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Please, prayers, hugs, good thoughts needed now for dd UPDATE post 119


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Update: the stomach polyps are benign :). That's the good news! Dd will have a colonoscopy Tuesday to check for (and remove) more polyps. If they are present, we will all have genetic testing to see if we carry the marker for a rare disease which almost always causes colon cancer in adults (30s and 40s). Anyone positive will be facing major surgery.


Dr is hopeful no polyps will be present. Of course, that would mean more testing for dd to determine why she is in such pain after eating. I am so thankful we live near an internationally-respected children's hospital.


We told dd eveything. She is being very brave :)


Thanks to all of you, from the bottom of our hearts. On to the next step!

(((luckymama))) I'm praying everything turns out OK.

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I'm glad the stomach polyps are benign and hope for an uneventful colonoscopy. Are you talking about potentially having a mutation for Lynch Syndrome? That runs in my family but my sister and I aren't carriers. I'm curious what major surgery you could be talking about for carriers for whatever disease you're referring to.

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