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S/O - Seriously? Y'all are paying $350 for hair cuts/perms/coloring?????

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I go in every 8 weeks and get a cut and color for $125 with tip. For me it's worth it, because I love what she does with my hair. :001_smile: For the first time in my life, I like my hair.


I will give up almost anything to keep from going back to mousy brown, dull, lifeless hair. :glare:

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The last time I took my daughter to get her hair colored and cut (before starting a round of auditions), the bill came to over $200. The "best" part was that the color began to fade within two days, and we ended up fighting with the salon owner until she refunded half of the cost. We then went to a different salon to have the color re-done, and that cost more than the $100 we had been refunded.


I honestly cannot imagine spending that kind of money on appearance on a regular basis, but I know many of the moms of the kids with whom mine do theatre and such are going to salons and manicurists and the whole shebang all the time.


I remember looking at the "menu" of prices when I took my daughter to the salon and immediately texting my husband to tell him he doesn't appreciate how much money I save him.

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I spend $65 including tip for cut and highlights. About every 3 months.


I was the one who posted on the other thread about my daughter's Chi-Enviro straightening. She was miserable with her curly hair (and frankly I was miserable of her complaining.) After research, I found one method that was more natural and safe. I had to drive to a neighboring city to get it done. Also, DD has incredibly thick hair well below her shoulders. Stylist said she would only have to have it done every 6-12 months, and it would be less expensive the next time for touchups. Expensive, but a splurge. Turned out beautiful, btw! Going on 9 months and still good.


$350 straightening, $50 products, $50 tip = $450 :blink: Stylist spent about 4 hours.

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I wouldn't normally have that much extra to spend on just myself....I usually color at home and trim my ends myself--I go to salon for major cuts and if I want to splurge for someone else to do my color.....a few years ago I paid $75 for a cut/and color (haven't permed my hair in 20yrs LOL) I think that's the most I've ever paid.....if someone has that extra to spend then I'm all for it though-it's just not for me.....I'd rather spend it on something for my son (usually books) one thing I've been splurging on lately is manicure/pedicure--I get my nails done every 2 weeks unless there's a conflict of schedules or I just can't make it to the salon....gets me out of the house for about an hour and sitting in that massage chair is totally worth it! dh gets his haircut at a local barbershop and with tip he pays $15-----I get kiddo's hair cut by the same girl that does mine and with tip I pay $20 even though she says that's too much-he can be a handful sometimes so I try to tip well....

Edited by SweetMissMagnolia
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I'm cheap.

'nuff said ;)


I don't see it as a horrible thing, or anything, and I'm usually jealous as to how good their hair looks. I'll ask and find out how much they spend,where they go, etc., and decide..... yeah - not that jealous!


I chose to spend extra money on vacations, our sailboat, having three pets, and such things. Now - I don't consider that wasting money - but those women who spend $350 on haircuts and color might.


No judging, they look spectacular, and while I'd like to say I don't care about that - I do. If it was cheaper to look that good - I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Prices for these services are different everywhere.


In a major metro area, such as northern virginia/dc, prices are high -- very high.


Yes, I pay approx 125. for a haircut -- every 6-8 weeks.


Color is approx 185. every 8-10 weeks.


I have a standing nail appointment every two weeks -- that is $65.


None of those costs include gratuities.


It's the cost of maintenance here -- dh goes to the same place for his haircuts, and so does dd12.


I have crappy, thin hair -- a $15. hair cuttery haircut will not work for my hair.

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I have never spent that much on my hair, but before I was a SAHM I got regular facials. I probably still didn't spend $350, but between hair and facials I averaged around $200/month. And occasionally a pedi that pushed it up to $250.


Now we are a single income family (I do a little part time work, but not much here lately) and I get my hair cut at a little local place for $15. I do go every month because my hair is very thick, very wavy, and grows very fast. If I don't get it cut and thinned monthly it gets crazy poofy. And I look terrible with long hair. I have been thinking about getting a color to cover some of my gray. The stylist said the total for cut and color would be around $50 the first time, then $35 for cut and touch up every other month. I'm not sure if I can squeeze it into the budget, but I'm hopeful.

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Part of me would love to have my hair and nails done regularly, but the part of me that does the budgeting screams "NO!" As an underemployed single mom, there's no way to add much to our monthly expenses. I get my hair cut at Wal-Mart by the same lady about every 8 weeks. She does a good job. I started coloring my hair at home when several people asked how I was enjoying retirement and weren't grandkids wonderful. Well, the children are my daughters and I'm not very close to retirement, so the gray had to go. My daughters do my nails, and very well I might add. Even if I had the money to spend hundreds every month on hair and nails, I'm too cheap to do it!

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.... a lot.


There was recently a report that a lot of independent shops have opened on UK high streets in the last year, a large proportion being nail bars.


I spend forty pounds every six weeks on a hair cut and five pounds on facial waxing. That's it.



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$350 would cover several utility bills for us.


I haven't had my hair cut since last summer, when I worked up enough courage to get it evened out after the majority of it fell out last winter. I'm still traumatized.


I'm not intending to get it cut again for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time. It's so short that it's tight and curly, and I so don't want to encourage that by cutting it :glare:


Once it grows in a *lot* more, I'll get it trimmed.


Wolf dyes my hair for me.

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Wow I could never afford to pay that but hey if you can I think it is GREAT.


I get my hair cut 2-4 times a year. Straight hair with bangs. I cut the bangs myself between haircuts. I do an ok job. Sometimes my hairdresser tells me I made a mess but she just laughs and fixes it. Hey it's only hair, it will grow back :lol:


I will pay for my dc to get a hair cut every other month or so. My hairdresser does an excellent job with their hair. When it comes down to them getting a good haircut and me. I choose them. My hair is simple and easy to trim up. Theirs is not.


Dh just shaves his head so no worries there.

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Nope, not me either! I love my natural color, I am now getting white hair that is coming in ever so gently :001_smile: and with my very dark brown hair it looks kind of cool :) My 97 year old grandmother would have her hair colored almost every 4 weeks! I like going white....if it were gray I may not feel that way but I love white hair...I'm only 44..and only have about 20 white hairs but it's cool :)


I usually cut my hair once a year, pay about $40..but, I have to say, I went to a new stylist and she charges $45 for the cut so I paid $55..she is amazing!! I am LOVING my hairstyle!! I do not have to style it, just wash and go and it's still med. long...I won't go short b/c then I would need to get it cut every month or so...it's not that I could not afford it, I just do not have the time!! It took her an hour to cut/style my hair...my time is fleeting and precious! :) But, I will make the effort to get my hair cut 2x a year now..she is wonderful!! I'm just not that into image..never had my nails done, don't whiten my teeth, don't wear makeup most the time (maybe 3-4x a year)

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I'm not in to all that girly stuff. Honestly, it frightens me! I don't understand how people make the time for it while homeschooling either. I would have to get a sitter which would add even more to the cost.


I will stick with my iPhone and YMCA membership. Those are my luxury expenses :)

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I've had a $300 cut, color, highlights, low lights and styling a few times.....very thick hair if let it go back to my natural, really dark (level 3) brown (like when I was pregnant to avoid the chemicals during pregnancy), getting it back to what I like is a lot of work.....but once done, in spite of being really costly to get it there, maintaining it is much less expensive. I go every eight weeks for roots and have highlights every other appointment - cut + color is $95, color with highlights/low lights averages $175....I get my hair cut/trimmed at the color only appointments. In early spring I'll have a heavy highlighting done to go into the summer months, that's a bit more, but it's once a year.


I don't have a lot of other things that I do for myself that cost though - I don't do manicures, don't wax, have normal eyebrows that don't need to be plucked or fussed with, etc. My DH for Christmas gave me a gift certificate to have a pedicure - now those, I could see doing more routinely......but I'd have to add it into our budget, so will just wait for gift certificates!

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If I had the money for stuff like that, hair would certainly be the first thing I would spend it on.


There is only so much I can do with store bought products and a blow dryer. lol



I did have my hair cut and lowlighted (I have super light blonde hair) once about a decade ago. And it was $160. I loved it.

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My kids get their hair cut at Great Clips every year or two. I get my hair cut there every 5-10 years.


My 13yo wants to go to a "real" salon where hopefully they will listen to her better about what she wants done (which isn't very much at all, primarily wants the split ends trimmed). I'm willing to pony up $25. She'll have to pay for anything over that.

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I try to balance the cost of a haircut vs. the time/effort I have to put into it. I don't mind paying a little more for a good cut--I haven't paid $50 in a long time, but I might consider if I felt I'd run out of other options.


Even more so than the cost of all of the coloring/highlight/perming would be the time. There's no way that I would want to spend several hours having all of that done and THEN having to pay for my time on top of it! Even if the cost were minimal, I would consider that a waste of a perfectly wonderful half a day.

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I'm cheap.

'nuff said ;)


I don't see it as a horrible thing, or anything, and I'm usually jealous as to how good their hair looks. I'll ask and find out how much they spend,where they go, etc., and decide..... yeah - not that jealous!


I chose to spend extra money on vacations, our sailboat, having three pets, and such things. Now - I don't consider that wasting money - but those women who spend $350 on haircuts and color might.


No judging, they look spectacular, and while I'd like to say I don't care about that - I do. If it was cheaper to look that good - I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Have you considered having it done at a beauty school? I know a woman who is very well maintained. Hair, nails, clothes, makeup always perfect. She is a natural brunette with highlights in her hair and she used to pay a fortune on her hair until she started getting it done at a local beauty school. Now she says she only pays $35.00. She told me that she was nervous at first, but that the people who do her hair are the ones who are graduating and are getting more experience and the teacher, who is a professional, oversees what they do. She told me she would never pay for an expensive haircut again. I would love to go where she goes too, but $35.00 a month is still too high for me, but maybe it could be an option for you. Just a thought. :)

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Have you considered having it done at a beauty school? I know a woman who is very well maintained. Hair, nails, clothes, makeup always perfect. She is a natural brunette with highlights in her hair and she used to pay a fortune on her hair until she started getting it done at a local beauty school. Now she says she only pays $35.00. She told me that she was nervous at first, but that the people who do her hair are the ones who are graduating and are getting more experience and the teacher, who is a professional, oversees what they do. She told me she would never pay for an expensive haircut again. I would love to go where she goes too, but $35.00 a month is still too high for me, but maybe it could be an option for you. Just a thought. :)


Well - there aren't any schools near me - I'd have to drive about 45 minutes to get to one... Also - I would be the scared one! I have very fine, thin, limp, blond hair that shows every snip. I can basically get it trimmed by someone with similar hair, but I've decided it isn't worth it to bother trying to get anything fancy done. With my hair - I have few options :)

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I am pretty frugal, but I pay $35 for cut and $100 for cut and highlights. I paid a lot more in CA, so $100 seems like a good deal to me.


The thing I don't understand is the price of a pedicure at our salon, $50. Who are these women who can afford $50 pedicures every month?? Yikes!

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I go somewhere nice and pay around $75 for just a cut. However, I only do this every few years. Mostly, my mom cuts my hair when I see her. I *never* go to someplace that charges in the $25 range because it takes a couple of years for my extremely curly hair to grow out after a bad cut.


The thing I don't understand is the price of a pedicure at our salon, $50. Who are these women who can afford $50 pedicures every month?? Yikes!


My local nail salon is $50 for the nice pedicure and more like $25-30 for the maintenance pedicure. I do a nice one at the beginning of flip-flop weather and the $25-ish one for the remainder of the summer months. I don't get pedicures in the winter. So, that isn't really that much.

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Jane spends $1500/year on cigarettes.

Susie spends $750/year on Hamburger Helper.

Sally spends $1000/year on organic carrots.


We all have different priorities. What another person spends on anything doesn't hurt me and mine. These kinds of threads only make people judge each other. Live and let live, I say!

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I must have missed it. Who's paying that much?? I wouldn't say "y'all" because....well, not only do I not say y'all :001_smile: ....but, I don't pay that much. I get my hair cut usually once a month when the weather is good. Then I usually try to get a cut early December and don't go back until the most of the snow melts (it's about a 20 minute drive on country roads and I hate winter driving). It's a shampoo, cut, blow dry, style, and eye brow waxing for $13.00. I usually give her $15.00. So....that's probably about $120 a year for me, maybe Yikes! That sounds like a lot! But, I know her prices are super cheap. This doesn't include the kids haircuts though. They are not monthly. The girls are wanting to grow their hair out....so that helps. Ds is in terrible need of a haircut.

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While that is a lot of money, if the person who did my last perm was still around, I would pay that amount in a heartbeat.


It was the best perm I ever had. I had a full head of curls for 5 years. I paid $225 for it and that was 8 years ago. But I have long (waist length) hair, it's very thick and it needs a strong perm to take. My last perm she had to use 4-5 perms kits and each strand was triple rolled (3 rollers per strand) because of length/thickness. It took 10 hours to perm my hair. And she came to my house because I had a nursing baby and that way I didn't have to pump and leave baby. It was sooooo worth it.


On the flip side, I don't cut my hair or even trim it so I have no other hair expenses. I don't wear make-up so no beauty expenses. I don't wear nail polish and have never had my nails done. I've never had a massage. I wash my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Other than undergarments all my clothes come from thrift shops, etc. So for me if I had to spend $350 for a great perm, that would last that long, I would do it in a heartbeat and not feel the least bit guilty. It's the only thing I actually would spend money on myself for.


But unfortunately the lady who gave me the great perm, died of cancer and I've never had anyone else do as good of a job so now I just don't have curly hair.

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I'm cheap, but not so cheap I'll take chances with the retail chains around here. I found a stylist who knows my hair and cuts it exactly the way I want it every time, so I won't go to anyone else! I pay $35 plus tip to get my hair cut every 6-8 months or so. I'll admit that I'm lucky because I have curly hair (so you can't really see any unevenness as it's growing) and I'm nowhere close to gray and probably won't be for awhile (I'm a readhead). However, I know my mom only pays about $150 for a cut and color, and it always looks natural.


Now, that said...


I was the one who posted on the other thread about my daughter's Chi-Enviro straightening. She was miserable with her curly hair (and frankly I was miserable of her complaining.) After research, I found one method that was more natural and safe. I had to drive to a neighboring city to get it done. Also, DD has incredibly thick hair well below her shoulders. Stylist said she would only have to have it done every 6-12 months, and it would be less expensive the next time for touchups. Expensive, but a splurge. Turned out beautiful, btw! Going on 9 months and still good.


$350 straightening, $50 products, $50 tip = $450 :blink: Stylist spent about 4 hours.


I think I would probably find the money to pay for this! I've never even heard of it! I tried to have my hair straightened with a more natural solution once, and you couldn't even tell I'd had anything done :glare: I may have to research this, hmmm...

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For years ...probably 20 years, I went in every 7 weeks for a cut and color. As prices rose I wad def paying $150 for that. Then I discovered DIY. My licensed friend buys me the same exact chemicals and I do my own hair. She consults with and tells me what to do.. It costs about $ 30 for an ENTIRE yr. And, I do a better job because I can take a long time, unlike my stylist who has to rush clients in and out of the chair. If I want to do a professional gloss every month or so, tack on about 20 more dollats per year.

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Well - there aren't any schools near me - I'd have to drive about 45 minutes to get to one... Also - I would be the scared one! I have very fine, thin, limp, blond hair that shows every snip. I can basically get it trimmed by someone with similar hair, but I've decided it isn't worth it to bother trying to get anything fancy done. With my hair - I have few options :)


Have you ever considered getting a wig?? My mother has hair like what you are describing (except brunette) and she was very unhappy with her hair and hair styles for a long time. Then one day when she was down visiting me she went out the the mall by herself and when she came back in the afternoon she looked amazing!! She had bought a "topper" that matched her hair color and just gave her styling, body and lift (with subtle highlights) and she looked instantly 10 years younger! I think the topper cost her $100.00 IIRC, but she's had it for years and it looks just like her hair, but better. Every time she comes and visits me now she buys a new topper and a wig. People always tell her how amazing her hair looks and ask her where she goes to get it done and she always tells them it's a wig. Her friends have all bought them too now and they're so happy because they don't have to do their hair anymore. Just pop on the wig and they're ready to go out the door! :) It might be a good option for you. I would get one myself to try out different styles if I didn't live in such a hot climate and didn't have so much hair (my hair is super long). They're really nice. :)

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I love my hair. There, I said it. It is probably my best feature.


A good friend of mine has done my hair for over 10 years. She is amazing!! And she knows my hair so I trust her 100%. I go every 6-8 weeks, and it costs $80 for a cut and color. So around $100 with the tip.


I know it's a lot, but I don't really spend money on anything else for myself.

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I think I would probably find the money to pay for this! I've never even heard of it! I tried to have my hair straightened with a more natural solution once, and you couldn't even tell I'd had anything done :glare: I may have to research this, hmmm...


DD is 3B curl and incredibly thick. Chi-Enviro (not regular Chi, but the Enviro specifically) made her hair perfectly straight and it has stayed straight except as it grows in. Also, no damage that we could see! It looked beautiful, not dry. The lady who did it though was very experienced at it. She said it's tricky. We got it done in Denver.

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DD is 3B curl and incredibly thick. Chi-Enviro (not regular Chi, but the Enviro specifically) made her hair perfectly straight and it has stayed straight except as it grows in. Also, no damage that we could see! It looked beautiful, not dry. The lady who did it though was very experienced at it. She said it's tricky. We got it done in Denver.


I missed this thread but to me this sounds ENTIRELY different than- "I spend $350 to get my hair done". I'm one that posted that I hardly spend anything- BUT I do have very easy to maintain hair. I never even blow dry. Total wash and go. If I was unhappy with my hair, I would try and find a way to be happy with it. If my DAUGHTER were seriously unhappy about her hair and I felt her self image was hurting because of it- I would Darn well find a way for her to be happy- and if that meant spending $450, then that's what I'd do.

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DD is 3B curl and incredibly thick. Chi-Enviro (not regular Chi, but the Enviro specifically) made her hair perfectly straight and it has stayed straight except as it grows in. Also, no damage that we could see! It looked beautiful, not dry. The lady who did it though was very experienced at it. She said it's tricky. We got it done in Denver.


I just looked up 3B curl and yep, that's me! Hers sounds just like mine too, long and thick and heavy. I really will have to look into that. We're near NYC, so I'm sure I could find someone there who does it. I'll have to see if I can find someone who comes recommended.


Thanks for the extra info!

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Jane spends $1500/year on cigarettes.

Susie spends $750/year on Hamburger Helper.

Sally spends $1000/year on organic carrots.


We all have different priorities. What another person spends on anything doesn't hurt me and mine. These kinds of threads only make people judge each other. Live and let live, I say!



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I spend about $75 plus a $15-$20 tip every 3-4 months. Usually I can stretch it to about four. My hair is below my shoulders and does pretty good without a regular trim. That is for a cut and highlights. I trim the ends myself if I need to and take care of my own bangs inbetween.


I tip well because I don't go that often and the person that does my hair always does a great job.

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I just looked up 3B curl and yep, that's me! Hers sounds just like mine too, long and thick and heavy. I really will have to look into that. We're near NYC, so I'm sure I could find someone there who does it. I'll have to see if I can find someone who comes recommended.


Thanks for the extra info!


I looked it up, too. I'm a 3a. Ha! Learn something new everyday. For what it's worth, olive oil works great as an extra deep conditioner for curly hair.

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