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Did any of you ever LOSE weight during pregnancy?


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Did any of you ever LOSE weight during pregnancy? (I know this is NOT the goal or a time to be dieting, etc.) but, if you lost, why do you think you did? Was it because you made healthier lifestyle choices (i.e. gave up soft drinks, started exercising faithfully) during pregnancy? Was it because you were too nauseated to eat? When did you start gaining? In short, I'd like to hear your pregnancy weight gain/loss stories.

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Not me personally, but I have known women who have lost weight because they had terrible problems with vomiting throughout the pregnancy. I also knew one woman who was overweight going into the pregnancy and didn't gain anything.

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I did with my first. I lost quite a bit in the beginning due to morning sickness. Then, I had pre-term labor and was on bed rest and it was hard to work up an appetite. I left the hospital after delivery weighing less than I did before I became pregnant. It was not a good look for me.

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Yes. 16 pounds with my daughter despite not really having it to lose. 24 with son (but I had it to lose), but I gained 5 in the end so only netted a 19pound loss. Doctors were pretty concerned and there was a lot of discussion about eating enough and making sure to get nutrients and fat I needed. Mostly though, every person is different and losing weight is not normal, but isn't necessarily disasterous.


My daughter was 9 pounds 12 oz. My son was a 7 pound 11oz "preemie" (34½ weeks).

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I've known woman who were over weight and started to a healthier, balanced diet and lost weight. They were still eating well for baby.



Same; I have known of maybe one or two women in the 300lb range who lost in a healthy way.


My mom netted zero with my youngest sister. She was overweight and craved baby carrots and ice water for that pregnancy.


With my last pregnancy, I tried to control my weight gain but I completely failed at it. For the first trimester, all that appealed to me were refined carbs (bagels, pretzels, coffeecake).

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For my 3rd I had very little appetite so I didn't eat as much as I normally did. I had plenty of room to lose. for the first 6 months or so I think I lost 10 pounds. At the end I had gained 10 pounds.


I was a little worried at the beginning my docs weren't worried. DS turned out to be my largest baby at 8pounds 6 ounces. He's still a big boy.

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I lost eight pounds at first, and at 31 weeks now I'm only about seven pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. I was borderline healthy weight/overweight according to the charts. It's a combination of normal nausea, whooping cough through late winter/spring, and a serious aversion to sugar and chocolate.


This is my third kid, and I didn't start showing until 23-24 weeks, which was so weird. We did another ultrasound to make sure everything was okay, and he seems to be healthy and spot on as far as size.

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I did loose weight. But I didn't need.


Eldest was a strange pregnancy. I never felt nause, but I vomitting on average twice a day for 6 months. But I never felt nause. :confused1: I had to true various things to keep food down. But it was so strange cause I never felt sick.


I lost weight at the beginning of the pregnancy. Till I got use to the fact I had to eat TONS of food since only about half would stay down.

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I did with DS#2. I had gestational diabetes, suffered from extreme stress for the last 4 months of my pregnancy, and was in stage 1 labor for 6 weeks due to the stress I was under. When DS was born 2 days before his due date, my official weight was 12 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight.

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Did any of you ever LOSE weight during pregnancy? (I know this is NOT the goal or a time to be dieting, etc.) but, if you lost, why do you think you did? Was it because you made healthier lifestyle choices (i.e. gave up soft drinks, started exercising faithfully) during pregnancy? Was it because you were too nauseated to eat? When did you start gaining? In short, I'd like to hear your pregnancy weight gain/loss stories.



I lost weight with one of mine - the middle. I was too nauseated to eat. No, not really. Nothing tasted good. Everything had a metallic taste to it. Except my neighbors Roma tomatoes. I could have eaten those until the cows came home. :001_wub: That lasted about the first trimester. Then I was fine. I managed to gain 40 pounds after that - net gain of 30. I lost 10 the first trimester.

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When I became pregnant with ds I weighed 165, after I gave birth I was 135. Part of it was eating healthier, but the doctors weren't sure why I lost so much. I thought I was eating a good amount. Overall I would say that the pregnancy felt very draining to me. I didn't feel that healthy glowing feeling that so many people described to me. I was tired all the time, plus I worked my butt off at a physical job until a few days before I gave birth. I was anemic for most of the pregnancy and craved red meat all the time. I had nausea the first two months but not much after that. I didn't vomit once the whole pregnancy. I refuse to vomit! I was getting a lot of ultrasounds at the end to check my amniotic fluid levels since my weight kept dropping. After I gave birth I felt so off center and like a skeleton. I kept tripping for the first week or so after, lol. I didn't feel like I was at healthy weight for me. I felt better after regaining about 10 pounds.

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I've lost weight in the beginning of all my pregnancies due to HG. I had to work hard to gain it back in order to have "normal" weight gain during pregnancy.

I think that giving a general "you should gain this much during pregnancy" leaves a lot out of the equation because everyone is so different.

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I lost during the first trimester with my oldest 2 due to nausea combined with stress in the case of my 2nd. I started gaining after that, but still ended up not gaining as much as my dr wanted me too. I didn't have the weight to lose to begin with, but my kids still came out at healthy enough sizes considering.

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I lost about 20 lb during the second month and only gained about 20 lbs by the time the end of the full term pregnancy. I was nauseous and extremely tired throughout, but nothing that required bed rest or any special medical treatment. After the birth (twins, normal weights), I was down about 30 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

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Lost about 15 pounds, gained some of it back right at the end of the pregnancy, but not all of it if I remember correctly. I didn't have HG, didn't vomit, but had almost no appetite during the entire pregnancy and felt sick most of the time. I did have the weight to lose, fortunately, and DD came out healthy & hale at 8 1/4 pounds.

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I lost 15 or so pounds the first trimester, due to morning sickness.

I craved (and ate a lot of) meat, spinach and strawberries during pregnancy, but never gained more than I lost.

DS was delivered ~7 weeks premature. I was released from the hospital weighing less than I did at first ob appointment.

Sadly, it was not to last... DS was in NICU for a long time and I was unable to drive, dependent on awful hospital food, trying to nurse/pump, stressed to the max.

At my six week check-up, I weighed more than I did when I delivered.

That weight was impossible to lose!

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I did from one appointment to the next. I was diagnosed with pneumonia at seven weeks. previously, I had gained no weight. I normally gained alot during pregnancy - with dudeling, I think I did end up gaining 20lbs - but I was also pretty much on "take it easy and put your feet up" the last two months due to bleeding. I've a friend who gets hypermesis - and she would lose weight.

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Well we can't tell if my scale is off or not, but if it is right then I've lost at least 9 lbs with this pregnancy. Although you can't tell by looking at me. I am about 7 weeks along, no appetite, nauseous all the time and lots of heaving. Making doc appointment today, just found out today I now have insurance through Medicaid.

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I couldn't lose weight if you stuck me on a deserted island without food or water.


During pregnancy? Definitely not. I gained the equivalent of a large child, not just a baby. People regularly commented that I was the biggest pregnant person they'd ever seen :/


More power to those of you who can find equilibrium during pregnancy!

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I did with my first only. I lost about 12 pounds, then gained it back but only had a net gain of like 16 pounds that pregnancy. I think for me it was that I was more aware of eating healthily and I made light exercise more of a habit. I just took better care of myself.


My doctor told me they didn’t worry about it unless you lost more than 10% of your body weight or if you were dieting and therefore not eating well.

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With both pregnancies I lost 5-10 pounds in the first part and reached my normal weight again at 20 weeks or so, and gained from there. I've had very minimal morning sickness, so it wasn't from that. I also lost weight on the pill when I took it years ago, and I lose baby weight quickly, so I think it's just the way my body handles hormones. Normally I do not lose weight easily!

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I lost weight with my last pregnancy. Of course, I started out with more than I needed, so it wasn't a big deal! ;)


It was partly due to how sick I was for the first trimester and then some (didn't want to eat anything most of the time!), and partly because I always develop GD with my pregnancies, and when I faithfully follow that diet, and walk daily (I tried to walk about two miles a day), I lose weight pretty easily. I wish I could be that disciplined when I'm not pregnant...apparently, knowing that I was doing it for a tiny little baby was far more motivating than knowing I'm doing it for myself.

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I had gestational diabetes while pregnant and was, therefore, really careful what I ate. After my son was born, I weighed less than I had in a long time.


This was my experience with my last pregnancy as well. In my previous pregnancies, I lost weight because I had morning sickness. I always ended up weighing less after being pregnant than before.

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I have been pregnant 5 times (1 resulted in a miscarriage however). Pregnancy #2 I lost 10 pounds in the first 13 weeks. And I know why. I was so sick with that boy that I couldn't hardly eat anything and I was already hanging onto about 5-10 extra pounds to begin with. So if you count my weight gain from first appt to last appt, I only gained 16 pounds (because 10 were lost in the beginning).

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Yes. About 6 months in I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Determined to not go on insulin injections, I totally straightened up my diet (with professional supervision). I added MILD exercise. Baby continued to grow but my weight did not change. At delivery she was nice and healthy and I was beneath my pre pregnancy weight.

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I lost with my second and fourth. Both times just because I was so sick. This time I was overweight to begin with and at 20 weeks am maybe finally starting to gain weight. Mostly I just eat so much more healthily while pregnant and my tolerance for sugar while pregnant seems greatly decreased this time around so I'm less of a sugar junkie. I can't believe I haven't gained weight, though, because my belly is HUGE. It is truly frightening to imagine 20 more weeks of growth with this one.


ETA: So far I've had 7-8 pound healthy babies, so my various weight loss/gain patterns have all seemed fine in retrospect. I eat until I'm full and try to make healthy choices.

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In the camp with all the other HG posters. Absolutely couldn't eat or keep anything down. Sad thing is breastfeeding didn't help me continue to lose weight ( i was overweight) but instead caused me to pack on the pounds! But yea, forced weight loss in all of mine.


Me, too. I totally misinterpreted what I read about nursing mothers needing to eat more food, lol. Since I had been nauseous until delivery, I ate and ate after dc were born.

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I had a net loss of weight with my younger son. I had hypermesis gradivarium until the day he was delivered at 35 weeks. I do not recommend this. I basically lost weight until he started to fatten up and then I gained the weight of the baby, placenta etc. I was hospitalized due to the nausea.


I ate very little but diluted vitamin water (which stayed down better than plain water so it was my stay hydrated approach) and cherrios. I wish I were joking. I vomited multiple times a day for the whole pregnancy. Medication only helped slightly. He was substantially smaller than my older son and had some issues as an infant because of that. I wish I had been able to have a normal pregnancy and healthy weight gain. Also, I gained my weight back fairly quickly after birth because I was eating like someone who'd starved for 8 months.

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With #1 I puked a lot, didn't eat much, and when I got out of the hospital I weighed less than I did before I became pregnant. (And I started the weight that was right for my height.)


With #2 I wasn't too sick, and I had him at 32 weeks. I don't remember my weight.


With #3 (current pregnancy) I have HG and I lost 15 lbs by the time I was 3 months along. (This time I had the extra weight to lose.) I am 6 months and am finally gaining and am close to my pre-pregnancy weight.

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I was 15lbs lighter two days before giving birth than I had been before I was pregnant with my last baby. I lost a fair amount with all three of my kids. I threw up a lot. That is the biggest reason why I only have three kids instead of the large family I wanted.

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I had awful hypermesis with most of mine. I'd lose 20+ pounds, gain 10ish the last trimester, have baby and end up weighing less after the birth than before I got pregnant.



That sounds like my cousin's experience. She had to be hospitalized. As bad as my "normal" morning sickness was, I feel bad for all the women who have to deal with the severe kind.

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