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7/10/13 NEW UPDATE IN POST #1 -- If you can spare a couple of prayers or good thoughts today...


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I am so sorry to hear this shocking news and I'm sure you are as well-please make sure he sees a liver specialist ASAP to determine the cause of his cirrhosis-if it is inherited, as it sounds like it is, there may be measures he can take to stop the progression of his liver disease. I'll be thinking of your family ((hugs)).

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My dh is having his gall bladder removed this afternoon, and if anyone could say a quick prayer that everything goes smoothly, I would really appreciate it!


Heading out to the hospital now!


Thank you!!!


UPDATE: Thank you so much for all of the prayers and good thoughts -- I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate them.


We got some very unexpected news at the hospital today. It turns out that my dh's gall bladder is the least of his problems. The surgeon told us before the surgery that he didn't like the way my dh's liver looked on the ultrasound he'd had last week, and that he was going to check it out while he did the gall bladder surgery. As it turns out, my dh has advanced cirrhosis of the liver, to the point where the surgeon has told us that my dh will probably need a liver transplant (assuming he meets the requirements.) He took a biopsy of my dh's liver, and also took several photos of it, and he said that although he wasn't able to see the entire liver, he didn't see anything that would suggest cancer.


This is really scary. The surgeon said that this isn't so immediate that my dh will need to fear for his life within months or anything like that, but since my dh's mother died of liver failure, I keep imagining him going through the same things she did -- and although I'm trying to be encouraging to my dh, I'm having a hard time processing the whole thing.


Obviously, my ds13 is very worried, even though both my dh and I are trying to be very positive about how people with cirrhosis can live for several years, and that dh will probably be a good candidate for a transplant. (DH never drank, doesn't have hepatitis, and has no other major health problems that we know of.) If you could spare some prayers for my ds, it would mean so much.


So anyway, it has been quite a day. I don't have any real details about the cirrhosis yet, because my dh has to go see the specialist and get an MRI. Hopefully that will give us a few more answers. Right now, it seems like everything is up in the air.


Thanks again for the prayers -- I'm trying to keep reminding myself that the news could have been worse, and that even though this is really bad, dh is home and feeling pretty well, and we have time to figure this stuff out. Had dh not gone in for the surgery today, we might not have found out about the problem until it was too late to even try to do anything about it, so I'm trying to be thankful for that.


So sorry for this Cat! Stay strong and positive.,

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