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Reading While Eating...Yes or No?


Do you allow your kids to read while they eat?  

182 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you allow your kids to read while they eat?

    • Never
    • Always
    • Sometimes
    • Only when it's not a family meal

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One of our never ending battles to get the kids to stop reading while they eat. If we all eat together, they can't have books. Otherwise they each want to bring a pile of books. My concern is that eating while reading could be a bad long-term food habit, like people who munch mindlessly while watching TV. On the other hand, when my oldest is reading, he actually stays at the table long enough to eat, whereas he normally wants to boing away before eating enough.


Is this battle worth fighting anymore?

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No reading during family meals (or social meals). This goes for me, too, and I love to read and eat my lunch. :) although we do have "Eat and Learn" placemats and have for years and years done little quizzes of each other at the dinner table. Not exactly the same as reading and eating, though. Family meals happen here almost every night and their purpose is family interaction as well as nourishment, so, definitely no phones, books, magazines or earbuds during dinner for any of us.

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I always read while I eat (usually these boards, actually) . Meals are my break time, so I want to enjoy myself. My dc are usually watching screens (YouTube, Netflix) while eating, and dh checks his emails.


That said, we very, very rarely have family meal time. Each person eats breakfast upon waking, which spans a couple hours. Of course, then we are all hungry for lunch and dinner at different times based on when we ate breakfast, add in evening activities, and everyone just grabs a bowl and heats up whatever I made when they're hungry.


I figure we're all here together all day every day (dh works from home) so sharing meals isn't that essential. We've been "connecting" all day!


On the rare occasion we have a family meal, yes, no reading and no screens.

Edited by AHASRADA
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Sometimes at lunch the kids and I are paging through magazines that just came in the mail and sharing cool photos, articles that look interesting, funny cartoons, etc. This happens about twice a month.


Other than that, I do read if I eat alone, but that is very rare. As others have said, meals are social times and we talk.

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I admit I encouraged reading during meals. When the kids were homeschooled I usually read aloud while they ate lunch and then after they had lunch they were released to do independent work and I took a lunch break.  Now that everyone is an adult, we only read when we're eating alone. 

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I voted "sometimes" but should have voted "when not a family meal." If someone eats by him or herself, I don't think it impedes digestion. When other people sit at the table it's nice to have a conversation and not be distracted by books or cell pones now and then, especially in this digital device dominated age.

Edited by Liz CA
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Like others, we don't read during family meals, but at other times, sure.   Actually sometimes at breakfast everyone is at the table together, reading the paper or something else, and we'll comment on something we're reading, or recommend a news article, stuff like that.


Dinner, and of course with company, no reading. 

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I said sometimes. Usually at breakfast we all read the paper while we eat. Kids will sometimes read books, which only seems fair if we are reading the paper. It's often still social though as we will talk about things in the paper. At lunch I typically read aloud to them, we have special "lunch-time books". At dinner, almost never as we usually eat together as a family. On the very rare occasion that someone is eating alone it's fine to read. 

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Reading or screen time is allowed during breakfast and lunch but not supper.  Supper is family meal.


Saying that I have been guilty of reading during family meal :blushing:   We have the TV on sometimes during supper and if the rest of the bunch is watching some show I don't like I will pull out my kindle if it is close. 

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No reading during family meals. Breakfast and dinner are the family bookends to our day, and we often discuss what's planned for the day or what's happened during the day. It's a lovely way to spend time together.


Reading while eating is a singular pleasure, imo, :) and we all read while eating snacks throughout the day.

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Only when not a family meal for us. But breakfast, lunch when we all do our own thing and even sit at different times? Sure! Besides, mine love biographies and educational books...learning while eating? Sure! We do have family meals very often...no electronics, reading or anything like that during those.

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My in laws do it, even during dinner. I think that negates the whole 'sit together at the table as a family' thing and I consider it incredibly rude. Food habits aside, when you're sharing a meal with someone you should be present mentally with those people.

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I can imagine that when our kids are up and out, my husband and I may eat sometimes dinner together while reading our separate material of choice.  We are not talkative people and most likely we will be spending plenty of time together and will no longer need dinner as a "bonding" time. 


It's only rude if someone at the table feels left out.   I don't like the idea of reading at the table during a family meal, but that's my own preference and if other families do things differently, I wouldn't think they are rude.



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I think that homeschooling has changed my answer on this one.  I would never have thought in my younger years that I would encourage reading during lunch but since homeschooling sometimes by lunch time we are all ready for a break from spending time together.  Who am I kidding?  We are ALWAYS ready for a break from each other  by lunch time.  So . . . yes, from the upper-elementary years up, reading is encouraged during meals.  I also let them watch TV during lunch if that's what they want.  I know it's terrible but I need a break from them as much as they need a break from me.  We're all happier that way.


Now,  when my dh is home for the evening meal, no reading, no devices, no tv during supper.  That's our family time.

Edited by JanOH
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I think that homeschooling has changed my answer on this one.  I would never have thought in my younger years that I would encourage reading during lunch but since homeschooling sometimes by lunch time we are all ready for a break from spending time together.  Who am I kidding?  We are ALWAYS ready for a break from each other  by lunch time.  So . . . yes, from the upper-elementary years up, reading is encouraged during meals.  I also let them watch TV during lunch if that's what they want.  I know it's terrible but I need a break from them as much as they need a break from me.  We're all happier that way.


Now,  when my dh is home for the evening meal, no reading, no devices, no tv during supper.  That's our family time.


I don't think it's terrible, and I do the same. 


Sometimes sitting with my two boys feels like being at the lunch table in junior high.  So I'm all for them reading or watching TV.. LOL

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I think that homeschooling has changed my answer on this one.  I would never have thought in my younger years that I would encourage reading during lunch but since homeschooling sometimes by lunch time we are all ready for a break from spending time together.  Who am I kidding?  We are ALWAYS ready for a break from each other  by lunch time.  So . . . yes, from the upper-elementary years up, reading is encouraged during meals.  I also let them watch TV during lunch if that's what they want.  I know it's terrible but I need a break from them as much as they need a break from me.  We're all happier that way.


Now,  when my dh is home for the evening meal, no reading, no devices, no tv during supper.  That's our family time.


Why is it terrible?   Families are made up of individuals with different personalities and preferences.   It's not surprising that people would need some time disengaged from one another when they are together all the time.

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No.  Not because I think it is terrible, but because I do not want meals to take all day.  My children would get so involved in their books that they would forget to eat.  


I read to them at lunchtime for the same reason.  They are able eat and listen to me.   They get sidetracked by conversation.  

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My kids aren't supposed to play or read at the table.


However, I do find it to be a great time for read-alouds.  I finish my food sooner and then read a chapter or two of a nice family-friendly book.  (It's been a while since we did this, but I am hoping to start up again soon.)

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I said never.  Of course, I only have one child who can read!!  :laugh: My attitude is that at the table, we eat and talk.  (And we don't eat anywhere other than the table....unless I'm sneaking chocolate while watching Downton Abbey after hours.) I think this is a result of my upbringing...I just grew up eating every meal en famille, with a definite "no books" rule, and so cannot fathom a meal where people are reading things!!!  So in my family, we eat each meal together, at the table, with napkins, and converse (unless I'm tired and am gazing out into space while my children converse....it happens often...but I'm halfway listening!). 


We have quiet times and other times when we lounge around with books!!

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No reading during family meals, but I think reading while eating alone is fine. I also think it's the reverse situation of munching during TV watching -- this is not "I'm reading a book, so therefore I must snack..." (which is what the TV/snacking thing is), this is "I'm eating, no one else is at the table, I think I'll read a book to keep me company." Totally different situation, and totally allowable at my house. Oftentimes, one or the other teen will end up eating alone, due to their different school schedules. I'd never dream of forcing them to eat in silence by themselves when that happens. 

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I haven't read all the replies yet.


I voted "only when it's not a family meal," but in my family, that's pretty close to voting "always."  We rarely eat at the same time, and even then, if we are eating together because we're traveling, we are often reading brochures and such about wherever we are visiting.  So it's kind of a social reading.  :p


Electronics, no way.  Holiday or celebratory meals with extended family or other guests, no way.


Every school morning, DS eats breakfast (and reads for pleasure) while I'm in the shower.  Later, while I eat breakfast, he reads Life of Fred Language Arts aloud.  We love that!


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Like most, no reading at the table, but yes, you can eat while you read.


You can read mindlessly while you eat but I don't want you eating mindlessly while you read. That's usually not a problem though because we don't have that much snack food around. Like I don't want you sitting reading a novel and eating an entire bag of chips, no. However, if you're hungry, by all means, eat! Grab a bowl of carrots or an apple and enjoy. I often do that.


In spite of our public school busy schedules, we somehow find time to laze around with books quite often and there's nothing quite like a book, a glass of milk, and a cookie on a rainy day.

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We allowed reading at lunch everyday and at dinner on Sunday evening. At lunchtime - this introverted mama needed a break during the homeschool day, so we read for some quiet time. We are a "reading family" so on Sunday we allowing reading during dinner, which is usually a small meal, often a "snack supper." 

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I am the one who always reads while eating.  During family dinner each night I skim through the local newspaper or the beginning of Time magazine and discuss tidbits with my family.  We have a "no talking with your mouth full" rule, so what's the difference if my eyes are scanning the page while I'm chewing?

Edited by Amy in NH
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I agree with Amy in NH. I'm the one that always has to be reading something while we are eating. I'm still participating in our discussions, but I'll read the mail, sections of the paper, or the cereal box. I need to READ!


Our rule is, "No library books at the table." Too many clumsy people (me included) = ruined library books. But otherwise, reading is fine.


Yes, we discuss at meals. But one can read & discuss at the same time.

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One of my very favorite things to do, and I cannot imagine denying my kids that pleasure.


Of course, if it's an actual family meal, that's different. But just regular old breakfast or lunch time when everyone is doing his or her own thing? I'd encourage it!


This is one of my great pleasures, and always has been. My dad teased me once for setting a lovely candlelight dinner for myself and my book. I love to go out to dinner alone with a good book. I eat my lunch alone while reading almost every day. It rejuvenates me for the last of the afternoon while my terrors blow off some steam outside. 


My only concern would be for the book, as mine are particularly messy children. Sagg has been bringing a book to his (later than the little ones) breakfast for some time and often enjoys a snack while reading. 


I am usually present for the kids' lunch, even if I don't partake. They eat and talk together. But if one wanted to read, I think I would be fine with that. 

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Always allowed unless we have company - we have an abundance of family time and family talking. 


We didn't do it when they were very young - it was our guaranteed connection time, because dad was at work all day and they had an early bedtime. 


Now dad works from home, we have lots of shared activities in addition to homeschooling, and they stay up just as late or later than us, so everyone has at it. 

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