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Prayer Support Needed

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*Update page 10*



I'm numb. I cannot share details, pm's are fine. Had some shocking, disturbing, heart breaking, shake me to the core news today. It honestly tops the worst of what I've been through and that is serious...


Please, please, if you pray, pray for me, that God will guide my path, cover me with peace, protect my family.


Thank you


***Update... Someone in my life is an addict in risky behavior and was going to get in rehab today... this person is now a missing person, on purpose... Didn't sleep much. Please continue prayers, Thanks. *** 2nd Update: Person is found and will hopefully check into rehab today.***


***And one more update at page 10. Next time I update, I'll start a new thread, I suppose!***

Edited by BMW
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I'm numb. I cannot share details, pm's are fine. Had some shocking, disturbing, heart breaking, shake me to the core news today. It honestly tops the worst of what I've been through and that is serious...


Please, please, if you pray, pray for me, that God will guide my path, cover me with peace, protect my family.


Thank you


Praying, Bee.

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Praying for you and hoping you can feel God's grace and his strength as you go through whatever this is.


For I know the plans for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. ~Jeremiah 29:11.


Whatever this is, He will get you through it. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you all so much... to browse through and see your names and avatars and hugs and prayers means a lot.


If I stop and think about it, I get such horrible images in my head and start to cry... if I don't think about it much, I feel sick over it still...


Prayers for me to sleep would be great, too.

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