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I was just thinking today how much these boards have shaped me over the years- I often refer to things that happened here, in conversations. I have just popped in to share how things are going for me and to share my gratitude for all the wonderful women here who have shared their stories, helped me on my journey, and helped me rear my kids the best way I was capable.


My ddalmost18 is in university. She only has to do another year and she is finished- she got lots of credits because of the course she did beforehand. She is studying Mass Communications and doing well and loving it. She has a great boyfriend and is happy- she stays with me 3 nights a week.


Ds16 is doing a full-time Diploma of Marine Studies which will get him into 2nd year uni as well, in Marine Biology. He is not sure that's what he wants to do...but this is my dyslexic, difficult to teach son- anything is good! I have written many a post about him here as I tried to find my way with him. He no longer considers himself dyslexic. He watches other kids drop out because its too hard- and now knows he is not stupid either. His self esteem is good at last. He is growing up- surrounded by earthy sailing people. His relationship with his dad is finally good. His relationship with me is getting healthy as I have set much healthier boundaries with him.


My ex and I get on well and the kids float between us as they choose. He has a new woman and she seems good for him- he is a better dad than he was-when we separated, he thought his kids wouldn't want to spend time with him- it was a wake up call.


And I...am totally in love with a gorgeous man. He is a scientist and I work with him- doing research mainly. We work from home and he reckons my years of homeschooling have given me a fresh and unique perspective and excellent research abilities- and I really love it and feel I am doing something worthwhile after feeling in limbo after finishing homeschooling.


I am amazed at my kids. They are strong, happy, resilient. I am so glad we did what we did- I see them much less nowadays so I am glad we spent all those years in each other's company. Empty nest syndrome is real- fortunately my life is rich and exciting anyway so the pangs of missing them don't last too long.


It was so worth it. I was not at the high end of the academic spectrum for these boards but my kids are doing really well anyway. Just homeschooling alone (whatever style) does have many benefits- they are not jaded by life. They are fresh and excited- but also doing well academically.


Just thought I would drop in and share some of the joy in my life. I am happier than I have ever been.

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Thank you so much for the update, it's lovely to hear from you; I've often wondered how you're getting on. I'm so happy to hear how well things have turned out for you all - almost a fairytale 'happy ending' :001_smile:.


Take care



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I miss you Peela! I miss all those knowledgeable posts about naturopathy, your insights into homeschooling and many other things.

Can you pop in more often?


Isn't it a unique experiencel to watch kids grow up and shape their own lives? Sounds like yours are on a great path!


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it sounds wonderful! i am so happy/contented for you :001_smile:.


and i have oodles of questions....

what science? what research?


and a hope...

that you drop in often to share your wisdom with those of us who aren't quite at that place in our homeschool journey....


Very Big Smile,


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I was just thinking of you last week. It's great to read how you all have moved seamlessly onto other challenges.


My dd completed her Diploma of Marine Studies last November & is doing a 3rd year to earn her degree (BSc Biological Sciences). The diploma to degree route was just right for her & will give her more well-rounded qualifications for a career in any marine occupation.


Even though you are no longer HS/ing, please stop in from time to time. It's great to hear how those HSed dc have gotten on.

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Thanks everyone- it's sweet to drop back in and be remembered- its amazing how much my life has changed in 7 months, and although I haven't been able to let go of all my homeschooling stuff yet (I tried but I am still too sentimental about the possibility of homeschooling grandchildren part time!), it feels like a distant past right now. I don't have much spare time nowadays but will endeavour to drop in more often.



and i have oodles of questions....

what science? what research?



Hi Ann- my man is an environmental scientist/ ecologist. Passionate about speaking up about the rapidly deteriorating environment, climate change, species extinction, indigenous issues etc. We just wrote a report on climate change and I was shocked by our research- it's not looking good and there is a lot of denial out there. We have started a blog- we need to spend more time on it but there are a few articles there:





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Hi Ann- my man is an environmental scientist/ ecologist. Passionate about speaking up about the rapidly deteriorating environment, climate change, species extinction, indigenous issues etc. We just wrote a report on climate change and I was shocked by our research- it's not looking good and there is a lot of denial out there. We have started a blog- we need to spend more time on it but there are a few articles there:






:001_smile: dh is a scientist; he builds and works with imaging spectrometers..... which are used for many things, including checking coral for bleaching, etc. he'll be in Oz in august for a conference.... maybe in brisbane? melbourne? must ask.... a long way from perth though....

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I missed this update somehow, but I am so thrilled to read an update from you, Peela. I've often thought about you & wondered how you were getting along. Thank you so much for coming back to share a piece of your life with us. I love hearing how happy you are! :grouphug:

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IJust thought I would drop in and share some of the joy in my life. I am happier than I have ever been.


I'm so glad you did! :grouphug: Your voice on the boards is one I have missed.

I like your description "earthy sailing people" -- our family is just starting to get into sailing.

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