size and I am wondering if we will regret it in the future if we allow it.



I had a GS (she was a great dog), and she was never allowed on the furniture. (it was so well drilled in, she didn't even touch the counter when snatching food off of it it. I know, I caught her once.)


If a dog that big is on your couch - where do you plan on sitting?

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No. The dogs make the couch smell, then they like the couch and make it gross and our older and unfixed (she was an older and informal rescue, we don't want to put her through the surgery at her age) thinks that once she's allowed on a piece of furniture she owns it and can have intimate relations with it. Unfortunately she's a violent lover and tends to rip blankets and cushions up. As she's done with our main couch. :glare:


No dogs on our furniture anymore.

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No. We have a 60 lb labradoodle and he is not allowed on furniture. He is not allowed to roam the house when we are not home, either. I just don't want my furniture to smell like dog, nor do I want it chewed when we are not home. He will be getting a nice cozy dog bed for Christmas. I just hope he doesn't chew it like he has chewed every other soft toy he has gotten.


We don't bother with dog beds. *sigh* The old Rottie/lab mix just chews them up as soon as she realizes their hers.


It's related to her not being fixed. Seriously, I'd love to get her fixed but she's the DH's dog and he's afraid she's too old and the surgery would be too much stress. Wish the folks who had her before had done it.

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Yes, my 75 lb dog is allowed on the couch. I have a sheet and a comfy blanket on one side of the couch for him. He likes to perch across the top of the filing cabinet and the arm of the couch and look out the window. He also knows that when the blanket is not there he is not allowed up (although that does not stop him from trying). When we first got him I tried to keep him out of our bed. However, after a month I turn around one day and there is dh snuggling with the dog in the bed. When I looked (glared) at him his response was "It happened so fast." In the winter I like having him in the bed. He warms my feet.

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Yes, the dogs are allowed on the couch. We have a 25 lb Cocker mix and a 55 lb Standard Poodle.


We have a futon couch, so we periodically take the couch cover off and wash it or switch it out for another cover. We have three covers that we rotate between.


The dogs are also allowed on the bed and we have a coverlet that we switch out and wash once a week.

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No. We have a greyhound and he's not allowed on the couch (although I occasionally find evidence that he's been on there while we're gone). My last 2 greyhounds were allowed on the couch and the covers got dirty quite quickly. One of them had a habit of scratching at the covers and tore them. After those 2 passed on, we decided the new dog needed to not be on the furniture. He has dog beds and plenty of blankies.

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No dogs on the couch. And most definitely no dogs in the beds. http://blogs.denverpost.com/fetch/2011/01/30/can-sleeping-with-your-pet-make-you-sick/2514/ (I've already had to have anti-parasitic treatment from illness picked up from raw foods. I'm not going to risk illnesses picked up from the dogs.) The cat can be on the chairs but not the beds.

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Cat yes, dog no. He used to be allowed on the old loveseat, which was falling apart and had a washable cover. Not so on the new one.

Never in the bed--

Part of our reason is we don't want him to misinterpret his status in the family. He came to us as a bossy 7 mo old (Golden Retriever), and we had to insure he knew he's low man around here. Beloved, somewhat spoiled, but low man. :D

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Guest Julie White

Yes our dog is part of the family and he has a couch of his own! I cover the couch with a throw that can be washed. If the kids want to get on the couch they will sit with dog or tell the dog to get down and go in his basket ( he is part of the family but he is a dog and therefore bottom of the ladder). But most of the time it's just me and the dog. Our dog is a 11 month old Great Dane 65kgs.

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Our biggest dog is about 110-120 pounds and yes, he sits on our couch.


Between the kids and the cats and the dogs, we pretty much factor in recovering the furniture or replacing it every 3-5 years anyway.


And I keep sheets thrown over everything where people are not visiting. It's not enough. :lol:

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We don't allow it either but every morning as I walk into the living room, our Great Pyrenees will look at me sheepishly and jump down off the couch. :glare::D




Except ours is a Bassett Hound and who I am to deny those lovely, droopy brown eyes a good sleep?! :lol:


She does have the good sense to sleep on the old, ancient couch, though, so for that I am grateful.

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We don't allow it either but every morning as I walk into the living room, our Great Pyrenees will look at me sheepishly and jump down off the couch. :glare::D


I LOVE that dog look. They know!!! And yet, they still get up there. I love that look and the slinking away. Does your dog turn about halfway and then REALLY give you that sheepish look? I lose it every time when Riker does that. :D

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Can't keep them off! The couch, the chair (giant dog in the lap sort of thing), the bed...they are where we are, and if we say no, they look so sad. But they are cozy and I like to sit by them. I run the vacuum over the furniture a few times a week, or when I know someone will be coming over - no biggie.


(The little guy on the right is as big as the black dog now :D)



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I have a mini poodle. He isn't allowed and doesn't want to go on chairs or furniture. He can only go on a bed if someone helps him up. Sometimes he wants to sleep on the bed, normally not. We have a European sized bed that is closest to a California King and he can easily fit on our bed. He normally only wants to go up if he is cold or in particular pain. He is 11-12 and has fairly bad arthritis and also Congestive heart failure due to a leaky valve. He really likes to sleep on his towel in the living room and not try to climb up anything. He also didn't go on couches even when he was more able to climb.


Our cat goes where he pleases but I am often keeping him downstairs now because the dog is having trouble eating but the cat has no trouble eating the dog;s food. I also keep the dog from going downstairs but he really doesn't even want to anymore since he isn't feeling good.

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Yes, our dog is allowed on our couches. We have leather so we can easily wipe away any dog fur. Our dog sleeps with us too.

I love to read or watch a movie with my dog right next to me. Whatever you decide, your pup has a great new home! Very happy for the two of you. :)

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Yep. I've got one curled up next to me as I type. We have a 14 lb Pekingese and a 4 lb Maltese. Neither are shedders. The Maltese likes to lay up on the back of the sofa like a cat. It's weird. They also sleep with us. I love my babies!

My dad has a 15 year old Lhasa, Molly, who has slept with him for years. When he got remarried 4 years ago, my stepmom didn't want Molly on the bed or furniture, so she had to sleep on the floor. After a week though my stepmom said she couldn't stand the sad looks anymore and let Molly on the bed. My dad just retired from his job in January of this year and now Molly helps him "hold the sofa down" for a while every day. :lol:

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