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S/O What is the first movie your child(ren) saw in a theater?


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Just for fun, tell what your child's first theater movie was.


We took DS to see Wreck it Ralph when it came out last year so he was newly 3.  He was enthralled with the whole experience.  Since then he's also seen Monsters U, Despicable Me 2, Planes, and Frozen in the theater.


DD went to Planes when she was one month old, but she was just there for the food, of course :lol: .

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I dont actually remember my daughter's.  We were pretty broke, it might have been late.  My teen, it was the Rug Rats movie, he might have been 4.  My youngest, it was Cars, he was not yet 3 - we were very impressed he managed not to need to go to the bathroom the whole time!

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James first movie was Polar Express when he was 6.  Went to a matinee during the middle of the week where there were only about 5 other people in the theatre. He wore his head phones and could hop up and down as much as he needed too. 

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My oldest was Disney's Tarzan movie.  He was 3 and loved it!  The next week I took him to see The Tigger Movie and he enjoyed that as well and has loved going to the movies ever since.


My youngest is just 3 and I took him to see Planes when it came out.  We almost made it to the end.  It went as well as I expected it would.  He is not one to sit and watch a whole movie.  We are debating going to see Frozen sometime this week.

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That they wanted to see, or that they were there to see? When DD9 was a baby, one of the local theaters did "Cinebabies" matinees, where they showed a first run movie each week, at 11:00 in the morning, with the sound turned down and the lights left dimmed, but not completely off, for moms with young babies/toddlers. So, for about her first 9 months or so, DD "saw" a movie a week. Actually, she slept better there than almost anywhere else. She was a child with a high need for stimulation, so she'd get fussy if she was at home too long, but the sounds in the theater put her out every time. Once she started crawling, it stopped working (she was late to crawl and late to walk). 


I'm not sure what the first movie she saw by her choice was, but I'm thinking maybe the Princess and the Frog at age 4. I know we ended up watching that one about 3x in the theater and that she had her 5th birthday pictures in a Tiana costume with a stuffed frog. It's still one of her favorites.















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I believe my kids have only been to a movie theatre once.  They were both just 2 and we were traveling with friends who decided to go to the movies.  We saw Marley and Me.  Although this really isn't a kiddy movie, the girls did very well and Miss E was very into it.  She cried as she realized the family's grief.


We haven't been to another movie just because it isn't part of our lifestyle.  I have no desire to see the latest movies, and they have plenty of catching up to do with classic movies on DVD.  We do go to live shows when we get the chance.


ETA:  they have been to Omnimax theatres a few times.  But not before they were 2, I don't think.

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My oldest's first time in a theater she was about 6 months old, we went to see True Lies.  She nursed and slept through the whole thing.  :laugh:   The first  movie she saw that was actually for her, I think was 101 Dalmations but I'm not sure.


My youngest's first was Enchanted.  She was really little but was fascinated by it.  It was probably my son's first as well but I don't remember for sure.

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Technically, I had my oldest with me when we watched The Passion, but he was only two months old and  he nursed and napped in my arms the whole way through. My mom took us and I couldn't find a babysitter.


I think the first one we took them all to was Puss N' Boots. Looking  back I probably shouldn't have chosen that one. The Second one was Wreck it Ralph. We don't take them very often. It's an expensive treat.

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dd's first movie was Mulan , she was 3.  She had a big popcorn and soda and when she finished them, she stood up, folded her seat back and said "I'm done, let's go"  .  we convinced her to stay.


ds was 5 and his first was Spider Man.  He lasted the entire movie but then when we stood up to go, he threw up from all the candy dh let him eat

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I believe my daughter's first movie at the theater was Pocahontas.  She was about four.  I remember that after the previews played there was a long introductory portion of the movie before the opening credits rolled.  My daughter thought that that was the end of the movie!




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DD17 slept through all of Independence Day when she was 3 weeks old.  We went in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day, and I don't even remember if anyone else was in the theater.  


But yeah, she slept through the entire thing, which was great because I fully expected to have to take her out at some point!


I don't remember about DD10, but I'm sure it was something more age appropriate.

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We're not sure.  We know that DS went to a drive-in when he was about a year or so old but we can't remember what we saw and he would have slept through it or played in the back anyway.  


The first movie we have documented as the kids seeing was Cars and X-Men at a Drive-in for the 4th bday of my ds.  My dd would have been 2.5yrs old.  We have pictures.  :)  


The first movie my son remembers seeing in theaters is Alvin and the Chipmunks.

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For my oldest is was the Curious George movie. For middle son I think it was The Heffalump movie although that might have also been with the oldest. 


For my daughter it was technically Avatar, but since she was in a sling and breastfeeding I’m not sure that counts as “seeing the movieâ€. :)

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My little boys' first was Winnie the Pooh. Ds3 was too young to really watch it (he would have been 18/19 months), but I'm counting it. 


I'm not sure if it was really his first, but the first movie I took Dss to (and the earliest one he remembers) was Happy Feet, when he was 4.

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1-Harry Potter 1

2-Harry Potter 3. Maybe. Oh geez, I have a bad memory.  That or Nemo.

3-Star Wars 3

4-Wall-E or Spiderwick.  I can't remember!

5-Harry Potter 7 (part 1) at only 4 days old, I believe. 


Now I feel terrible because I don't remember so much. I know 1 & 5 for sure.  The others I'm about 75% sure on.  I know we saw them in the theatre with them (as babies) but I don't remember which order they were released. Yes, I take babies to the theatre.  It has never been a problem except for kid #4 going to see HP 6.  It took me 3 tries (once we left for an emergency with a friend about 20 minutes in, the other she refused to sit) but otherwise my kids are remarkable silent during movies. 

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We used to get free tickets from the hospital to some kids movies (generally unmemorable films) with eldest dd so I don't remember her first. But one of them was the Premier of the first Harry Potter and the kids all got show bags full of merchandising treats.

The first I paid for was Shrek. I took her and three young friends I was doing an overnight sit with. I loaded up the car with food and took them on a mystery outing to the drive in. I knew nothing about the film, it drizzled and we needed the wipers a bit, but it was a hit and one I still love.


This dd said Happy Feet, which her big sister treated us to.

That's nice. I hadn't remembered that. Thanks for this thread.

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Asher's was How to Train Your Dragon.  He was in a huge Viking phase when he was 3, so it seemed perfect, Vikings, dragons, Dreamworks.  He got bored after his candy ran out, folded himself up in the chair and smashed his fingers, dropped the popcorn, and we missed the end  :glare: . Jackson and Piper both saw the summer $1 movies in the theater first.  When Piper is not big on TV, so when I take her, it's mostly trying to stretch the goldfish and raisins out for as long as possible because after that, the chase begins.  We only go to the $1 movies in the summer, so it doesn't matter that she's running around down front.  I would never take Asher or Piper to another movie that is full price, neither of them can sit for longer than 30 minutes. 

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Hm. I think it was Rio for my youngest (cheapy summer movie days). The Chipmunks for the next-to-youngest. I can't remember the movie for the girls. I was anxious the whole time, taking 3 small kids, lol. My oldest's father and grandmother took him to the movies all the time, so I have no idea for him.

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