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Do you just crave time alone, in your own house?


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DH is very encouraging about me getting "time off." I can fairly easily schedule coffee or dinner with a friend. But what I really crave is time alone in my own house.


I thought today was going to be one of those days. Everyone was squared away between jobs and hang time with friends. But thanks to one person deciding to work at home all morning and another one getting off work early, I had exactly 12 minutes alone. I am really perturbed about this. (Ha, maybe that pre/menopause symptom thread is a big clue.)


Anyway, I can't be the only one who feels this way. It's not like I'm going to do anything weird or crazy and need to be alone for that. I just want to not get asked a bunch of questions or feel like a fish in a bowl. I want to turn up my podcast or music extra loud and perhaps even sing along. I want everyone to just be out of my way. I want to do my own thing without distraction or the feeling that someone's waiting on me to entertain or feed them.


Ugh. Worst part? The guilt I feel over the fact that this even bothers me.

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I absolutely need it, and I get it, and DH makes sure I do ever since the kids were very young. He takes them out for a boys night out once a week--tacos from the taco truck, maybe bowling. I get a few hours alone. Most weekends, he picks a day and takes them out for a few hours, just the three of them. I tidy, knit, read, and just relax. Alone. Very important to me :)

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I get the whole house to myself when my hubby brings our kids swimming at our condo pool.  However I get bored fast and end up going to the pool to people watch.   I like my time for myself but in a crowd like the library, the mall, the park, the public busses.

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Yes.  I shouldn't complain because I usually get a lot, but our family logistics have changed this summer and I am not getting the time alone I usually do.  Dh has learned that I need to not be touched or spoken to some evenings while I decompress.

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I love having my house to myself. DH takes the kids out fairly frequently so I have alone time. Last year he took them camping for a weekend so I had a nice stretch of time to myself for planning out the school year. He's planning to do that again, but we haven't picked the weekend for it yet. I was wonderful last year.

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YESSSS!  But probably for a different reason than most of you.


I would love to be able to do some housework without getting a guilt trip over my work backlog, no matter what time of the day (or night) it is.


But I saw this coming when I agreed to live and work with the same people.

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I like alone time anywhere I can be comfortable and relax. In other words, going out to be alone often doesn't work the same rejuvenating magic for me, because I'm still around people and have to be conscious of what I'm doing and how I am affecting others. So, while I like to go shopping alone and used to like to go to the movies alone and stuff like that, it's not as good as quiet time in my own space.


A close second is a hotel room to myself for a night or two. I don't mean one of those situations in which I'm driving a kid across a few states and stay over for a few hours of sleep wherever I happen to land, but a reasonably clean and pleasant room where I can hang out with no agenda for a day or two is almost as good as being home. Plusses are that I don't need to worry about cleaning anything, and there's a limit to the number of tasks on my to-do list I can reasonably accomplish when I'm not home. Minuses are that I don't have ready access to the book on my shelf I might suddenly feel like reading or the snack I might crave. And I have less control over the environment (whether another guest decides to have a loud chat in the hallway or hit the swimming pool right when I want to take a nap). So, it's not perfect, but it's a decent option when I need alone time. 


It happened that my son needed to be somewhere this past weekend from early Saturday until mid-morning Sunday, and the most logical way to get him where he was going and back in time for his Sunday afternoon commitments was for me to drive him and stay in a hotel nearby. I ended up at a La Quinta, hardly the lap of luxury and kind of not near anything else. And I took my dog with me, which limited my options for getting out and doing anything. However, I was really surprised by how nice it was just to hang out quietly in the room with the textbook I'm studying, the books I'm reading for fun, a TV I could turn to whatever channel I wanted and a bag of snacks. I napped when I happened to fall asleep, ate what I wanted when I felt hungry, and just generally did my own thing for 24 hours. It was really lovely.


One of the compromises we made when my husband rejected my plan to move into a one- or two-bedroom apartment this time around (now that we're nearly empty nesting) and instead pushed for a four-bedroom house is that I got to claim one of the small bedrooms as my "office," allowing me to move my desk and computer out of the common area where they had spent the last few years. I allowed myself a small budget to decorate the room, too, and it has become kind of a sanctuary for me. This way, when my husband and/or son are watching a TV show in the living room or when they have their role-playing gaming buddies over on the weekends, I can retreat to my little space and close the door. Having this option has made a big difference in my mental well-being.

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We have lived in our current house for about 5 years.  I'm not sure that I've had more than 5 hours to myself...


But, I know that in about 14 years I will miss everyone tremendously.  Sometimes, though, that just seems like a very, very long time from now.

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All. the. time.


My husband works from home, in addition to the kids being homeschooled.  Someone is ALWAYS here.  Just a couple of weeks ago, the stars aligned and I had almost an entire day all to myself at home.  It was so strange and wonderful.  My husband just doesn't understand my excitement when this happens.  


Last fall he was going out of town for a couple of weeks, and that weekend the girls were going to go away for a church retreat.  3 whole days of alone.  I almost cried when their retreat was canceled.  

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I definitely do. I try to schedule it in twice a day - during quiet time and in the evening when the kids are down. If I'm having a rough day I'll turn on a movie for them and out on my own headphones in another room. I'm a bit introverted, so I guess it isn't a huge surprise, but I long for kid free time. My husband is very supportive of it :D

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I am the same way.  For a long time, my husband encouraged me to go out, but he just didn't get it - it's not a break from home that I need, it's a break from people, but at home! 


It doesn't matter that my kids are older, either. They don't need my attention most of the time but they are always talking, making noise, looking for food, asking me questions, etc. 


Earlier this summer I had a few days when my daughter was away at camp and my son was working.  That was so nice.  Don't know when it will happen again though.  When the kids move out, maybe?

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This is my fantasy, too! Although, I'd settle for a few hours at this point.

When I was about 7 or 8, we were planning a long family road trip to coincide with my dad speaking at a conference for work. It was about ten days long. My mom badly sprained her ankle the day before we were supposed to leave, so my dad took us all by himself. We had a great time (and a few more adventures than we would have had if my mom had been her usual more cautious presence) and I'm pretty sure my mom was the most relaxed I had seen her in a long time when we got home.

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I have elderly in laws who live with me and a DH who works from home. Time alone in my house is only a pipe dream. But, one day I will be old and alone wishing someone was with me in the house. So, it all evens out in the end.

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I'm terrible because I sometimes secretly hope DH is called out to the ER at the beginning of his night shift. :-/ When this happens, DS is heading to bed, and DH is gone for about 3 hours. And I get the house to myself until I go to bed. It's wonderful. But I feel like a horrible person for wanting it. 

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My kids got old enough to be quiet and not-too-needy during the day. Now DH works from home and generates noise ALL DAY LONG. He types, takes conference calls and skype meetings, listens to podcasts, listens to and taps out morse code throughout the day. Sometimes I can get them all upstairs and I can pretend to be alone for a few hours. ::sigh::

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I absolutely do!


And I get it with some regularity, because I work from home and everyone else is in work or school or activities, but that's not the same as being alone NOT doing work, but just piddling, reading, enjoying the silence and solitude.


In fact, I just sent the kids (DDs 19 and 12, and visiting 12 year old nephew) to a movie without me.  I'll gladly pay for that to have a couple of hours to myself, in my house.


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Once a year, and only once a year, for a week, I get 3-4 hours alone in my house every day. For a few years it was for VBS. This year I sent the kids to 5 different friends' houses (a different friend each day of the week) so I could clean under all the furniture without interruptions.


One week a year. It's only 15-20 hours a YEAR.


And for the past 3 years, my husband has been sick or had a doctor's appointment so he "took the whole day off" on that particular week. I get soooo frustrated and he gets his feelings hurt. Well, of course he does because it sounds like I don't want him around...but you know, for those 15-20 hours...I kinda don't want him around. :( It's not personal. It's just the only time I have all year to think my own thoughts and do my own thing.


He doesn't seem to have the same need for alone time in the house. Does anyone else's DH need alone time in the house?

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This has been an unexpected but welcome bonus to being divorced.


The kids go to their dads place only occasionally (one week over Xmas, one week in the summer usually in July, and a few oddball long weekends here and there). But when they go - my husband works a typical 9-5 schedule so all day there are no kids and no husband. Just blissful alone time.


The gods have blessed me and the kids are going for a second week witj their dad this week coming. Their week in July, we had a roof leak and major repairs to do so it just wasn't a relaxing break. THIS week coming, no stress just downtime.


Sometimes I am thankful they have another home to go to once in a blue moon.

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Yes. I always appreciated it when Mr. Ellie would take the dc with him to do errands and left me at home alone. :D


Once, Mr. Ellie was away for a week for work, and both dc were at residential camps. I was at home alone for a whole week!!!!! Imagine my surprise when the house didn't stay tidy... :blink:

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My husband is always encouraging me to have some time to myself and didn't understand that sometimes I want that time to be in my own house, with no one else. So, yes! As of late I've been taking a class in the city so I get about 5 hrs to myself of driving, surprisingly it goes by way faster than I thought- I blast the music and think. I tried audio books but then I have to concentrate on something else and I like just having my thoughts. I also get up early too, if I don't have time in the am I feel off all day.

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