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I've joined a new club

Halftime Hope

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I'm a card carrying member of the pink ribbon club.  Bummer.   Kind of ironic--I didn't wish to join.


The great news, which I believe are a sign of God's love and providence, is that it was found fairly early after I had a cyst form in a very palpable location, so I went and had the usual squeeze job done early.  The bad stuff is buried deep near the chest wall, so I would not have found it during a self-exam until it was much more advanced.


Its characteristics are good in every way--the doc says it is a "lazy" form--but I'm still facing major surgery and losing a part of me that I cherish.  (I read those bOOks to babies for almost nine years.)  Sniff, sniff. 




A couple of questions, please?



I want to combine complementary and alternative into the array of allopathic services that I use to heal and to prevent further recurrence.  If anyone has *personal* knowledge of things that help, or of providers who are CAM oriented but practicing evidence-based medicine (they have critical thinking skills galore), I'd appreciate your input.  Please PM me the info. 


If you notice, I'm not using keywords, because I don't like being "searchable" on the net.  Please follow suit in your responses, if you don't mind, or PM me.


Thank you!


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Hugs, OP.


When my mom went thru this, she found a great deal of pain relief from a lady who specialized in post-Mword massage.  My mom visited once a week for gentle massage that supposedly helped stimulate the lymph system (lots of light brushing),   Perhaps something like that might be available where you are?

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Love and prayers, HH.  (((hugs)))


A high school friend's wife is a books surgeon.  She is a lovely person and teaches classes at a medical school, but I do not know of her medical reputation, only her personal one.  If you are vetting surgeons in our area and want to put her on your list, I can get her contact information.

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I just joined this club as well! I had a partial just yesterday 😊 And am recuperating on the couch.


I don't have any advice on what you are specifically asking but I'll be praying for you. If you have any questions just ask.


Not the club of choice, is it!


Hugs to you, too, Kelly. Wishing you a smooth recovery.  :grouphug:

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Love and prayers, HH.  (((hugs)))


A high school friend's wife is a books surgeon.  She is a lovely person and teaches classes at a medical school, but I do not know of her medical reputation, only her personal one.  If you are vetting surgeons in our area and want to put her on your list, I can get her contact information.

I cleared room in my messages box.

A name would be great, thank you.  I've talked to two. I'm still not sold on either one.  I think the plastic surgeon has an A game to bring if I choose to go that route. 


I thought we were clear on familial history, but it seems that there might be some concern there now.  (Still chasing that down; problem is that mom and I are only gals in the last two generations, until my grandmother's gen, and one of her sisters died of bOOk c***** very young.  My mom's cousin (on that side) died of ov**ian c*****.  I'm not close to any of that side of the family, so I don't know if there is more.  So now I'm chasing down familial history to try to persuade my insurance to cover the testing I need.)



ETA:  sorry, I posted and forgot that I didn't want to use those searchable words, so now they've got asterisks.  Yeesh.

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I just joined this club as well! I had a partial just yesterday 😊 And am recuperating on the couch.


I don't have any advice on what you are specifically asking but I'll be praying for you. If you have any questions just ask.


Not the club of choice, is it!



Very gentle hugs for you, Kelly.  I'm glad you said something; you are in my prayers.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are moving forward and doing what you can, I think that is one of the keys to a successful fight. I don't have any names for you, but I do have friends who got relief from nausea, etc caused by treatments through acupuncture. Might be something to consider?

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I'm so sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are moving forward and doing what you can, I think that is one of the keys to a successful fight. I don't have any names for you, but I do have friends who got relief from nausea, etc caused by treatments through acupuncture. Might be something to consider?

I have a good, local, inexpensive acupuncture clinic so I will pass that on, as well.  Thanks for the reminder.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


It is crummy to have to join that club, but there are a lot of tough people in it with you. A friend who was in the same club saw an herbalist who made teas that seemed to help with the side effects of her treatments. I don't know what was in them though.

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I know it must be hard to go through, but you sound confident and relieved, even though it is bad news.



My BFF had her new bOOks shelved by someone in New Orleans. Apparently he is one of the best. The person who inked her new bOOk labels flew in from NY to the New Orleans clinic. If you need the name of the bookbinder, pm me. My BFF flew home 72h post-op.

You really know how to talk the talk, I would be lost.


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Halftime and Kelly, I was thrust into the club 8 years and 7 months ago. At the time, I was 41 and parenting a 9th grader, a 6th grader and a 4 year old. Had a double done, and ovs are gone.


My heart is with both of you. Feel free to PM with any questions.

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Hugs, OP.


When my mom went thru this, she found a great deal of pain relief from a lady who specialized in post-Mword massage.  My mom visited once a week for gentle massage that supposedly helped stimulate the lymph system (lots of light brushing),   Perhaps something like that might be available where you are?


Yes, as an ex-LMT, lym*** dr**nage mas**ge can be very helpful post-sx.  If you go on youtube, there are videos on how to do it yourself, but I would start with a trained LMT first.   Most sx centers will refer you to somebody as it's pretty common.  Insurance may cover it as well.

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Welcome to the club.


I did not want to be a member either. Still wish I could have passed the opportunity by. But I will say I have been a part of many beautiful things during this journey--I wouldn't like to give those experiences up.  


My treatment only included the editing of books,  but a full barrage of chemo and radiation. Family history in play there. I did have lym*h m*ss*ge and it was wonderful. I took up yoga at the request of my oncologist. Lived on ginger products during the queasy months.


I went a strong and traditional medicine route with a mix of alternative practices stirred in. The alternative practices would not have fought the disease, but they did give me physical and spiritual support and a sense of some control over my health.


The one thing I am continuing to work toward is lowering my glycemic load in my diet. Research says that lower glycemic eaters have lesser reoccurrences. Sigh.


I wish you strength for the journey and a sense of humor. Medical treatment is often undignified--if you have a sense of humor about those indignities, it helps.



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