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I don’t want to make this phone call.


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That’s really all.

I need to return a call, and I. Don’t. Want. To. Do. It.

It’s hospice, for my mom. Based on a sudden event, and I don’t feel ready.


Please tell me it’s the right thing to do. I’m having trouble with how quick this is all happening, and it doesn’t feel real.

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20 minutes ago, Spryte said:

That’s really all.

I need to return a call, and I. Don’t. Want. To. Do. It.

It’s hospice, for my mom. Based on a sudden event, and I don’t feel ready.


Please tell me it’s the right thing to do. I’m having trouble with how quick this is all happening, and it doesn’t feel real.

Oh no. Last I heard she was doing ok and had avoided Covid. 

Whst happened? 😞

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Oh no. Last I heard she was doing ok and had avoided Covid. 

Whst happened? 😞

She did avoid the Covid outbreak, thank goodness.

She’s been doing really well, the best I’ve seen her in years. They got her meds stabilized and it was like having my mom back.

And then she had a sudden episode two nights ago, became non-responsive and some other frightening things happened. It was bad. She has been very confused and tired ever since. She knows where she is, so she’s aware. She just can’t answer questions, her words are mixed up. She’s very “in the moment.” Having some pain, too.

She’s on “comfort care” which means she stays in facility for care and doesn’t go to the hospital. (She destabilizes any time she’s moved, and we don’t know if she will come back from that. But it was hard to honor that wish and not say, “take her to the hospital!”) … So I don’t know with 100% certainty what’s happening in her body, but from her history — we think it’s an ongoing GI bleed. 

She’s always bounced back from these episodes, before. But this time seems different. Her doc has recommended hospice as a better option to keeping her comfortable. 

I just don’t feel ready. 

Her twin is coming up to visit in the near future, and some cousins that I haven’t seen in 20 years. 

I just feel overwhelmed. It’s been one parent after another for so long now.

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1 hour ago, Kanin said:

Oh no. Sending hugs. Is your mom the artist? 

Yes, she is. 😊


1 hour ago, Katy said:

Can the facility she’s in call to arrange hospice for her? You may just have to grant permission. 

Yes, they made the initial call, and I just coordinate with them.

38 minutes ago, BandH said:

I am so sorry.  Hospice is a really hard decision, but it can absolutely be the right one. 

Having said that, does Comfort Care mean no care outside the facility where she lives, or just no hospitalization?  Is taking her to a G.I. an option?  

Comfort Care usually means facility treatment only. Any trips out of the facility are destabilizing to the point that she doesn’t know who I am. Doc says each time carries a risk that she won’t come back from that, and recommends that she stay in facility at this point (unless I’m ok with her just being gone inside, which doesn’t seem like any quality of life, and isn’t what she wanted). 

They are doing the treatment formerly recommended by her GI, though, since this is an on going issue.

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I'm so  sorry. But know that you making the call, or her having hospice care, won't make anything bad happen. It just means she gets better comfort when bad things do happen. If she does improve, and they are wrong, then they can kick her right back out of hospice. You making the call won't change if she improves or not. It just changes how well she is cared for. 


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I am sorry you are dealing with this. Losing a parent is not easy. It's been about 5 years since my dad passed, and there are times it still doesn't seem real/brings me to tears. But hospice was absolutely a wonderful experience for us/him. 

I wish you the same, and will keep you in my prayers.

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