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What movie have you seen the greatest number of times?

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NOT counting listening to or watching kids movies with your little ones. (I can't count the number of times I've listened to Cars.) :auto:


No, I mean movies that you watched for you -- including when you were back in high school and on from there.


Mine would be either Grease or Coal Miner's Daughter. I don't know why I liked CMD so much -- but I watched that over and over.

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I have watched a number of movies repeatedly - so honestly I don't know which one I have watched the most - but the one I though of off the top of my head when reading your post was "Mr. Holland's Opus"


I look forward to reading what others consider their favorites.



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Raiders of the Lost Ark


DD the Elder's name was inspired by Raiders, and her first name said with her middle initial make a state name (the latter was inadvertent ;)).

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Raiders of the Lost Ark


DD the Elder's name was inspired by Raiders, and her first name said with her middle initial make a state name (the latter was inadvertent ;)).





Just when I think I know, I read Goonie's, Bill and Ted, or The Sound of Music. I watched those tons of times before I was 20. I was thinking Dirty Dancing.


Most of the movies after 20 were definitely kid related. I'm trying to think of movies from the past decade or so, that I wanted to watch. I've seen Kill Bill and Moulin Rouge many times, though not lately. I've seen In Bruges about a dozen times in the past year, so that one comes out ahead.

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The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern. Chapter 1. Buttercup lived on a small farm...


Yea, it's that bad. No one will watch it with me anymore.




That's our house withh dd and I both watching Labyrinth. The males of the house all immediately find something really interesting to do.....outside.


"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here, to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen...."


"Excuse me, did you just say hello?"

"No, I said 'allo, but that's close enough!"



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Rocky Horror Picture Show has to be up there since I used to go watch it every weekend in Berkeley in my late teens/early 20's. Yes, I dressed up, brought props, the whole nine yards. now you know.:blushing:


It may be a tie with The Blues Brothers. I know that movie by heart. I made my dh take me to the Daley Center and Lower Wacker Drive just because of that movie. He was embarrassed when I said "hut, hut, hut" in Daley Plaza and refused to drive me around to the South Side & Northern burbs to try to find landmarks. I often say (out of the blue) "we're on a mission from god" and hum the theme to Rawhide. TMI?

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Back when films came on enormous disks - I used to rent a booth in a fire-trap shop in Taipei to sit and watch it.


More recently I've seen Persuasion a few times, and Shakespeare in Love. Oh. The West Wing. I've watched the last episode of season one and the first few of season two quite a few times.



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The Usual Suspects. Once you have that "ah-haa!" moment then you want to go back and see all the clues that you missed the first time.


I really enjoy the director's commentary on some films, so I will watch the movie again with that running. I'm always amazed at how much thought the directors put in every second of filming.


S*x and Lucia I've watched multiple times. It's another non-linear storyline with layers and layers.


Other movies I've enjoyed multiple times:


Pulp Fiction


Road to Perdition



No Chick-Flicks here....

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5 or 6 times, but there are probably a few of those. I'm really ashamed to admit it, but it's movies like:


Legally Blonde (I really just can't resist this dumb movie)

Never Been Kissed (and I love this one too)

Working Girl (old with Melanie Griffith/Harrison Ford)

Eight Below (and I still cry every time)



There are also those few I've seen WAAAAYYYYYYY too much of thanks to dh like FORREST GUMP!! That man will watch Forrest Gump every time it is on tv, and that one with Tom Hanks and WILLLLSSSOOOOONNNNN (Castaway I think). Both of those drive me nuts now!


I can't BELIEVE I forgot to add Dirty Dancing to my list. I can't seem to resist watching at least parts of it every time it's on tv!

Edited by StaceyinLA
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I've watched White Christmas just about every year ever since I can remember. When I was a kid, we had it on while wrapping presents.


Second place would probably be a close count among The Sound of Music, Casablanca, Remember the Titans, and The Wizard of Oz. Remember the Titans is much newer, obviously, but it comes on TV here at least once a month, it seems.

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It's a tie between How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. Dh watches those every year with the dc.


I don't like watching movies over and over, but dh does. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Stripes, Airplane, Star Wars... just a few of the movies I have endured at least a dozen times. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, let's see. I'll show my age a bit. Movies I've seen more than 5 times:

Animal House


Blues Brothers

Starwars - the first three

The Indiana Jones movies - especially the 3rd

Dirty Dancing

Top Gun

The first Harry Potter

National Treasure (really only 3 so far, but I expect to see it a few more times.)

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The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern. Chapter 1. Buttercup lived on a small farm...


Yea, it's that bad. No one will watch it with me anymore.


Love that movie. "Stop that incessant rhyming, and I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?"


I have to fast forward through the shrieking eels and the fireswamp with rodents of unusual size or my dd7 freaks out. The torture scene too...none of my dc have seen the torture scene.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark and Aliens - I quote the lines while watching, which means I have to leave the room.

Terminator 1 - got to love a classic


coming up close in the running:


Pirates of the Caribbean - I found the script online, not that I need it now

Reign of Fire - Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, and fiery beasts (dragons) all in one movie :D

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For me it was Twister. That was during my storm chasing period and I loved the excitement of it. The effects were a little hokey, but there's something about being on a chase that really gets my adrenalin crackling.


When dd was little, the librarian at story hour once asked who was afraid of storms. I was surprised when dd raised her hand. When called on and asked why exactly she was afraid, dd responded, "Because if a big storm is coming and we are in the car, my mommy always has her head hanging out the window looking for rotation. One of these days she is going to drive us into a ditch!":glare:

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It's a Wonderful Life, my mom plays it every year several times starting on Thanksgiving.

Of my own choosing, I'm one of those crazy people who like old musicals. I love Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I grew up watching them with my favorite aunt and I force my children to watch them with me now.:D

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The Princess Bride (my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father...said when swatting flys around here)

Pride and Prejudice


Singing in the Rain

Grand Hotel (I vant to be alone...)


Gone with the Wind

Star Wars

Raiders of the Lost Ark

White Christmas

It's a Wonderful Life

all the Marx brothers movies

the Road movies (Hope and Crosby)

Sabrina (the Harrison Ford one)


and weirdly


Remember the Titans (it was just on tv last week and every time we watch it we try to figure out why we like it so much and can watch it over and over and never get tired of it)

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This is embarrassing, but here they are, in no particular order:


Napoleon Dynamite




Forest Gump


Dirty Dancing


A Christmas Story


These are the only movies I can really watch over and over, well, these and the Star Wars movies.

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