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Is There Security At Your Place of Worship?


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As a child, my family went to Catholic and Lutheran churches. I've also attended the churches of numerous other Christian denominations, and I do not recall ever seeing any sort of security guard/doors/glass/cameras, etc. in place. It always seemed to me that Catholic/Christian churches were wide open for visitors. Granted, this was several decades ago, so I understand that things may be different today.


The first time I set foot on the grounds of a synagogue, the first thing that struck me was the conspicuous level of security. I converted to Judaism over a decade ago, and it now seems to me that tight security at a synagogue/temple is pretty much the norm in most places.  


I was thinking about it today because we have a homeschool PE class that is near the San Diego Islamic Center. Every mosque I have ever seen in the U.S. has the same tight security that we have at Jewish places of worship.


So, I am curious... Does your place of worship have security? 

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Lutheran church and no security guards. Because we have a day school in the same building we have security cameras at the doors and locks that require you to be buzzed in when school is in session. My in-laws church doesn't lock their door ever but they are in a very rural location.

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Nope. We are Lutheran and go to church in the country.


There is a major Ivy League university nearby that has a fence up on the street side of the sidewalk in front of the Jewish center there. It is very inconspicuous. It is on a hill and it took me years to put the 2 together.

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When I went to church, they were all unlocked.


When I was with ex-h, he attended services at the mosque which on the military post was adjacent to the synagogue. The mosque and synagogue were always locked and had cameras, due to multiple previous threats.

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Our Masjid/school had guards post 9/11 for about 2 years (death and bomb threats and the like required it). Now we just have security alarm/cameras. Prayer area is unlocked at all times, but some people still steal from the charity box (locked built into the wall). We are on a major street, so lots of police drive bys to check, but our parking is in the back, so that makes it tough to see what is going on from the street.

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We have no guards, but there are security cameras.  No one sits to watch the feed or anything (I guess they just record "in case").  There is a (protestant) school in the church, but I doubt that is the only reason for the cameras--I think they'd have cameras without the school.

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Yes. We attend a large-"ish" church (3000 membership). We have a security consultant in-house, and a school on our campus. School is locked down, you need security access to enter from the church side of the building. We have cameras monitoring the building, inside and out. Police are stationed outside the school, in cruisers, during operating hours.

When I play in the orchestra, I've also seen well-dressed men . . . with earpieces (is that what they're called?) like Secret Service guys have. It's not broadcast that we have security, but they are there.


I can't figure out if this should freak me out or not. . . . . .

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No there is not, but I have thought about bringing it up. One of our churches (Unitarian Universalist) was targeted by a shooter




For a long time I was a little worried when I saw someone come in from outside in the middle of services or if a single man showed up at services. I'm pretty much over that now. But it did make me feel unsafe at church for a long time.


And I know that our local synagogues do have security cameras, at least around the outside of the buildings.

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When I first started attending a mosque, there was no security (pre-9/11).  After 9/11, I'd notice cops there to direct traffic (because we meet around 1-ish on  a Friday)...but that was it.  Then after we had a pipe bomb placed, etc. there was more.  Still, it's usually still traffic control.  


I don't remember security at chuches I attended growing up.   When I attended a large mega-church, though, they had cops helping with traffic, security cameras, etc.

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No there is not, but I have thought about bringing it up. One of our churches (Unitarian Universalist) was targeted by a shooter




For a long time I was a little worried when I saw someone come in from outside in the middle of services or if a single man showed up at services. I'm pretty much over that now. But it did make me feel unsafe at church for a long time.


And I know that our local synagogues do have security cameras, at least around the outside of the buildings.


That happened where I live. It was so scary and eye opening.  For a couple of years after that I would just sit and stare at the entrance to the chapel at my church (there was a window on the side that showed the front doors from the outside), terrified it would happen at my church just down the road.

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Catholic here, we do have security while kids are in religous ed in the form of a locked and manned door. We had a crazy guy run into one of the classrooms while the kids were in class. He was running from the police. Luckily, the teacher one door down was an off duty cop and he made quick work of that situation.

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When I first started attending a mosque, there was no security (pre-9/11).  After 9/11, I'd notice cops there to direct traffic (because we meet around 1-ish on  a Friday)...but that was it.  Then after we had a pipe bomb placed, etc. there was more.  Still, it's usually still traffic control.  


I don't remember security at chuches I attended growing up.   When I attended a large mega-church, though, they had cops helping with traffic, security cameras, etc.



That happened where I live. It was so scary and eye opening.  For a couple of years after that I would just sit and stare at the entrance to the chapel at my church (there was a window on the side that showed the front doors from the outside), terrified it would happen at my church just down the road.



Love to both of you. I am so sorry you both have had to go through that.

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We have some folks who wander around with walkie talkies in case of medical or security emergencies.  But I think the security issues they are most concerned about are related to our kids classes and nursery drop off areas.  We just want to make sure that whoever picks up the kids are the ones who dropped them off.  They are also available to preform first aid till emergency crews get there in a medical emergency.  We don't have any security cameras or metal detectors.

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There are definitely people trained to deal with situations that are on site at our church at all times.  Our church is in an urban center, so lots of strange things can happen in that neighborhood.  People that are not recognized are asked if they need help.  The doors are open at service times, but no other times are all the doors unlocked.  At times none of the doors are unlocked and you need to be buzzed in.  The children's classrooms are designed to be in one are for security reasons as well.

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Large Baptist church in a mid-sized city. Yes we have monitored security cameras, controlled access to various areas of the church at various times (for example, on a weekday, only staff can open the doors to the children's wing, they are open to everyone when they are in use for church functions), photo id's for children/youth workers, who also must pass a background check. The church hires an off duty police officer on Sunday mornings to assist with traffic flow as people enter and exit the property. 


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I used to work at a church nursery school.  As part of my job there, I belonged to a network of directors and administrators of preschools, that included many other faith based and secular schools.  We took turns visiting each others' schools, and the difference in security between the schools located in churches, and those in synagogues was a harsh reminder of the power of hate.  We also had members from a number of centers located in federal office buildings, and these had even higher security.


Having said that, we did have security in our building on occasion.  The church where I worked had a "water ministry" where homeless men and women could come in, have a shower, a warm meal, and a chance to wash their clothes and also get some new clothes.  On the days the ministry operated, there was a security guard at the entrance.  The building was also open in the evenings and used by many community groups, such as AA, and other nonprofits, and on those days we had a security officer who sat at the entrance and did a walk through of the building before closing up at the end of the evening.  


When I was a kid, I attended the same church.  So did the vice president.  On the days he attended we'd have choir practice with bomb sniffing dogs checking out our feet, and a very visible security presence.

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Current church ~ you have to be buzzed into the office and all buildings are locked. I am pretty sure there are security cameras


Last church ~ locked buildings, security cameras, a bodyguard type person sat on the stage with the pastor, police patrols in the parking lots and security scattered throughout the sanctuary. They were prepared for any type of emergency, medical or security wise.


My current church is small, my last church had ~ 4000 members on the rolls. The security for the pastor had something to do with the size of the church.


Both churches have security procedures for the nursery area. Both churches Southern Baptist.

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Larger churches we have been members of, yes.


Also, in certain states in the South, and also in the rural Midwest, a certain percentage of people are carrying. I know some churches that manage their concealed carry population and make sure a trained person is there every service. In Texas, especially certain areas, they do not need to manage their concealed carry population, they are pretty much guaranteed to have multiple trained people available.

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No, unless you count the old guys with canes who are in charge of the candle stand near the front door as security  :laugh:    But, seriously, I've never been to a big or small church that had security - although I've never been to a mega-church for Sunday worship.


However, my son is 13 and this has been Bar Mitzvah year... and at each of the synagogues there was security.  I understand that there's a need, but it's a sad statement too.

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regular church buildings - basically door locks and safety glass.  (within the last few years a 'regular' chapel in a nearby town was burn downed.  it was arson and the motivation was that person's hate.)


the temple (not used for regular sunday services) near us has had guard dogs in the past that came out at night with handlers to patrol the grounds. 6' metal fence with spikes on top.  there are currently (installed in the last few years) reinforced concrete pillars on the sidewalk next to the drive leading to the front doors so cars can't drive through them.  pretty sure there are cameras too.  there is other security including guards - but they tend to keep it hidden.

reality is - some people are crazy destructive and they don't give warnings they're going to do something.

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Nope not at all.


I've been a part of UU and also Episcopal congregations for decades, in several communities. The only security I've seen is that someone is designated to lock up after church. Usually they remember. Locks are no more secure than a home door, and no other security is present whatsoever. 

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There are usually 4 uniformed police officers with patrol cars handling traffic at regular weekend masses, more for Christmas and Easter. There are cameras and the doors are locked at certain times. There is a perpetual adoration chapel and those volunteers use keypad access to get in at night. I don't think they really fear a bombing, it's more a question of deterring thieves and providing security for the adorers. Plus, this is a huge parish, so it's easier to justify the cost of security.

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At the church I went to in FL (approximately 400 people every Sunday), there was a rotation of men who would stand or walk through the lobby area during services and on Wednesday nights kids classes. To outsiders, they just looked like parishoners who had gotten up and walked into the hallway. The kids' areas were locked from the outside, and the doors leading from the fellowship hall (coffee shop) led into the kids' area and were closed during services. The kids' area was built in a T shape, and there were two men that would watch that area for people coming in.


They installed a security system, as well as some cameras throughout the building, and only the doors that were unlocked were the ones leading into the entry of the church (think a long hall from one side of the church to the other leading into the sanctuary). During business hours, the door to the office was locked, and the secretary's desk faced it so she could see who was at it.


Most of this was done A)Because they really value the safety of the kids and B)They had had some thefts from some of the classrooms when people broke in at night and stole tv's. It is well known that there are several police officers that go there, and they also know the guy who teaches the concealed carry class goes there. I think anyone would be hard pressed to be stupid enough to start something.



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Reported post 43.


No security, but a well armed population and a low crime area, plus we are a fairly milk toast bunch. Any aggression toward the church has been done by cowards in off hours.

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Because of Islamic terrorist attacks on Jewish synagogues, Jewish centers, the Israeli embassy and/or Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, the Deli in Paris, etc., sadly this is necessary.  It isn't  always from Islamic terrorists in the USA. There was an attack on the Jewish Center in Kansas City that was done by a White Supremacist as I recall.  

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There are armed security guards (though general public would never know it).


I think this is likely the case where a lot of posters are saying no.  They just don't know.  Which is probably good because it means they haven't personally had to think about it.  

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To an extent, yes, my Catholic Parish does. During Mass there is a uniformed police officer at the back doors, standing and watching. I assume he's off duty and being paid by the church? I don't really know. And the rest of the week, there are men from the Knights of Columbus wheeling around on golf carts, just keeping an eye on things, helping anyone that needs directions, etc etc. So not security exactly, but a presence anyway. These are usually men around retirement age. 


Edited to add that the sunday school area is locked and you have to be buzzed in. Actually, there is usually a director standing there holding the door open for families in the morning, but if you aren't there are the right moment you have to be buzzed in. But that building is a preschool/daycare during the week, so I just assumed it was built that way.


I have no idea about cameras, but I assume so. It is a large parish. 

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I find it interesting people are focusing on "during services".  that might be when you get a crazy person being disruptive, but thieves come in the dark of night.  arsonists come during the dark of night. crazy people armed with guns (a case in seattle. shooter was muslim yelling allah ahkbar while shooting up a jewish day center - and killing people - but authorities claimed he was mentally ill. oh- and he grabbed someone on her way in and held a gun to her head until she opened the door.) come any time people are present - whether it's during worship time or not.

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