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(kind of long)Vent: I have never before been sorry to have invited someone for supper

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thinking about this some more and realizing she's going to make one heck of a mother-in-law someday.


Oh my, scary! :svengo:


I'm so sorry you had a bad evening. She was beyond rude.


On a separate note, you may have the honor of starting the longest can-you-believe-what-this-person-did thread in which everyone actually agrees that the other person was nuts.


Has there EVER been a topic with 100% agreement?


Last night DH and I went to a friend's house for dinner. That was the first time we'd ever been over to their house and we were taking Little Librarian and her cousin. We told the kids beforehand that we didn't know what they were serving but whatever it was they were to eat it with a smile and not complain. I told them that I hated liver with every fiber of my being but if they served liver I was going to eat it happily. Because like TranquilMind's Grandma would way that's the right way to do it. Ugh. That woman was a pill. On the plus side Audrey has a story that she'll laugh about ... someday.


:iagree: I don't eat seafood or lamb, but there have been countless times I have eaten it as it was served. I aim for about 60%, say it was lovely but that I had had a big lunch. Most people usually serve dishes that they are good at cooking, so you can find something good even if it is a food you don't like. "I really like the crust on the fish, what spice is that I am tasting? It is a great combination." Truthful without saying "I hate fish!"



My ds asked me this morning, "Mommy, is she what you mean when you say 'must be nuts because crackers don't rattle that loud?' "


And, you know what? I think it might be.


:lol:love it!


It really could be a food issue, especially with the napkin in play.


I was thinking, you could e-mail her that you would love a cooking lesson and you will be over Tuesday at 10.:D I would just be so curious...

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Didn't you say your dhs work together? I would have my dh chat up hers to find out just what in the world is wrong with that woman. I'm dying of curiosity here. She obviously has some kind of rare crazy. I have the normal kind, and I would never act like that.

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Ooh. I just had a thoroughly wicked idea. You should invite them back over and serve Kraft mac and cheese, hot dogs, and hot pockets. Then you should lie through your teeth about it all being homemade and from organic ingredients that you've grown yourself from heirloom seeds your ancestors brought from the old country. :lol:

Edited by aggieamy
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Didn't you say your dhs work together? I would have my dh chat up hers to find out just what in the world is wrong with that woman. I'm dying of curiosity here. She obviously has some kind of rare crazy. I have the normal kind, and I would never act like that.



Yes, but my dh only works part-time (Thursdays and Saturdays, and if there is a lot of snow), so he won't see him again for a while probably. He has said he's just dying to see if the guy says anything. Dh is taking it with a lot more humour than I'm managing at the moment.

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Yes, but my dh only works part-time (Thursdays and Saturdays, and if there is a lot of snow), so he won't see him again for a while probably. He has said he's just dying to see if the guy says anything. Dh is taking it with a lot more humour than I'm managing at the moment.


Husbands are good like that. :001_smile:


I think you should invite her over again, only this time, embroider a message inside her napkin. Something like, "I SEE YOU." Then wait and see if she flips her sh**. :D

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Husbands are good like that. :001_smile:


I think you should invite her over again, only this time, embroider a message inside her napkin. Something like, "I SEE YOU." Then wait and see if she flips her sh**. :D

:lol::lol::lol: Or "Don't you dare!"

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except those bug-eyes aren't big enough. These are the kind of people that urban legends are made of. You can't believe they exist until you meet them yourself.


(not saying I don't believe you AT ALL. I absolutely believe you, it just boggles the mind that people like that exist)


I'm sorry you had to put up with that. I have no doubt that you are a wonderful hostess & would have loved to have been served that meal. Her loss.

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I was thinking, you could e-mail her that you would love a cooking lesson and you will be over Tuesday at 10.:D I would just be so curious...



:thumbup: I like this idea! However, I wouldn't want her to think we were going to be friends. Who needs someone like that in their life? High maintenance for sure.

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This woman is not rude, she is CRAZY. Like, absolute wack-o. I wouldn't even feel bad. I think this is one of those situations that I would laugh about for all eternity....like "The crazy lady who came to dinner."


That's what I was thinking, too. Now that's it's over - you can laugh hysterically at her bizarre behavior. It was NOT personal!

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If she does invite us, I will accept, but I won't make any demands on her. Dh has me convinced that it could be a lot of fun, or if not fun, then an interesting sociological observational opportunity. I would like to observe the creature in her natural habitat and under her usual conditions. ;)



I do want to laugh about it. Right now, I'm past the hurt stage and into the p*ssed off stage, but even that is waning. My dh and ds are already making silly jokes about it. My ds asked me this morning, "Mommy, is she what you mean when you say 'must be nuts because crackers don't rattle that loud?' "


And, you know what? I think it might be.




I am intrigued now...if you were able to go into an invite with the expectation that it would not be a normal and enjoyable dinner, but rather an observational opportunity you might really enjoy yourself...and have a good follow up to share with us.:bigear: Your dh is a smart guy.



Your ds is a gem! He's learning well.:lol:

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Her husband ate the whole meal & thanked you for it! Her kids probably also enjoyed it. They may not have food this great at their home; or behavior as gracious as yours

Forget about her behavior. Who knows what caused it, unless they offer an explanation later.

(I skipped everything after the first page of responses.)

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Wow that was completely rude. I can't believe the audacity.


Although, on a completely snarky note, I am now DYING to know what in the world she would have tried to 'teach' you if you had taken her up on her offer of cooking lessons!! Clearly nothing normal. I'd think she had anorexia if she hadn't offered to teach you to cook, but once you trhow in the offer of cooking lessons I can't figure it out. Was she really skinny or really fat or something? I presume her poor family must be skinny.


I am completely curious of what she would of "taught" too and why in the world she was so against pasteurized beef when she was not a vegetarian since that was not mentioned on her really long list. I would almost be tempted to talk to her and find out where she is coming from from pure curiosity sake because her behavior and diet seem crazy. Curiosity is killing me but if it happen to me I probably be taken back and shocked and feel like you do. As an outsider I am dying to know what kind of cooking lessons she would give. I would also want to know the husbands take on it. That was beyond rude that she said she would show you how to cook.

Edited by MistyMountain
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Oh. My. God.


You poor thing.


You deserve a medal for not escorting her to the door after the second or third morsel picking episode. And another for not slugging her when she threw out the beef.


And, the offer to teach you how to cook . . . Well, good God woman, that you didn't knock her on her butt on your door step is simply evidence that you are a saint.


Next time, have your most appreciative and laid back friends over. Eat gluten, sugar, and lots of alcohol.




When faced with these insane people, I try to remind myself to be grateful that I am NOT HER. And, I am NOT MARRIED TO HER. Just think!

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You went above and beyond. Don't know but her family's food issues are obviously foremost on her mind and maybe she just can't get past them enough to be comfortable. Maybe the husband and kids were trying to make up for that aspect. At any rate, good for you. Grace Under Pressure.




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Wow. I don't usually reply to posts... I couldn't leave this one without letting you know YOU WIN!! It's the crazy guest of the year award... Heck you might even have one it for the century! I've never heard of anyone being so rude! I'm astonished.




This is going to be a great memory for your family, "Remember when the crazy lady came to dinner?". :lol:

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Alternatively, isn't the ideal macrobiotic food just a bowl of rice? Maybe that, or a bowl with a wisp of seaweed decoratively arranged with a single, glistening umeboshi plum in the middle. Simple and elegant.


Or a nice bowl of natto followed by fruit salad with durian?


Just entertaining myself here, I would never recommend inviting her back.

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She packed them all up to go as soon as we were done eating.


I also just noticed I can't find all my napkins. :confused:


She probably took the napkins full of food so they could finish eating in the car.


That woman was incredibly rude!

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It sounds like she has an unhealthy fixation with food, maybe a touch of OCD? I can't imagine a normal person behaving like that. :( Don't feel bad, you didn't do anything wrong AT ALL, and were extremely gracious and accommodating.


:iagree:That's what I was thinking, too! This almost sounds like an eating disorder. And how totally bizarre that her husband was so....oblivious? Enabling? Embarrassed but covering it up by being seemingly normal?


I think this kind of situation is what the word "gobsmacked" was invented for. You sound like an incredible hostess; please don't beat yourself up for a second!

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:iagree:That's what I was thinking, too! This almost sounds like an eating disorder. And how totally bizarre that her husband was so....oblivious? Enabling? Embarrassed but covering it up by being seemingly normal?


I think this kind of situation is what the word "gobsmacked" was invented for. You sound like an incredible hostess; please don't beat yourself up for a second!


:iagree: This story has me humming the looney tunes theme song in my head. What a nut! It is definitely all her and not you!

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I asked my DH what his take on the story was this morning. He thinks the DH and kids are probably so embarrassed that they try to act normal. He also thinks that your DH should probably mention something to his co-worker along the lines of "we really enjoyed having you and the boys over the other night, but my wife was hurt by the comments yours made." My DH also thinks that her DH may not actually realize how insulting the behaviour is if no one has mentioned it to him (in an effort not to insult him - kind of spiral reasoning).

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I think you may know why they are having trouble getting to know people.


Seriously, that is beyond rude. I cannot even imagine. Your dinner sounds absolutely lovely and it sounds like you went above and beyond to try and accommodate her requests.


ETA: I almost wonder if the mom has some kind of mental illness, that behavior sounds so out there. Or maybe I'm just lucky in never having met anyone that rude. Either way, you shouldn't feel bad at all.




And FWIW, you were a lot more polite about her behavior than I would have been. She sounds horrible! (I feel sorry for her dh -- there's no way he doesn't notice her behavior, and he is probably secretly mortified by the way she acts.)

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And FWIW, you were a lot more polite about her behavior than I would have been.


Isn't that the truth? In the same situation I'm pretty certain I'd have been locking eyes with the woman at some point during the night and asking, "What the he!! is wrong with you?" Yes, my Mom raised me batter than that. However, sometimes, my brain isn't quick enough to catch my tell-it-like-it-is mouth.

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Isn't that the truth? In the same situation I'm pretty certain I'd have been locking eyes with the woman at some point during the night and asking, "What the he!! is wrong with you?" Yes, my Mom raised me batter than that. However, sometimes, my brain isn't quick enough to catch my tell-it-like-it-is mouth.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I have my limits, too... :D

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Isn't that the truth? In the same situation I'm pretty certain I'd have been locking eyes with the woman at some point during the night and asking, "What the he!! is wrong with you?" Yes, my Mom raised me batter than that. However, sometimes, my brain isn't quick enough to catch my tell-it-like-it-is mouth.


I was thinking about that too. I think once she started picking stuff out of the food I would have had to ask. "So, what you picking out over there? Green beans? You don't like green beans? I'm wondering because you had previously approved such a dish."

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:blink: Wow. Just. Wow. I have never heard of such a thing. Dh and the kids were also stunned when I told them your story.


I agree with everyone else that the dinner you served sounded divine and the lady is a whackadoodle.


You now know why these people aren't making friends.


:grouphug: to you, Audrey.

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