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Please pray... I did something stupid

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I blew it bigtime and am reaping consequences that could harm my family's future. (Marriage is fine, kids are fine. It's nothing illegal and nothing to do with them directly, but they'll feel the impact of my foolish choice.) I'm trying to undo some of the damage. Please pray for me. The next few days are critical. I'm not one to ask for prayer but I'm desperate. Please pray for me.

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Praying for you, and hoping it's not as bad as you think it is. Also, don't blame yourself if you made a mistake -- you would never intentionally do anything to hurt your family in any way, so try not to beat yourself up too much. :grouphug:

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Owning up to your shortcomings is an awesome lesson for the entire family...give it the attention it needs but do not dwell on the impact, or it will just grow needlessly...your family is blessed to have a mom with a caring and reparative heart!! :)

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Praying for you, and hoping it's not as bad as you think it is. Also, don't blame yourself if you made a mistake -- you would never intentionally do anything to hurt your family in any way, so try not to beat yourself up too much. :grouphug:


:iagree: and praying here.

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The worst feeling ever is that somebody else is going to help pay for your mistake, so sorry, praying. I almost never leave a message that I am going to pray for someone on the board, I just do it, but I feel for you.


Bingo. I feel like such a JERK for creating this situation. :(


Anyway, I so appreciate the prayers and hugs. I feel so much more encouraged. Thank you :)


And now, I would like to take a moment for a DH brag.


:001_wub: He is wonderful. He is patient, kind, forgiving, level-headed, intelligent, supportive, compassionate and my best friend. Oh and he laughs at my jokes :001_smile:. Had a wonderful talk with him when he got home from work about everything going on (he already knew, I was just updating), and I was reminded, once again, how BLESSED I am. :001_wub:


This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world.

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We are comfrotably middle class. WE own a house, a car, basical utilities and such. We help take care of kids and parents as we need to. Out out go is slightly more than our income right now. We are accumulating more debt but are taking longer to pau things of. MY 15 yr. olds dd is in exactly the same position. They live a block apart. They made cheer team. He friend probably gets a little more spent on her because she is the baby and only one left at jome.


They are both turning 16 in October so I am supposed to organize for a double sweet sixteen parties. The girls want cars (yeah right) and then they NEEED new IPADs for chool next year (some acuracy to this).


They still need school clothes, supplies, cheer stuff. Wemanage to get her all of the things that she needs but it is a strugggle. SHe is the poorest in the group and whie the group doesn't mind, it basically just her. I told her that if she wanted to be the top dog she would a different territory. So that she was top dog and people were trying to keep up with her or we are going to have to give up eating.

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:grouphug: Done, I'm sorry, whatever it is.


Had a wonderful talk with him when he got home from work about everything going on (he already knew, I was just updating), and I was reminded, once again, how BLESSED I am. :001_wub:


This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world. This-isn't-the-end-of-the-world.

0511-1104-2516-2228.jpg Edited by Lovedtodeath
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