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I'm in a hole. It's a mental health thing. I've been here before. I know I can get out. But until I do, all I can do is wait it out--- take pills --- take walks --- distract myself --- SELF CARE. But that means I basically ignore my kids.  Husband supports me, is OK, thankfully.  Posting this because.... I don't know.  It is a beautiful day out, but I'm sure I'm not the only one being going through these struggles. I want to reach out to anyone else where I am and say: me too.

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Hugs and understanding. I battle depression and anxiety, too. I've been doing better this week, but that's subject to change. Take care of yourself. It's not selfish when we have to practice self-care. It's how we survive. 

Edited by freeindeed
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You're not alone. I'm in a similar position right now. Yesterday it was so bad the kids literally played videogames and watches TV all day because dh was working. I just couldn't parent. I was able to feed them at least. I simply had to tune them out to care for myself. They didn't mind

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Any chance you can lie out on a blanket in the sun for a while, reading a novel while the kids mess about? 


Hmm. Maybe that only works when they are pre-verbal. I can read a book with kids trying to sit on my head and that was as good as quality time to them.

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Thanks everyone. Today is a better day. I am really glad I had SOMEWHERE to turn at the dark hour. It really does mean a lot. I can't even really talk about it except to say, thank you.

So glad today is a brighter day and we were able to help you a little through it. (((more hugs)))

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