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Our homeschooling is officially over.

Night Elf

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I'm dying to know what was the Very Last Thing he needed to do.  It just seems like there is *always* more to do... it's hard for me to imagine what "finished" looks like!  :p


We actually used an accredited online school so he would earn a diploma. I just didn't feel confident enough in my state to homeschool on my own and try to get him into college with a portfolio. He earned 21 credits, 3 of those were homeschooled classes that they accepted as credits for his transcript. So today he submitted his last final exam. Keystone was a good experience. He did much more writing than I would have had him do had I homeschooled his classes myself, so he'll be ready for college where writing is concerned.


Someone else asked if I am sad. In a way I am. I can easily remember when we first started when he was a Kindergartner and I pulled him out of public school. I was so scared and full of doubts. I won't say I was ever rid of doubts during our homeschooling years, but they got easier to push to the side. I'm so proud of him. And of my my girls too. I also graduated my oldest dd with Keystone. My youngest decided to go to public school because she didn't feel homeschooling would give her the edge to get into college that going to a brick and mortar school would do. That was also very scary for me. After years of homeschooling her, I was nervous about her being able to hold her own in a public school setting. But she has done extremely well. So homeschooling was really good for her too. My oldest dd said she would like to homeschool her own kids some day. Hopefully, she'll live near me so I can help! That would be so much fun!

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Is he excited?  What are his plans for the remainder of his year at home?  


We have schooled year round for our entire homeschooling journey, taking off here and there as we saw fit, but never for more than 2 weeks. He feels he deserves a big break after all of that work. I'd like him to get a part-time job before school begins in August. We don't think he could handle working and going to school at the same time, so if he did work, he'd quit before school begins. So he's sort of in a 'why bother' way of thinking. We'll see. I'm not going to push anything just yet. I'll give him a month and then I'll suggest he look for a job. I think he would love working at a game store. It would be nice if they were hiring when he was ready to get a job. We'll see what happens.

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Congratulations! I would love to know why today? Is he doing something exciting for the next few months?


You might read my previous post about his online school. He submitted his final exam in his last class today. He's met the requirements to receive his diploma so he's done with school until college. He has no plans except to hang out and do the same things he's been doing when he's not been working on classes. Basically, just goofing off. Now that he has nothing to do, I'd like to involve him more with grocery shopping and cooking. He doesn't do much except really simple things for himself. I want him to know how to cook before he lives on his own, which is going to be a long time anyway. He'll be living at home when going to college. Just for background information, he has Aspergers, so that affects him in some ways. We just need to practice more practical skills.

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It was so bitter sweet for me to let go of home schooling. One reason I think it is still hard is that I spent 16 years getting good at something, and then quit. I have plans to use some of my home schooling knowledge to train our employees and make working here more interesting because I will be presenting new knowledge all the time. 


I am very happy for you and your ds.

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Congrats!  I've "known" you forever around here.  I've still got a couple of years left.  It's always so heartening to see another long-timer graduate a kid.  Thanks so much for sharing that, and for sharing your journey along the way.  :001_smile:

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Way to go!  Enjoy some time for yourself. You've been raising a family for multiple years, so you deserve it!  There is a homeschool conference coming up in my area, and although I am basically finished as well (still an afterschooler), I may just go anyway to hear the keynote speaker, get energized and support others on their journey. By the way, if anyone can give advice on figuring out how to decide what to do in the next seasons of life, please share!

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Way to go!  Enjoy some time for yourself. You've been raising a family for multiple years, so you deserve it!  There is a homeschool conference coming up in my area, and although I am basically finished as well (still an afterschooler), I may just go anyway to hear the keynote speaker, get energized and support others on their journey. By the way, if anyone can give advice on figuring out how to decide what to do in the next seasons of life, please share!

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Congratulations to you both. And just so you know, I was at the grocery today and saw two bright puffy jackets. I thought of you and wondered if you kept your royal blue puffy jacket? 


:laugh: I did! It's hanging on a dining room chair. I wear it sometimes when I take the dogs out. DD16 won't let me wear it away from the house though.

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