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So what kind of grandparent do you want to be?


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Our first grand is due Feb 2nd. While babies are not too much my thing - I love older kids, teens...ages when I can pursue crazy science things, teach music, take them camping, hiking, sledding, travel, etc. - but I know dd will need me so I am going to stay with her for two weeks after the little bug is born and her hubby goes back to work. We are going to visit in the summer and make sure she and Matt get out of the house several times for little breaks and pay for their dinners out and such. When they come to visit, we will be babysitting marmee and papa.


I am not the cookie baking, tea party grandmotherly type. But we will teach them rocketry as soon as they are old enough to launch alka selzer missles, take them to the zoo and children's museums, have marmee and papa camp at the lake, and no matter the distance we'll be on hand for piano recitals and such unless of course we have health problems.


But ya, the last thing the grands will ever be doing with me is BAKING or playing dress up! Blech!!!!


Now wooden trains, oh yes, marmee is totally into that.


Dh, well he is the baby man and loves to make candy and do messy things so maybe he will make up for my lack of baby/toddler/preschool fun.


She is 28 weeks yesterday. After a very scary start to this pregnancy, and numerous health issues early on for her, it is a relief that she is healthy now and feels good with no complications and a baby that is now very viable.

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Well it's a bit early for me to think about grandbabies, but, my grandmother was so vital in my growing up, and is now, along with my grandfather, are the only close older relatives my kids have. Great Grandma and Great Grandad are their favourite people ever.


It's nothing special, it's just time and interest and one-on-one attention. Spending a night at grandmas, even if we just watched a movie. Doing craft or going and helping Grandad with the horses, anything really as long as we were wanted and involved.


After experiencing the hurt of my own parents and parent-in-laws lack of interaction, I will be a babysitting, helping out, involved and interested grandparent, for sure. 

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I will be the grandparent who does what the child is interested in.

This. Unless the child lives in the same household, I will do whatever interests him most during our visits. My own kids? Oh heck no I'm not playing Monopoly again. But I'd suck it up as a grandmother. :P

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I hope to be the grandparent who bakes cookies and spends meaningful time with my grandchild(ren) while also supporting the parents in their choices. 


I hope to be the grandparent who notices the grandchild(ren)'s interests and buys thoughtful gifts, provides thoughtful experiences to nurture those interests.


I want to be fun and loving and warm and available and to be the grandparent my own kids would want for their child(ren).

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Going by my own parents and things my husband tells me about his parents, I'd say that most people don't change much, from parent to grandparent.  Of course a grandparent's role is different, but... my mom enjoyed doing the same things with her grandkids as she did with her own children.  My in-laws were not super warm fuzzy parents, and they are the same as grandparents.


So I predict I'll want to spend time reading aloud, baking cookies, going on long walks to enjoy nature, takng them to museums and cafes.  But, knowing that my grandchildren may not share my preferences of how to spend time... I hope to be accessible, interested, and loving. 

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Well, I don't know.  It depends on my health and energy level.  I love babies and small children, but that doesn't mean I'll have the energy for them when I'm, what, 70+?


I've learned something by watching my parents.  They have their one main thing that they do with the grandkids.  For my mom, it's watching DVDs together.  It certainly isn't very active, but it gives them a chance to observe each other and get to know what makes each other tick.  My dad will give the kids ice cream and sit and chat about whatever they want to talk about.  I guess when I have grandkids, I'll give it some thought and figure out something I can do with them that brings them out without wearing me out.  :)


Then again, if I have time to take care of my health someday, maybe I'll be the hiking granny.  Maybe we'll do yoga together.  Maybe I'll teach them how to play the piano.  If I can still see and hear, we'll do read-alouds.  (Assuming the kids can tolerate old lady read-alouds.)

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I hope that I'm like my MIL in this way: she has always supported whatever we do, even if she doesn't understand it. She may look a little confused (like how a dog puts his head to the side when he's confused), but then she'll give a little shrug and say something like, "Well, whatever you guys think is best." And she buys the kids little presents often: gift cards to pizza hut, cash, and ... well, just the gift cards and cash and the boys love it.


I hope that I'm like my parents in this way: they are craaaaazy. They are the grandparents who have water balloon fights in the backyard, the ones who build doghouses and paint them with the grandkids (and then the dogs refuse to use them), and who live in a house with 10 indoor cats, all spoiled rotten. They are the grandparents who truly, honestly believe that the grandkids are the smartest and most handsome kids on this continent. And maybe other continents as well.


And I hope that I'm like me with my kids: taking them on field trips, taking them out to the movies, reading the very best books outloud to them (with voices), coloring with them, watching youtube videos of cats.


I want to be all those things. I think that as a grandparent, when I don't have the daily grind of homeschooling and actively raising kids, I'll have the energy to do those things. Even the water balloon fights--if necessary, I could just be the one loading the balloons for everyone else.


P.S. And if my grandkids hate all of the above, then I'll find out what they like and we'll do that. And I hope that when they're babies and toddlers, then I do a good job of helping their mother get rest and I'm not a burden on her.

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The same as my grandparents were to me, and my parents are to my children:  they'll love them without judging;  they'll encourage their interests and attend their special events when they can;  they'll make simple times seem fun;  they'll push their way into their lives (in the gentlest but persistent way!) even when the grandchildren are at ages when they don't want them to, in order to keep up the relationship.


My parents have been amazing grandparents to my children.  All of my children adore them and respect them so much, and at some point -- after they had moved out but still needed a home to come back to for 3-12 months in a more convenient city (we live in the boonies), many of them (including my siblings' children) chose to have my parents as their housemates.  That says a lot!

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I hope I will give DS and his family space to be themselves and do what they need to do, while taking the time to make my own memories and expand my own horizons which I think would make me a better person and thus a better grandmother.

(I also hope to be in a better situation financially so as to help out DS when needed...or just because. But that's unlikely to happen).

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The shopping and 'experiences' grandma.  I will have to work into my old age, but I will make sure my grand kids have great toys (not a ton of toys, but really great ones), lessons, and museum/zoo/event tickets.  


I am not the baking cookies, playing games mom, so I don't expect to be that kind of grandma either.   But, I love to take kids to the art museum, history museum, and other events that people think kids won't care about.  

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My mom takes them when I'm tired. I will do that. My mom listens to me when I say "too much stuff!" I will do that. My mom tells my kids and step kids alike that they are all beautiful and that she loves them. I want to do that. My mom is super sensitive and I am not like her but I just want to be a good person to lean on. My dad sends presents and lets us visit. My MIL just watches them one day a week after school. We are so fortunate. That is all I want: to be there so they can work, have a career, and know their kids are in safe, loving hands. If I can do that for them even if they don't need it, then I will have lived a good life. Even my partner's narcissistic dad sends postcards.


Honestly... I feel lucky we have grandparents in our lives and I want to be there.


I might even move for them or at least relocate in summer to watch kids while school is out.

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I want to be a doting grandma, who does field trips, and reads stories and has fun.  I'm sure we'll make cookies and have overnights too.  my goal for grandkids is the same as for my own kids.  I want them to feel loved for who they are.  and if I have any in the next year, I'll be shocked . . . . 

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As a relatively new grandma, I say that you may be surprised by your feelings for and interest in this baby -


I am absolutely not a baby person - other than my own - and now - my grandbaby...


I have been amazed at how instantly and completely that little scrap of baby had me wound around his finger!


I hope to be the grandma that will love him unconditionally, encourage him in the things he wants to do, as well as share things that are meaningful to me.



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I just hope my kids don't move far away . . . like I did. My mom was an excellent grandma, but still my kids only saw her a couple of times a year when we would visit there or my parents would visit here. She made the most of those times and the kids have fond memories, but it's not the same as being able to spend the weekend at grandma's or have grandma there for every birthday party and family event.


That's the kind of grandma I want to be--a there grandma. I'm probably still years away, but my sister has grands so I have a lot of grand nephews and nieces. Boy, they sure are fun, and I love being able to jump in and help out.

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I hope to combine my grandmothers' best qualities with my own. One let me explore the farm and didn't mind the dirt and noise. My other grandma fed us cookies, watched our "shows" and read, and read and read to us. My own contribution will hopefully be fun trips to the park, zoo, skating, whatever. Hopefully I'll be young enough and healthy enough to do so.

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As best I can, I hope to be an equitable grandmother. Meaning, I will try not to show blatant favoritism towards one set of grandchildren over another. The grandkids know and no amount of justification makes their hurt feelings go away.


I will try to be a grandmother, not a mother.


I will try to offer some form of childcare relief for my children. Even a long weekend away can be restorative for overtired parents.


Other than that, some days I'm a cookies and cuddling mother. Other days I'm a hiking and rocket mother. I expect I'll be similar should I become a grandmother.

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Mostly, I want to just be a grandma, not a grandma raising grandkids.  That happens too much in our family.  I want to enjoy the perks of grandparent-hood like spoiling them and sending them home.  

I want to support my girls in being great parents themselves.


I'll probably be working, so I definitely won't be the knitting/baking/rocking chair type.  Also, I'll likely be a fairly young grandparent. 


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My oldest is just 17, so I'm not there yet.  But I'd like to think that most importantly I will be supportive of my grandchildren's parents.  That I will always make it a policy to never say anything bad about the parents, or in any way compromise their children's respect for them.  That I will always be sure to be a help and not an interference.  I hope when there is a baby they will feel comfortable allowing me to come to the house and do some cleaning and laundry and such, so the new mom can just rest and enjoy her baby.  And that if they aren't comfortable (which I totally get, I'm a very private person myself), that I will be able to be gracious and not make them feel uncomfortable stating their needs and boundaries.


As far as direct interactions with my grandchildren, I hope that I am able to really listen to them and care about them as people.  My own mother cares about my children in her own way, but mostly only for their entertainment value to her (for ex: she's happy to go to Six Flags with the kids, because she likes Six Flags, but doesn't know or care anything about their education, sacraments, or hobbies).  I'm not the "doing crafts" type mom, so I doubt I'll be more of that as a grandma.  But I'd like to do things with them, whatever we both find interesting at the time. 

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I am a grandma of a 7 month old.....and a mother of young children as young as 4 yo. I expect grandparenthood will just keep being an extension of what I have been doing for the last 25 years with my own children.


This has been the case for a friend of mine.  Her youngest is 14 and still homeschooling, but she's also doing childcare a few days a week for one of her daughter's children and has even become a CC tutor, in part, to support her daughter's homeschooling of the grands.  I think she's really happy with the situation.

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Even though I'm totally going to be the cookie baking nana, I hardly think that's a requirement for being a good grandma.


I think the most important thing is to be there. Babysit, give gifts, share your life, share your interests. Make memories, establish traditions. If that's cookie baking and piano recitals, great, if that's rockets and wooden trains, awesome. Don't try to parent, don't go over the top with the spoiling. Be scrupulous about fairness even if you genuinely like one of your grandkids more than the others.

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I'm likely to become a grandmother in the next couple of years. The problem is that I still have elementary age children at home and I'm afraid that I'll really just want a break from the years of having young children around. I'm still in the thick of teaching, extracurricular activities, and all those things involved in parenting school age children, so that I may have less time and energy for grandchildren.  I hope that I'll suck it up and enjoy the new baby stage again, fall in love, and become an involved grandparent.

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Like Audrey, I want to be a living grandparent. My parents died so young, my kiddoes missed out on the fun of doting grandparents.  


I do have a grandgirl--she's about to turn six. The older she gets the more fun we have.


I want to be --and am working toward being an experiences grandmom. One of the reasons I work is so we can do a family trip to the beach each summer.


We have Happy Camp each year, too. (Miss C calls me Happy. :) ) We drive to get her and spend the next several days doing fun stuff. Reading books, gardening, swimming, playing with the dogs, going to the zoo, watching videos (because Happy gets tired too fast!) This past year I noticed her interest in my fairy garden, so we established one for her in another part of the garden. It's filled with small woodland animals and a dragon.


One of the other reasons I work is I'd like to buy a rental so dh and I will have some income in retirement, but also so that income or property could be used to fund Miss C's college education. That goal is inching up the list as she and I get older.


I also wanted to be a grandmom who contributed--we buy clothes from time to time. And books. Lots of books and art supplies. The grandmom who fosters imagination and goals.


Being a grand is SO much fun. I'm glad I don't have to raise my granddaughter full time. We truly do get to have the best time with her. Just this week we got a call from her. "Happy, would you like an eagle for Christmas?" What followed was a delightful conversation about the joys and pitfalls of having a bald eagle in our lives. (I'd have to be careful about the goldfish in the pond.) It seems her mom was asking what she wanted to get us for Christmas and eagle topped the list. I love sharing that wonderful imagination!



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The Just Right kind, regarding level of involvement. Which will mean keeping an open dialogue with future Ss/Ds in-law. It's entirely possible each set of my grandchildrens' parents wil have a different notion of what level of involvement is just right. So I hope to be a grandma that is an open, sensitive communicator.


I will not be the kind of grandma that forgets the in-between generation ever existed prior to presenting grandkids.


I hope to be the kind of grandma that has an authentic relationship with each of the kids. No put on voices or personalities. I hope to be able to reinforce (or not contradict) parental teachings even when those methods would not have been my choice.


Hopefully. But I won't know for certain til the rubber meets the road. Pretty sure that no matter what else, I will pray a lot more.

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Like Audrey, I want to be a living grandparent. My parents died so young, my kiddoes missed out on the fun of doting grandparents.


I do have a grandgirl--she's about to turn six. The older she gets the more fun we have.


I want to be --and am working toward being an experiences grandmom. One of the reasons I work is so we can do a family trip to the beach each summer.


We have Happy Camp each year, too. (Miss C calls me Happy. :) ) We drive to get her and spend the next several days doing fun stuff. Reading books, gardening, swimming, playing with the dogs, going to the zoo, watching videos (because Happy gets tired too fast!) This past year I noticed her interest in my fairy garden, so we established one for her in another part of the garden. It's filled with small woodland animals and a dragon.


One of the other reasons I work is I'd like to buy a rental so dh and I will have some income in retirement, but also so that income or property could be used to fund Miss C's college education. That goal is inching up the list as she and I get older.


I also wanted to be a grandmom who contributed--we buy clothes from time to time. And books. Lots of books and art supplies. The grandmom who fosters imagination and goals.


Being a grand is SO much fun. I'm glad I don't have to raise my granddaughter full time. We truly do get to have the best time with her. Just this week we got a call from her. "Happy, would you like an eagle for Christmas?" What followed was a delightful conversation about the joys and pitfalls of having a bald eagle in our lives. (I'd have to be careful about the goldfish in the pond.) It seems her mom was asking what she wanted to get us for Christmas and eagle topped the list. I love sharing that wonderful imagination!

Gosh, Happy, I want you to be *my* grandma.


Experiences Grandma - I love that. So stealing that mindset.

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Like Audrey, living.


Our grandsons are 1 and almost 4. We're considering a move in a few years, when dh retires, so we will be closer to them. Even if ds is still living with us (which he likely will be), it will be fine because that will actually get him closer to his friends.


For now, with an hour's drive (so a two hour round trip) to where they live, we're the kind of grandparents they look forward to seeing. Sunday when we were there, oldest said "Nonna, I wish you and Pop-Pop came over more." When I told him his daddy wanted us to move closer so we could come over more he said, "Daddy can build a bigger house and you can live here!" So that's the kind of Nonna I want to continue to be. The kind that they want to see often.


I also am the kind who will never go behind their parents' backs. If dss or ddil say they can't have or do something, I won't let them have or do it when they're with me and have it be our secret or our special treat or whatever. I will respect their parents even if I would have made a different decision.

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No secrets from Mom and Dad.

Just support.

Babysitting definitely.

Funloving for sure.


Maybe the 'secret clubhouse is here' type.  


Probably a science table.


Definitely baking cookies together.


Teaching them to knit, and hike, and love the outdoors.


Singing with them.


Lots of hugs and laptime.

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A living one.


That's all.


Some kids get no living grandparents at all. 


I had my kids at 38 and 40.  If my kids wait that long I will be very old or dead.  On the other hand I don't want them to have kids at 18 just so I get to be a grandmother.

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With 5 kids, I figure I'm going to have grandchildren with a wide variety of needs and preferences.  My dream would be to have them all nearby, but I assume that probably won't be the case.  So my big thing will be making sure they all feel equally loved and important.

My own parents have noticeably different relationships with grandchildren in 3 different areas (also from 5 children) and it makes me sad.

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I am not a cookie baking kind of person.


I imagine I will grandparent as I have parented.  I LOVE to go places......museums, ride on the train,  go to the park, see art work, go to a play, take a trip to the beach, etc......


I want to be the grandma who gives them experiences.  

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I'm likely to become a grandmother in the next couple of years. The problem is that I still have elementary age children at home and I'm afraid that I'll really just want a break from the years of having young children around. I'm still in the thick of teaching, extracurricular activities, and all those things involved in parenting school age children, so that I may have less time and energy for grandchildren.  I hope that I'll suck it up and enjoy the new baby stage again, fall in love, and become an involved grandparent.


I was thinking exactly the same thing.  My oldest was married in May so the grandparent role is a likely possibility within the near future.  But my youngest is only 6 so while I'm excited by the possibility at the same time, I'm still in a very busy household myself.  I do think that may change the dynamic but I'm hoping that grandchildren will see my house as a fun place if for no other reason than all the aunts and uncles that will be here.  

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I was thinking exactly the same thing.  My oldest was married in May so the grandparent role is a likely possibility within the near future.  But my youngest is only 6 so while I'm excited by the possibility at the same time, I'm still in a very busy household myself.  I do think that may change the dynamic but I'm hoping that grandchildren will see my house as a fun place if for no other reason than all the aunts and uncles that will be here.  

Yeah.  This.  My grandson is 7 months old and he happily gets passed from one uncle to the next to the aunt to the grandma to the grandpa to the great grandparents next door.  By that time it is time to go home and he has had a wonderful day.  He leaves all smiles.  :lol:


Life must be interesting to have 4, 6, 8, and 10 year olds amongst your many uncles!

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