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Son in hospital across the country--UPDATE in post #49


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After three days of meningitis-ish symptoms that he refused to see a doctor for, my son is being transported by ambulance to the hospital.  He walked into the urgent care clinic with a fever of 103--though he claimed to be feeling better (his eyelids were swollen). 


He is 3000 miles away and I am freaking out.



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That is very scary!  I don't blame you for freaking out.  Do you have anybody close by - friend or relative - who can check in on him?  Or can you say his general location, maybe one of the WTM aunties can check in on him?  I'd be more than happy to do that if he were near me, but it sounds like he must be on one coast and you on the other, and sadly I'm more in the middle of the US.

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That is very scary!  I don't blame you for freaking out.  Do you have anybody close by - friend or relative - who can check in on him?  Or can you say his general location, maybe one of the WTM aunties can check in on him?  I'd be more than happy to do that if he were near me, but it sounds like he must be on one coast and you on the other, and sadly I'm more in the middle of the US.

I'm in the midwest too - otherwise I'd be happy to help.  Scary for both of you!

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I don't blame you, I'd be freaking out too.




I would try and focus on the fact that he's finally at the hospital, getting the care he needs.  Is it a University hospital? In general, those are the places you want to be for things like this.


I'm in SW Florida, not a lot of universities here, but if he's here....  let me know and I'm willing to help.

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That would freak me out.  If he is that sick he needs someone who can advocate for him in the hospital.  Does he have a girlfriend, or close friend or other relative or RA or someone who can be with him/check on him?  Has there been word about what they think is wrong with him?

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I'm so sorry, that is so scary!  It would be scary even if he were nearby, but the distance sure would add to it.  Are they worried that it may be one of those college meningitis cases that we have been hearing about in the news?  

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He's being discharged.  They decided it was mono because his liver enzymes are elevated (and I'm assuming because of his other symptoms).  According to the RA, he is looking a lot better than he did a few hours ago, which is good.


Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.  

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