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What is your downfall food? (something really unhealthy that you will eat if you have it in the house?


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I have to pick one?!?! 


Ice cream. dh makes it once a week. Not a big amount either. So, we can't over eat it. (we were given an electric ice cream maker a couple of years ago and I almost return it, but we decided from then on we'd only eat home made to cut down on our consumption).


certain candy, like those mint truffle kisses only available Thanksgiving through Christmas. 


I like home made cake with home made frosting. Sometimes I'm in the mood for making cakes. If I am, I have to give away cake to neighbors. Sometimes they are dieting, but have weak wilpower too so they accept the cake, but are unhappy I offered. 



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Dark chocolate and chocolate covered raisins.

At least it's usually 70% or darker; it used to be milk chocolate...

For a while we had none in the house and I would not think about it, then dh started shopping and bought it again. ALL his fault.

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The list...... it is so long......................


Keebler Danish Wedding cookies


Apple chips (esp the caramel flavor)


rice krispies treats  (homemade- of course)


Last week I made two batches of my orange/cranberry scones--- they are in the freezer calling me--- all. day. long


oreos--- is an "eat by" date even relevant?





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chips- particularly kettle cooked or some kind of spicy flavor.  Also M & Ms.


Strange thing is I can ignore a bag of either for weeks but as soon as someone opens it I lose all control.  Once the bag is opened it is just and handful here and a handful there until the bag is gone. Usually does not take long.

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Potato chips.  Chocolate can sit for months; a bag of chips will be gone in a day.  I don't buy them.

We have some in the house *umm* at least for now.  :blushing:

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oreos--- is an "eat by" date even relevant?

True story.... Once upon a time long long ago, I brought home oreos.  I'm sure Dd must have convinced me, and they must have been on sale too (my only defense).  Alas, all that remained at the end of the day were about 8 oreos.  I looked at them, and I really wanted to eat them, but I had eaten way more than I burned off on the treadmill.  What to do?  I decided it was snack time and MADE Dc eat the remaining oreos (like I had to twist their arms).  At least I had not eaten the remaining 8 oreos.  I was so glad the house was finally oreo free and I would be able to reform and start drinking green juice again and settle down to being a good girl.  Dh did the grocery shopping the next day.  Guess what he brought home?  :glare:

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Funny story about Oreos. I cannot stand the things. Couldn't eat them even before I was GF.

In vet school, in my fourth year I was on clinics prior to Christmas, and I couldn't get home until Christmas Eve. I was out of cash, out of food, etc. All I had to eat were stale Oreo cookies that somebody wanted to get rid of so they left them in the break room... none of them had been eaten, they were so bad...

Anyway, all I ate for about a week were stale Oreo cookies. 

I suspect I'd starve to death before I'd eat another Oreo!

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Funny story about Oreos. I cannot stand the things. Couldn't eat them even before I was GF.

In vet school, in my fourth year I was on clinics prior to Christmas, and I couldn't get home until Christmas Eve. I was out of cash, out of food, etc. All I had to eat were stale Oreo cookies that somebody wanted to get rid of so they left them in the break room... none of them had been eaten, they were so bad...

Anyway, all I ate for about a week were stale Oreo cookies. 

I suspect I'd starve to death before I'd eat another Oreo!

Well, since Dh brought them home, I have not had many.  They truly aren't my favorite, but if they are here, I will eat them.  I don't bring home cheeze-its anymore either since I looked at the fat content.  Dc try to ask me at times, but I make them read the label and tell them 'no' every time.  And yet...there are potato chips in the cabinet, and I am guilty of bringing them home!  What was I thinking?  I wonder why my Dc haven't gotten wise and compared the potato chip label to the cheese it label?

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Here's another one of my guilty downfall foods, since we are doing confession and we just got done with Easter.

Peeps. I cannot bring them home. They never make it to the Easter baskets. I suspect it's the sugar crunchiness I like.

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Cheez-Its! I stopped buying junk food, except for those nasty little cheese squares for my kids for a treat. Wanna know what I learned? I can become addicted to any junk food if it's I. My house. I finally had to stop buying them. I couldn't control myself. Seriously.

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