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If you could be anywhere right now....where would you be?


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I would be sitting in a restaurant. Just before sunset, with an evening ahead of me. Sipping a yummy tropical drink like a fresh Mai Tai or a sweet fruit infused margarita. Calamari, spicy street tacos or other local happy hour snack. Ocean view or at least a large body of water that stretches off into the distance. Someone fun to talk to, who has a wonderful happy life with a huge happy future ahead of them . Like a girl friend or my daughter. 

What I wouldn't give for some happy optimism right now. 



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I'm actually exactly where I want to be, minus sick kids.  Tomorrow is my birthday, which for the first 21 years of my life wasn't really that important to me.  I didn't dislike it but I didn't really care much about it.  But then dh entered my life and he made me love it.  He treats me amazingly every day but somehow he manages to make me feel even more special on my b-day.  Right now we are relaxing on the couch after a long enjoyable day in the pool.  We would be cuddling but we are currently taking turns holding a feverish baby.  Adding in a third person's heat by cuddling would be awful!

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11 minutes ago, GGardner said:

I'll take New Zealand, please.

That’s my answer!  

If there was no Covid, then I’d like to be at the beach with Dh and the boys and eat in a ton of restaurants. I miss the restaurant experience.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  No pre-planning, no shopping, no cooking, no cleaning. Just waltz on in and order something off the menu and start eating it 10 minutes later.  What bliss!!  


Edited by Garga
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Down the back on the hill in the sun with a bag of books and a cup of tea with honey.  Also there’s literally nothing to stop me doing that except a pile of housework.  So actually like happy smiley lady I just need to have the housework done and I’m there.

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24 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

I'm actually exactly where I want to be, minus sick kids.  Tomorrow is my birthday, which for the first 21 years of my life wasn't really that important to me.  I didn't dislike it but I didn't really care much about it.  But then dh entered my life and he made me love it.  He treats me amazingly every day but somehow he manages to make me feel even more special on my b-day.  Right now we are relaxing on the couch after a long enjoyable day in the pool.  We would be cuddling but we are currently taking turns holding a feverish baby.  Adding in a third person's heat by cuddling would be awful!

Hope your baby gets better soon.

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In Noyo Harbor, watching the fishing boats come and go and an occasional practice maneuver by the coast guard. None of the fish or seals have masks on, they don't care about COVID and the waves wash ashore like they have for thousands of years.

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In a bush lodge adjacent to the Kruger park with my entire family from all over the world - each in their own cabin.  It is warm there this time of year - our house was built for summer and is a freezer right now -  and we love the bush.  We'd get up early for a game drive every morning and a sunset drive in the evening - led by a game ranger with years of guiding experience who'd chosen to stay at the lodge.  We'd meet around a campfire each evening and eat our evening meals together.  The rest of the time we'd be going for walks within the camp, lazing by the pool or reading a book.  The little cousins would be riding bikes and playing on the grass.  We would have brought in all of our supplies for the duration, and given the staff off to go to their own families (except for the ranger who decided he'd rather have our company LOL).

Edited by Hannah
ETA: I"m assuming money is no objective :)
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I'm with those who wouldn't be any happier somewhere other than where she is right now--snug and comfy at home, sitting on my couch, sleeping dogs beside me, sipping a cup of coffee, watching the day start outside my own windows. Now if I were doing the same thing on the deck at my own cabin up in the NC mountains (where it's considerably cooler and less humid), I'd be pretty fine with that, too. But it would have to be my own place.

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New Zealand. Someplace where unified, intelligent leadership has not ignored the fire of COVID until the barn burned down. Somewhere I don’t feel like basic safety for my family is such a far-flung aspiration. 

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I'd love to be getting a full body massage, about to have a light lunch in the spa while I get a mani and pedi and get my hair done.....and then walking out to the beach to sunbathe, eat tacos, and drink cold fruity drinks.  I'm not normally high maintenance, but I feel like a hot mess because I haven't had any of those things done in about a year. I'd love to rent a beach cottage a year or two. We're all going to be working and schooling from home anyway.

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Last year we went on a cruise. That's something that won't be happening again any time soon! But it would be my happy place, if it was anything like a safe place. I'd be on the open deck, near the pool, with a drink and a book and my whole family being happy together.

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DH and I had a 14-day Baltic cruise planned for this summer.  It was a belated anniversary trip and the first real vacation without kid.  Needless to say that did not happen.  

Right now, our entire family was supposed to be in Austria where DD is in grad school.  Being in the mountains and cooler air would be great rather than being in the Texas heat right now.  And, it would have been a good time for the entire family to be together.  

Either of those options would be nice; or I would take a beach on a Greek Isle.  The thing I am looking most forward to when things improve is a good massage!

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There’s a great seafood restaurant on Maryland’s eastern shore where you can dine outside on a deck over the water. Great food, great drinks, and a great cottage we like to rent when we’re out there. I’d go tonight if I could. The place is casual, so I apparently don’t miss dressing up AT ALL. 

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In Dorrington, in the Sierra Nevadas in California.

My grandparents had a large, 60s-era cabin there. It had two bedrooms with queen-sized beds and two bedrooms each with two bunk beds, two trundle beds, and a window bed. There was a large kitchen and living room downstairs.

We'd be eating dinner on the porch and the kids would be building forts in the trees. During the days we could drive to a mountain lake, or a creek, or Big Trees, or just stay home and do puzzles.

Having lived in California for most of my childhood, there is a part of me that always wants to return.

Or New Zealand! The kids wish that constantly. 🙂


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On 7/20/2020 at 9:42 PM, Tap said:

I would be sitting in a restaurant. Just before sunset, with an evening ahead of me. Sipping a yummy tropical drink like a fresh Mai Tai or a sweet fruit infused margarita. Calamari, spicy street tacos or other local happy hour snack. Ocean view or at least a large body of water that stretches off into the distance. Someone fun to talk to, who has a wonderful happy life with a huge happy future ahead of them . Like a girl friend or my daughter. 

What I wouldn't give for some happy optimism right now. 



It's mid 70s here.  Life is sooooooo good. 😉

So, I'd pick here or visiting friends in Oregon - a hike on a coastal trail where I can hear the ocean.  I love Iowa but man, I miss the Oregon coast more than I'd like to admit.

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