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I'm going to whine and vent. Again.


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It's like, I do this cyclically.  Every few months I post on here whining about how I'm bigger than I've ever been, blah blah blah.  Every time, I already know *how* to theoretically lose weight, even though I've never had to lose this much before.  Every time, I know that I won't actually do what needs to be done to lose weight, because to me, doing what needs to be done = no snacking = miserable life.



It sucks.


I seriously hate it.  



I know what I do 'right': small portion sizes, limit processed foods, whatever.  

I know what I don't do 'right': eat snacks in the form of ice cream and chips and dip (or just chips, depending on the day); drink sprite



I had hoped that I would at least see a *little* bit of a change when I started exercising.  We started walking regularly in March and running (well, running/walking obviously, to start with) in April to train for a 5k.  See, in my head, I thought that exercising = burning calories and that, oh, you know, that would amount to SOMETHING.  Before you correct me, I know that weight isn't lost through exercise.  I had just hoped that something would get better.


But it's not.  It sucks.  The running, which I love so much, is still sucking.  When I trained for a 5k two years ago, we were doing so much better at this point than we are now!!!  


It's so depressing.  :glare:



I feel annoyed and angry.  I guess we'll have to take a step backwards in our training and go back to what we were doing before - the last thing that was 'easy' to run was, oh, Idk... 4 and 2?  3 and 3?  I don't remember.  I just know that running 5 and 2 was okay but hard, and 7 and 3 was pretty awful.  





I feel so horribly discouraged.  I can't figure it out.  Is it because I'm fatter?  Because I weigh 25 lbs more than I did 2 years ago?  Is it because I had been riding the exercise bike for 2 months already before I started running last time, so my muscles were stronger then than they are now?  What is it?  


Why am I failing???


To add to that, I hate going to bed at night having that gross feeling.  You may not know what I'm talking about, but that full, yucky feeling in my stomach from eating junk food.  


I hate it.  


But at the same time, I can't imagine not eating a snack at night.  I can't imagine not sitting down with some chips and a sprite in front of the TV after Pink goes to bed at 9.  

Some days, I look forward to it.  I look forward to my sprite, especially.  Depending on my mood/how I'm feeling, I sometimes look forward to my chips, too.


And see, every time I stop having the chips, I feel like I'm depriving myself.  And I hate feeling like I'm depriving myself.  It feels like there is no good reason.  Like, seriously, because I'm vain or focused on trying to be thinner I'm supposed to not enjoy food for the rest of my life?  (Say what you want - that's how I feel, especially when I'm 'not supposed' to eat junk food.)  I'm supposed to skip out on eating good food... for what?  A few pounds?  Because of vanity?  Because of pride?  




Essentially, I know that I would have to cut out all junk food.  My other habits are just not bad enough that changing them would do anything.  


I even started eating sandwiches again.  I hate sandwiches.  They're boring.  So a lot of days, I used to skip lunch until about 2ish and then eat whatever was on hand - some days, that was leftovers (ok) but others, it was snack foods.  

Despite picking up this habit that I *thought* was a healthier one, I'm still in the same place.  


This week, I have eaten:


hard boiled eggs.  I made muffins one day for the kids and I, but other than that, I eat hard boiled eggs or nothing.  (That's one hard boiled egg/day)


Sandwiches.  1/2 slice ham, salami, and swiss cheese toasted.  Usually it's just plain turkey, but DH made this and it was pretty yummy, so I've been eating it for a week or so.  I'm sure it's not as healthy.  Blah...

Midafternoon snack:

small bowl of ice cream (yes, I know this is a problem.  Whatever. )


Fajitas.  Stir fry.  Burritos.  Spaghetti.  Chicken and sides.  Last night was hot dogs and smores over the fire.  I never eat seconds and I eat on a small plate.

Evening snack:

chips or chips and dip and sprite.  (again, yeah, it's a problem.  Whatever.)


Other than the 1 sprite a day, I drink nothing but water - about 64 oz/day.



I'm just sick of it.  Would I like to lose a little - like 25-30 lbs?  Sure.

But do I think I should have to suffer to do so?  Nope.  

I shouldn't have to feel bad about having hot dogs and smores with my family over the fire.  I shouldn't have to leave cheese and salami off a sandwich because it's higher in fat or something.  



I shouldn't have to feel like no matter what I do, I'll just keep getting bigger and bigger.  Because ultimately, that's what I'm feeling like is happening.  I was 130 until after I had Astro, and I had picked up the snacking habit after DH and I got married (never snacked at all as a kid or teenager), and we weren't so poor anymore that I couldn't afford to buy the snacks, so it was all downhill from there.


I hate it.  I. hate. it.



(PS don't preach at me.  I get it.  I'm horribly unhealthy and blah blah blah.  I don't give a *%@! - I just wish that being sort of healthy was good enough, without having to turn into a total weight-obsessed, 'we only eat ____ way' monster, in order to maintain a healthy weight.)



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It's not fair that we're such efficient machines and need very little fuel and are surrounded by yummy easy food. :(

Oh & it really is harder when you're heavier. I was just looking at knee stuff (because I've osteoarthritis in my family & I'm really hoping to avoid having hip & knee replacements) and read "for each pound of body weight lost, there is a 4-pound reduction in knee joint stress.... For people losing 10 pounds, each knee would be subjected to 48,000 pounds less in compressive load per mile walked."   So it makes sense that everything is harder & feels tougher, kwim?

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Hugs. Sounds like that chip and Sprite bedtime snack is what is killing your chances. (300 kCal/day*365 days=Ugh).


Can you and DH go straight to bed when the kiddo goes to bed? Can you take your extra awake time before the kiddo wakes up since you seem to have more willpower in the morning? Perhaps a phone app that plays 'YMCA' blaring at a certain time each night will be your deterrent. I feel your pain as I cannot even have certain kinds of chips in the house.

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Going to bed at 11 is a push for me.  If left to my own devices, I'm up all night because I'm just a night owl - even if I've gotten up at 6:15 to go run or am getting up the next day!

But I have been doing pretty well with trying to get to bed around 11.  I can't imagine going to bed any earlier than that.  The boys don't even go to bed until 10.  9... I can't remember the last time in my life i went to bed at 9.  Elementary school?  :)

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I'm with you.


The body stats that you posted in the other ("fat") thread are very close to my own.  I've gained 20 lb. since October -- coincidentally (not!) this was when DH was diagnosed with cancer.  So I blame him. ;) ;)  And stress.  And junk food via vending machines and Starbucks and hospital cafeterias. 


Anyway...yeah.  It is very hard to change habits.  My after-kids-go-to-bed comfort activity is (fortunately) calorie-free.  Bed & a book.  If I don't get this, I seriously struggle....so I know how hard it might be to change such a habit that involves food.

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I'm sorry. It is so hard to quit that one little thing.


I have a drink at night. It's not necessarily healthier, though it is almost certainly lower-calorie.


I think you know you need to find a replacement habit. The question is, what? Tea might help with the oral fixation part, but you need something else, pleasurable. A manicure? A massage chair? Something that feels really, really, really good and you can't have it if you have the chips.

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I try to stay busy after dinner so I don't snack. Clean the kitchen,play volley ball or soccer with Dd,take a2mile walk with Dh even when I exercised earlier that day, finish laundry, read, I am learning to knit. Anything to keep busy. I understand snacking and it's hard not to I try not to buy the foods that I know i'll eat until they're gone. Even that's hard.

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I could have written your post. :-( I even finished a bag of chips last night after the kids went to bed. No soda though....but now I want some.


To make it worse, my DH is extremely fit. He is 6'3" and 190lbs. He exercises 6 days a week and is constantly challenging himself to do harder workouts. He eats extremely healthy - no processed foods, rarely eats dessert. He's meeting with some fitness people in a couple of weeks to fine tune his diet/exercise routine even more.


I am 5'2" with 30 extra pounds that I try and fail and regain a couple of times a year. Thirty extra pounds on my small frame is very noticeable.


I KNOW what to do. I have excellent workout videos that I enjoy and a gorgeous neighborhood to walk in. I only exercise sporadically though. I know what to eat and what not to eat. I cook for my DH. I cook extremely healthy family meals. But when he leaves for work in the afternoon I eat stuff I shouldn't. And after the kids go to bed, while I wait for DH to get home, I eat crackers with cheese, pretzels, and drink chocolate milk. I don't even buy much junk food. Right now the 4 worst foods in our house are pretzels, crackers, cheerios, and chocolate syrup. Everything else is fresh, real food and whole grains (as in the actual whole grains that I grind myself to bake with). I just eat too much of it and snack on the stuff with no nutritional value.


I hate that I have no willpower. I hate how I feel in my clothes. I hate the lack of energy from not taking care of myself like I should. I hate that I can't seem to be consistent. I hate that I'm setting a bad example for my kids. I hate that I feel self-conscious with my DH in public and in private. I just hate it. And, while I SHOULD be able to do something about it, I can't/won't/don't. :-(

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Two years ago in July, there was post on here about Whole30. I decided that morning when I read the post that I would give it a try. I think I made it 28 days (I happened to start at the beginning of my cycle and when day 28 game, I could not resist chocolate). I lost around 10 lbs and kept it off until this past fall when I got shingles (came with exhaustion for me). I plan to do it again after my kids graduation - I want to be able to eat cake and whatever at their party. In the summer, it is easier because of all the fresh produce. You might want to consider giving it a try because it is "only" 30 days. You also can eat as much as you want, just of the approved foods. Eating this way would be really hard for me long term, but I can for 4 weeks. It might help you reset your eating patterns.

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Who does the grocery shopping? Can they ensure that Sprite and chips don't make it in the grocery cart? If you're the shopper, can you put the shopping on someone else's shoulders?


I'm experimenting with new snacks. I tried a Lara Bar last night. The good thing is it has a magnesium. The bad thing is the amount of calories. But a good thing is the amount of protein. Pick your poison :laugh: I want to try more flavors... the one I had was called "cashew cookie" but that's a stretch. The TWO, yes only TWO, ingredients were cashews and dates. Kind of weird but at least it wasn't a list of 20 ingredients I couldn't pronounce.

Dark chocolate and Sea Salt KIND bars....my evening treat.

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Who does the grocery shopping? Can they ensure that Sprite and chips don't make it in the grocery cart? If you're the shopper, can you put the shopping on someone else's shoulders?


I'm experimenting with new snacks. I tried a Lara Bar last night. The good thing is it has a magnesium. The bad thing is the amount of calories. But a good thing is the amount of protein. Pick your poison :laugh: I want to try more flavors... the one I had was called "cashew cookie" but that's a stretch. The TWO, yes only TWO, ingredients were cashews and dates. Kind of weird but at least it wasn't a list of 20 ingredients I couldn't pronounce.


They have a coconut flavor that is very good - if you like coconuts. I really like Larabars because of what is NOT in them.


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I get it. I have pounds to lose also. There are certain foods I just cannot have in the house. Finding a substitute activity helps me..knitting, crocheting, playing my guitar, reading. I know I need to substitute junk food with baby carrots or grapes or apple slices. I am not always successful. I lost twenty pounds a few years ago after joining a weight loss group. I kept most of it off but need to lose more. I know it's hard.



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I am in the snack (ice cream!) before bed routine too, it's like a reward for making it through the day.  I have not successfully broken the routine but at times when I'm out of ice cream but need SOMETHING NOW, I have substituted frozen cherries from Costco.  Someone on here shared how delicious and cold they were, and it's true!


Chips and soda are a dangerous combination.  Whenever I eat chips I immediately wish I had a soda to wash them down, even though I haven't had a soda in 3 years.  It's a craving that hasn't died yet.


Could you switch to pretzels instead of chips?  I know it's processed carbs but a little less fat?  Also, are you tracking your calories?  Last summer I was on a fitness craze, and after I saw how much I had to work out to burn up a tiny cup of ice cream, I stopped buying it.  I was almost angry at the ice cream for being so good but so FAT. :/  There is the make-it-yourself option for ice cream which doesn't necessarily cut the fat but would be less processed.  Just an idea. 


Good for you for moving and exercising though!!  I wish I could get motivated in that arena too.

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I have been tempted to buy the Yonanas product. It even comes in purple. Dh told me not to buy it lol.



I've looked at Yonanas but we have a good food processor and a vitamix so it would really be appliance overkill for us....

But I've heard people like their yonana machine!

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I'm sorry. I can definitely relate.


Could you sub popcorn for the chips and still have your soda? Or buy those tiny single serving packages of chips and limit yourself to 1 (or 2)?


I've taken to only snacking on carrots, cucumbers and watermelon. Almost no calories and helps me with the urge to snack. Not quite junk food, but it's a decent alternative.

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I am so you. Word for word. I don't want to deprive myself and so far nothing in my appearance or health has made me do it. I hate looking at most pictures of myself, and I hate catching a glimpse of myself at a bad angle in the mirror but other than that Im ok with it. I wish I were thinner. I like how I look when I'm thinner but like you at this stage I'd have to be perfect in my diet to get there and I'm just not ready for the sacrifice.

My snacking issue is in the evening and it's wine and crackers. Same 300 calories, same enjoyment. I look forward to it all day. It makes me happy. I enjoy it. Some nights I'll do Palegrino. The sparkles are nice and that might be a good substitute for your sprite.

But I hear you and I feel your pain.

I wrote something very similar a month or so ago and nothing has changed for me.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Maybe sparkling water with lime instead of the sprite and popcorn instead of chips?  What do you particularly like about that snack?  The fizziness of the soda?  The salty crunchiness of the chips?


I've finally given up my glass of diet soda a day habit.  I do still treat myself to the occasional Mexican Pepsi (real sugar) on weekends.  No real tips there, though - I had to give it up due to morning sickness!

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I completely understand. Could you switch to one diet sprite instead of regular sprite per day? Try hummus and pita chips instead of a heavier dip? I love to snack on cheese and crackers, and build snacks into my "plan" for the day. It is not necessary to deprive yourself, just moderate yourself. Keep up the good work with walking and running.

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I'm sorry. I can definitely relate.


Could you sub popcorn for the chips and still have your soda? Or buy those tiny single serving packages of chips and limit yourself to 1 (or 2)?


I've taken to only snacking on carrots, cucumbers and watermelon. Almost no calories and helps me with the urge to snack. Not quite junk food, but it's a decent alternative.


Oh my goodness, I can eat a half of a watermelon in one sitting. :blush:  I love it too much!


Chunky applesauce warmed up, with added cinnamon, is very yummy.

I have had success with atkins bars as dessert/evening snack. They are processed and have artificial sugars though, sigh.


I totally get it. Night time is my hardest time. I can be so disciplined all day and then lose it at night. :(

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I'm an ice cream addict.  I keep frozen banana chunks in my freezer.  I mix up one frozen banana, a tbsp. of cocoa powder, and enough unsweetened almond milk to make it the consistency of ice cream.  It's much less fat, and a bit fewer calories than ice cream.  


When I read your list of foods, it didn't seem like you were eating many fresh fruits and veggies.  When I concentrate on making sure I get enough of those, I feel so much better and find it easier to lose weight.

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Have you tried My Fitness Pal website?  Seriously, once you start entering the foods you're eating and seeing how fast those calories add up, you will understand why you have to actually THINK about everything  you eat.  You should try it for a few days just to get an idea of what you're doing right and wrong.


Don't eat after dinner.  


Also, I've heard that weight loss is 80/20 diet & exercise.  It's great to get your workout in but your diet is a the main factor.



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Oh, I hate counting calories.  

With a passion.   :p


I tried doing my fitness pal a few times over the last several years.  The thing is, every single night I was having to enter recipes.  I make a lot of different (as in, different every night) foods for dinner... I don't like eating the same thing more than once every few weeks.  

And then, even counting calories... idk.  A calorie isn't a calorie isn't a calorie, kwim?  I can eat pop tarts and have less calories than a fruit smoothie with pineapple and blueberries... but which one is really better for me?  (I know pineapple is sugary, but it's my favorite fruit lol. ;) )


So I've never stuck with MFP.  It made life miserable.  I don't feel like taking 30 minutes out of every day to get on there and track everything I've eaten - that's just annoying. 






and yeah, I know exercise doesn't account for much.  I did say that in the OP. :)

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I'm sorry. I really had to shake up my regular routine to start losing weight. I think sometimes something just has to click before you are really ready. I knew I needed to lose weight and knew what to do but wasn't ready to put in the effort consistently until a few months ago.


30 days of no Dr Pepper (my weakness) or eating out gave me a good jumpstart. I use LoseIt instead of MFP but they are similar. I talked my sister into helping me stay accountable. My husband isn't able to help me stay accountable but she is for some reason. When I asked her, she asked what kind of accountability I wanted. I didn't want her policing every bite but I did want her encouragement when my eating started getting off track for a couple days in a row. She also notices when I don't track my usual exercise and asks me about it, it's helpful when I feel like skipping a workout.

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I understand. Several years ago I lost 50 pounds and have been successfully maintaining my weight. It's work, for sure, but I'm so much happier at this weight that it's totally worth it.


The truth is, you will HAVE TO make changes if you really want to lose the weight, and that means having to give some things up. I know you know this.


Here's what I've learned. When you're ready, you'll do it. When you want to drop that weight badly enough, you'll make the changes you need to make. Until then, you'll keep doing the same things with the same result.


Just a (hopefully) encouraging thought: I wasn't thrilled about having to give up certain foods or "depriving" myself, either. But once I started with baby steps and started to see positive results, it didn't feel like deprivation anymore. It felt like motivation!


I hope you figure out what works for you. I really do think that for many people there's a switch that just comes on at some point and makes them say enough is enough.

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I always sound preachy, so I'm kind of afraid to post, but I promise I'm not BEING preachy!


One thing I would suggest is balancing your carb/fat/protein a bit better.  I'm a huge egg fan and usually have at least one a day, but it's not the first/only thing I eat.


I tried some Arctic Zero "frozen dessert" in place of ice cream.  I'm not going to lie, it isn't as delicious as ice cream, but I still think it's good.  Even with a tiny fraction of the calories of ice cream, I eat less of it because I get the instant gratification without the urge to keep going.


Snacks are still and always will be an important part of how I eat.  They're just (usually) different from what they were. Sometimes my snack might be that hard boiled egg.  Or almonds.  Or ww bread with peanut butter. Or a sliced apple with cheese. Or vegetables with hummus. And sometimes they might be one of my favorite (of which there are many) Kashi cookies or bars.  Yesterday I split a little bag of Doritos with my husband. I never skip birthday cake.


It's not reasonable to say you'll never eat junk food again.  For me (me, me, me,) acknowledging that I was going to eat some crap here and there (would have typed carp, but I don't eat carp, lol) was a GOOD psychological boost.

After that mind twist, I think the biggest factor for me was spreading my food more evenly throughout the day. "Saving" calories for the end of the day makes a person hungry for most of the day and feel icky in the end.

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I think you know all the stuff I would say. Doing it is the hard part. It is awesome you are running. Regardless of weight, the exercise is healthy! I try to focus on the healthy and not the weight (not easy). I could go on a long rant about what did and didn't work for me but that doesn't really help you. I firmly believe it is all very personal.

I read an interesting article on addiction (Synopsis here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-hari/the-real-cause-of-addicti_b_6506936.html ) that has me thinking about the drive to reward oneself with food. Now food isn't a drug, but sometimes humans use it as one. I do think I stick to my health goals more closely when I'm in a period of being involved in things and enjoying it. When I have a chance to feed my soul with being outdoors and being connected to friends. Maybe you can try to up the enjoyment of those things and the need to reward yourself with treats will decrease? Just some ramblings, feel free to ignore it all. :grouphug:

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No advice, but I can sure commiserate! I am only 5 ft. tall and almost 50. I swear, I'd have to live on lettuce leaves or something to lose any weight at this point! Like you, I get plenty of exercise. And like you, I have tried to eat healthy, but found that the healthy stuff has more calories than the not healthy stuff. I also hate My Fitness Pal for the same reasons you stated. It takes too much time and I make "recipes" that are not always the same. I just throw things in. I have no desire to live my life measuring and weighing and running to the computer to log everything I eat. I'd like to be normal! MFP was also discouraging because my friend, who is 7 inches taller than me and weights quite a bit more, is obviously "allowed" more than double the calories that I am. To see all that food that she can eat per day ON A DIET! was just maddening, when I would eat such a tiny amount and still be over my daily allotment! It is just so discouraging!! 


So, like I said, no advice. Just lots and lots of understanding and hugs to you!

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Adding a word about counting calories...

The idea of weighing, measuring, and calculating all day, every day is definitely nutty.

But I've found that doing so for 2-3 days every 3 or 4 weeks is a really great tool for reminding my eyes and stomach of what they should be doing.  It's like recalibrating the brain.


Also, don't forget that you have to fuel your running!  I didn't consider that part when I first responded.  If you're trying to train on one hard boiled egg, you really AREN'T going to perform as well.  You're going to want at least a little nutritious carbs to get moving.


(Disclaimer: I'm only on unit 8 of 33 units in personal training, lol.  Nutrition and program development are toward the end of the book!)

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I eat Fit and Healthy popcorn from Aldi.  If you read the box, it's way better than the other popcorns.  It doesn't taste as buttery, of course.  After a few times eating it I got used to it and I love it now.  I also love that I feel no guilt when I'm eating it, because it's so much better than anything else.  So, instead of going from chips to nothing or to something yucky, maybe you could downgrade just a little bit.  


Oh, heck. Nevermind.  Who am I to hand out advice?  I know exactly how you feel.  It's a pain and it feels impossible to change anything. I'm sorry you feel that way and understand it all too well.  :(

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That article was very interesting, to the PP who posted it (sorry, forgot to quote) - the one about addiction.   I think learning more about addictions is very interesting, but I don't believe it applies to me in this case.  :)  


I do want to thank everyone for being so understanding!  It's nice to know there are others out there who get frustrated with the whole thing, too.  


Oh, and to the PP talking about fueling for a run... I actually don't eat before I run.  :leaving:  :lol:  I eat the hard boiled egg (or whatever) later on, like maybe 1-2 hours after I get home?  I can't imagine running with food on my stomach, I think I'd throw up... :ack2:  I roll out of bed at 6:15, pull my clothes on, put my hair in a ponytail, get my shoes on, and walk out the door to meet my friend to run at 6:30.  Even if I got up at 6, I would still be able to feel the food in my stomach when we started running, I would think... I guess I thought it was normal to run before eating?  Almost everyone I know, if they run in the morning, they don't eat first, because that means getting up even earlier.  :P  

On the rare occasions that I've run later in the day (afternoon or evening), I feel terrible.  I've always assumed it was because I'm running after having eaten 1-3 meals.  


I'll admit, today I'm not eating healthy because we're so busy lol... other than breakfast this morning - which was, yes, a hard boiled egg... but at the grocery store today I picked up some of the little bagels (which I know aren't great for me either, but at least they're just the little tiny 100 cal ones?  :D  ) and garden vegetable cream cheese.  I have actually had luck losing weight in the past if I eat a big breakfast, even if it is 'less than healthy' options like a bagel and cream cheese with eggs or fruit... so I guess I'm going to aim for that.  Not just because of the weight loss thing, but because it is food that I actually like.  :) 

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I'm just going to put this out there because I hear the pain in your voices, much like my own.


I've struggled seriously with weight my whole life. I took a leap of faith and tried a nutritional cleansing program almost 3 months ago. I was a skeptic because let's face it, I'd tried and failed so many times before. This had a 100% guarantee so I thought-why not?


Well, I've lost 34 pounds since the end of February. I have a zest for life and feel incredible. This is not a quick fix, diet pill or gimmick-it's truly a lifestyle change (created and endorsed by doctors). If anyone wonders if it could help them meet their goals, I'd love to talk more about it with you. It would be wrong for me not to share as this has been a lifesaver for me. I've chronicled my story on FB and would be willing to share before/after photos if anyone is interested. Pm me.  It all starts with a decision to change.



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That article was very interesting, to the PP who posted it (sorry, forgot to quote) - the one about addiction.   I think learning more about addictions is very interesting, but I don't believe it applies to me in this case.   :)


I do want to thank everyone for being so understanding!  It's nice to know there are others out there who get frustrated with the whole thing, too.  


Oh, and to the PP talking about fueling for a run... I actually don't eat before I run.   :leaving:   :lol:  I eat the hard boiled egg (or whatever) later on, like maybe 1-2 hours after I get home?  I can't imagine running with food on my stomach, I think I'd throw up... :ack2:  I roll out of bed at 6:15, pull my clothes on, put my hair in a ponytail, get my shoes on, and walk out the door to meet my friend to run at 6:30.  Even if I got up at 6, I would still be able to feel the food in my stomach when we started running, I would think... I guess I thought it was normal to run before eating?  Almost everyone I know, if they run in the morning, they don't eat first, because that means getting up even earlier.   :p

On the rare occasions that I've run later in the day (afternoon or evening), I feel terrible.  I've always assumed it was because I'm running after having eaten 1-3 meals.  


I'll admit, today I'm not eating healthy because we're so busy lol... other than breakfast this morning - which was, yes, a hard boiled egg... but at the grocery store today I picked up some of the little bagels (which I know aren't great for me either, but at least they're just the little tiny 100 cal ones?   :D  ) and garden vegetable cream cheese.  I have actually had luck losing weight in the past if I eat a big breakfast, even if it is 'less than healthy' options like a bagel and cream cheese with eggs or fruit... so I guess I'm going to aim for that.  Not just because of the weight loss thing, but because it is food that I actually like.   :)


See, and that's probably where a lot of us have "advice" to give based  entirely on our own circumstances.  Now that you point it out, I HAVE heard that a lot of people run on an empty stomach.  While I personally don't see that as "the best" way, I don't work out until a good 3-4 hours after I wake up, and I'd pass out cold if I tried to hold off on eating.  I just jumped to the conclusion that everyone operates like me, lol!

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I have a good friend who is a runner, and she Never eats before she runs. I, on the other hand, would pass out if I *didn't* eat before I exercise (although I don't run).


Different strokes!! :-)



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I have a good friend who is a runner, and she Never eats before she runs. I, on the other hand, would pass out if I *didn't* eat before I exercise (although I don't run).


Different strokes!! :-)



When I was much younger I couldn't eat before running. Now I usually have to have a banana. My preference though is to eat breakfast and then wait a couple hours to run, it just isn't always possible.

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