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Am I the only one without a smart phone?!

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I feel like I am an alien - I dont have a smart phone. Up till recently, I just got a pay as you go phone, for emergency purposes only. I really dont want to get stuck with a flat out in the middle of no where again... that is, hoping the phone has a signal:tongue_smilie:. Ugh... I feel like I am stuck in a time warp.

Can anyone relate?

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My sister's cell phone doesn't work where she lives. She has to drive somewhere to check texts and voice mails.


I have a Blackberry (provided through/for work). I have no desire to own another electronic gadget. The only reason partner-boss now has a smartphone is that she keeps losing her phones and having to replace them at least annually.

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I got rid of my smart phone a month ago and now use a phone thru Straight Talk. I am loving the smaller bills and the service is great (it's Verizon). I don't miss my smart phone in the least. I am usually home to use a laptop/iPod Touch/Kindle Fire to get online, check emails, FB, or just play around. I don't need to do any of that while I'm out and about.


ETA: It is possible to get a no-contract phone that is semi-smart, for lack of a better term. :) Mine has a touch screen, and a slide out keyboard. I text and talk as much as I did with my smart phone. I can also go online with the phone I have now, but it is clunkier than my other phone.

Edited by Princess Peach
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I don't have one. I also have never ever sent a text, and I only got my first cell phone 4 years ago when it became necessary for DH to have one (when they added being "on call" to his job requirement). I wish we had a pay-as-you-go phone, but DH likes not having to worry about keeping track of minutes.

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I didn't have one until DS' accident. Shortly after his accident when he was in the hospital, I realized that I really needed one to be able to easily coordinate everything for him and to help keep me organized. So I got one, I love it, but up until his accident I really had no issue with my ancient pay as you go phone.

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No, I don't have a smart phone or texting. I have a very basic model cell that mostly only my DH calls me on. I had an experience once where I got a flat on my bike 5 miles from home and ended up walking home all scraped up. That is the only reason I ever got a cell at all!


I do have an iPad with wireless though. Not 4G. We live in an urban area and all our regular stomping grounds have free wireless.

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Nope. I barely carry my cell phone with me. It is just a basic $15 Sanyo that I paid Tracfone $150 for 24 months of service. It's not a priority in my life (or my budget) to have anything more.

Edited by higginszoo
Stupid Kindle autocorrect.
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No smart phone. I got upgraded to a phone with a keyboard a yr or two ago and that was a nice upgrade ;)


DH and I just can't justify a need for a data plan. I'm home most of the time. He travels for work and I've suggested it might be useful for him, but he doesn't think it would add that much to his life. We do have a touch, but haven't used apps on it for a few months now.


We've considered going to a super low cost pay as you go phone for me, and then upgrading DH, but no plans in the immediate future.

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We have dumb phones.


That's us, too!


Now and then I do see where a smartphone would be really nice to have, but we don't have a consistent need for it, and balk at the cost since our need is not great. Eventually I'm sure we'll upgrade.

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I didn't have one until a couple weeks ago, when we cancelled my Verizon phone to save $$$ and I got added as a 3rd line to my dad's Consumer Cellular plan. I wasn't planning on getting a smart phone but my dad surprised me with one as a gift.


I'm really trying to only use the smart phone features when I'm somewhere with free wi-fi because it's a shared data plan with not that big of an allotment. It *is* pretty handy, though.

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I don't have a smartphone but I have a major carrier and I can text like a mad-dog on an old clamshell style phone, if necessary! :tongue_smilie:


I am not anti-technology. I had a car phone in 1986. I just prefer and little itty bitty phone I can run with, and a smart phone isn't that!

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No. While my husband has had one since phones became smart (*wry grin*), I simply can't *stand* the idea of being that connected. (This from a person who doesn't generally have the landline ringer on, either.) My daughters and I have cheap phones that we keep charged and in minutes. We call them our "emergency phones."


That said, I do have an iPad 3 with 4G, so I can send messages to my husband and sister (who also has a smart phone -- hers is an iPhone) and look up addresses and whatnot when I'm out and about. But the iPad -- a gift from my husband who then upgraded it when the new model came out -- is simply an indulgence, not a necessity. If I forget it, I don't miss it.

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I am not anti-technology. I had a car phone in 1986. I just prefer and little itty bitty phone I can run with, and a smart phone isn't that!


Oh I'm definitely not anti-tech either. I live by e-mail and online ordering, etc. My DH and I don't understand paying for a data plan when we are surrounded by free wireless and IM services.

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Tracfones here. I recently upgraded to one with a touchscreen (my DH went swimming with my phone on vacation). I don't text or go online.. although there are times it would be nice to just look something up quick while out.

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I don't have anything....no cell phone (of any kind), no ipod, no kindles or any of the other things most people can't seem to live without. We have a tv with 4 channels (one is the weather channel), 1 dvd/vcr, a landline phone (dh does have a cell), and our desktop computer. On the computer I don't facebook, twitter, skype....any of that stuff. Call me old fashioned, but I don't mind.

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I feel like I am an alien - I dont have a smart phone. Up till recently, I just got a pay as you go phone, for emergency purposes only. I really dont want to get stuck with a flat out in the middle of no where again... that is, hoping the phone has a signal:tongue_smilie:. Ugh... I feel like I am stuck in a time warp.

Can anyone relate?


LOL, I don't even have a pay as you go phone.:tongue_smilie:

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LOL, our phone is so basic and old that when we brought it into a tiny thrift store to find a replacement cord for it the lady said we wouldn't find a cord as all the ones she had were super old. My ds walked over and found a cord, just like that. It's a basic phone, purchased in 2007, still going strong and used very rarely. It's all we need or want. Dumb phones work for us. ;)

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I don't have one and proud of it! :tongue_smilie:


When I started my thread on Washington DC, I think one of my replies was to the fact that I don't have a smart phone. Oh, I don't remember exactly, but it seems I posted something like this before, on here.


My phone is used for safety first and second to that as a matter of convenience. I have a limited number of minutes. No text (can't stand to do this and will only oblige someone once in a moon). I do have a camera, but most phones do nowadays. Oh, I don't have GPS. If I want/need it, I need to pay extra. Those paper maps sure come in handle - as well as AAA maps!


I really don't plan on buying a smart phone. Don't "need" it and I'm not buying one b/c everyone else seems to be buying one or b/c the cell phone industry is shoving down people's throats!



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well, I don't have any phone. I have never texted in my life.


But, dh got a nice raise and I am pretty sure we are getting iphones next month. It is more for him than for me. He really should have had one for work years ago. He feels weird getting one if I don't, so I get one as well.


So you aren't the last, but you are one of the last.


And here all this time I thought I was the last one :lol:

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I have used a Tracfone for years, BUT I will be buying a friend's iPhone 4, when the iPhone 5 comes out, buying a sim card from Straight Talk, and use Straight Talk for $45/month. I can't wait! I wish Apple would hurry up and release their new phone.


(Is it wrong that I now think of his phone as *my* phone and want to tell him to be careful with it all the time?!)

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