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I'm having an awful day


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My seven year old has epilepsy. It's mostly well controlled. This morning she had a seizure that didn't stop on it's own and I had to call an ambulance. I gave her meds to stop it and she spent some time in the er.


She was blue. All the way blue. And it took 6.5 mins to stop.


My poor baby. :(

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I am sorry. We've had the unstoppable seizure just once, when dd had a fever when she was 2. But we had some particularly bad days last summer after trying to wean her off one of her meds. We had a memorable "3 diastat day"--had never needed more than 1 in a given day before. Stressful! Worrisome! Bleah. Praying things stabilize again for you.

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This is one of my biggest fears. My ds has epilepsy as well. He has a Vagus Nerve Stimulator and is on two medications. His seizures are well controlled right now. This is a good reminder for me that epilepsy can be unpredictable. I'm so sorry your dd had to go through that. I can only imagine what you were going through. 




Elise in NC



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My dad started having seizures when I was in middle school and never got them under control and had to quit working.  He had a pretty hard time of it.  My brother started having them in his early teens and did get it under control with medicine and eventually was able to get off the medicine.  He has been seizure free for many years now.  There is hope and don't quit trying medicine until they get a combination that works. :grouphug:

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