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What is your favorite kind of weather?


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Fall & Winter!!


In the Fall, my ideal temperature is in the 40s.


In the Winter, my ideal temperature is in the 20s.


Thankful to live in a place that is usually ideal for me!!



Yes! Same. I like to wear flannels and fleece and am most comfortable and cozy in layers. I don't like to sweat so over 70-75 is just too hot for me.


Ideal summer temps: high 50-70, lows 50s. Good mix of sunny blue sky days and cool foggy ones.


Ideal fall: high 40-60, lows 30-40s. Same mix as above.


Ideal winter: high 20-30, lows whatever. Sun is so good. Snowpack all winter.


Ideal spring: have never had one. Is there such a thing? High 60? Lows 50s? Sounds kinda unreal. Snow gone before April please.

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Warm enough that I don't need to wear a jacket out, cool enough to be comfortable outside. Maybe 60°-80° range.


Summer was my least favorite season growing up in the Central Valley of California. Too hot! But I love summer in Oregon. We may have a few "heat wave" days around 100°, but mostly low 80's--perfect!


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Summer! I love a bright sunny day with blue skies, puffy white clouds, low humidity and temperatures in the mid 70's or low 80's. I know lots of people like fall and it is beautiful here, but I've always found fall to be very depressing.


This *is* fall where I live.  :)  


Summer is just sweat.  Lots and lots of sweat and 90+ degree days and air so thick you could cut it.

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Cool  (no warmer than 70, lows in the upper 40's or low 50's) and low humidity!


I don't mind an overcast, rainy day any time of the year.


Next to fall winter is my favorite season and then spring.


My absolutely least favorite time of the year is summer. There is nothing redeeming about our summers here. Nothing.

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My comfort zone used to be 50 - 80, but now with health issues, it's shortened to 70s.


I despise heat higher than 80, maybe 82 or 83 max.


I used to be able to handle cold and tended to like it for short periods of time.  I still like seeing a fresh snowfall and being the first one to walk in it.


But right now, I'm seriously dreading temps below 70 due to those health issues (sigh).


I love long days and short nights, so my favorite season is spring when the days are getting longer, the grass is turning green, and the flowers are starting to bloom.  Late summer comes second, fall third (due to the shortening daylight).  Winter is nice until Jan, then I'm ready to be done with it.

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Rain storms. The kind where I can enjoy the sound of the rain but not worry about flooding. My parents are used to rain so we had a great family vacation at Oregon despite the rain while enjoying the waterfalls.


Above 25 degC/80 degF for me. My kids prefer below 15 degC/59 degF and don't mind snow.

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I like sunshine!


Hot is fine with me--give me flip flops, shorts, and a cold Dr Pepper and I'm happy. I will admit that by the middle to end of August, I'm ready for some cooler weather.


I love fall--the temps are just wonderful. I also love a warm spring day.


I endure winter--even when we have mild and sunny days. I do not like cold weather.

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75-80 during the day, only slightly cooler at night.  Mostly sunny with a slight breeze.  Rain at night while I'm in bed.  


I don't tolerate heat well, never have.  Until recently (hormones) I would hardly ever sweat and overheated very easily.  


I HATE cold.  It hurts and makes my bones ache.  I'd rather be overly warm and risk overheating.


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Mine varies by mood but mostly love sunshine, blue skies and around 75 with low humidity.


Also like cool (50's)  fall day with the trees bright with color.


Other days I love a good cloudy rainy day.


And if I am not going anywhere and can sit inside where it is warm and look out. I like to see blue skies with white (snow) covering everything.  But I only like this for about 1 day a year.

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I like sunshine, no heat (70's-high 50's) no humidity.... so early fall.  Or 2nd best is misty, cool to lukewarm (50-high 60's) so mid-Spring.  Basically, I HATE Winter and really dislike Summer.


I'm fond of loud thunderstorms after I've checked the chance of Tornado is minimal.

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In the mid-60's and sunny with white, fluffy clouds, light breeze with the crisp feel of fall on the air, and leaves on the ground to crunch under your feet while you're wearing a cute jacket, boots, and jeans. A really raging thunderstorm every month or two and gentle rain showers about once every two weeks.


I could live forever in a place like that and never complain.

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Around 20F with snow falling! We're winter people to the core! If there's not snow falling, I want it to be overcast. We thrived in Wyoming where it was winter for ¾ of the year. Now in northwestern Wisconsin, we're 100% OVER the summer weather. It's only 3 months long, but I've had enough. And we'll likely have a full 3 months of fall, only 3 months of true winter, 3 months spring... It's kind of sad to me that winter is so short when there are so many great winter sports and activities that we have available out here. 

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Fall, when the temperatures range from 40's to 60's or so, the sky is clear blue and sunny, the air isn't too humid, and maybe there's a very light breeze -- that is my idea of heaven!


Second choice:  cold with snow on the ground.  


I am so over summer.  I've lived in New Mexico for 18 years now, and over those years climate change has been making the summers longer, drier, hotter, and less tolerable.  Now it feels like summer is a fiery inferno ten months long and we get two months of relief.  I'm exaggerating.  But not by much!  ;)

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Oh I need sun.

That's one thing that would keep me from ever wanting to live in the Pacific Northwest US. I have to have sunshine. My daughter-in-law's sister lived in Seattle for five years. She said she loved everything about it except the lack of sun. When she moved back to Florida she was thrilled to have daily sunshine.


Every few years during hurricane season we get a tropical system that lingers and gives us a few cloudy/overcast days. Just a few days and I start to get grumpy.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I love variety and love all the weather we get from about late October-May (central California here). I can't handle cold lower than about 30 which we don't get too often but I enjoy those days that are in the 40's and I have to bundle up. I also love the rain (we get about 18 inches a year on average) and the beautiful sunny winter days in the 60's or 70's with big puffy white clouds and the snowy mountains to look at. I also love warmer sunny weather (but NO humidity) until it gets to be about 95. I just survive through the summers here so I can enjoy the rest of the year.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That's one thing that would keep me from ever wanting to live in the Pacific Northwest US. I have to have sunshine. My daughter-in-law's sister lived in Seattle for five years. She said she loved everything about it except the lack of sun. When she moved back to Florida she was thrilled to have daily sunshine.


Every few years during hurricane season we get a tropical system that lingers and gives us a few cloudy/overcast days. Just a few days and I start to get grumpy.

Sun Club member here, too. I love a good thunderstorm, but lingering clouds bring me down.

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I like late spring and early to mid autumn. No high heat. I find the the damp erratically hot British summer hard to put up with and spring and autumn seem to have more nice days and it's lovely when the air is beginning to get crisp. It doesn't really start to frost where I am until mid November so it's just a really pleasant temperature here in September and October.

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