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What do the children of the hive want to be when they grow up?

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Ask your children what they want to be when they grow up, then post their responses word for word, and then put their ages after their response.


Let's see what sort of diverse responses we get from the hive children.


Today we were on a hospital tour for a homeschool group outing and the director asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up.


My daughter, 11, said a tattoo artist because her dad is a tattoo artist and she's been saying that since she was 5.


My son, 6, randomly said "Army" which was a new one on me (at this stage he'll say something different every time you ask him- later at home he told me he changed his mind and that he wants to be a babysitter and he'll put kids to bed at 8:30 but for a treat he'll them stay up til 9 or 9:30 sometimes).


The others were so diverse and cool. One wanted to be a doctor, one a vet, one a photographer, one wanted to own a bowling alley, one wanted to be a Pokemon cartoon artist, one wanted to be a princess, and one very little one said she wanted to be "Grace" (her big sister, which was adorable) lol.


So, what do your kids say, and how old are they?

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Seriously, I JUST had this conversation with Zee before I came on line.


He seriously wants to be a treasure hunter/metal detector. I'm trying to expalin to him that this is what one does in their *free* time. Yanno, AFTER work. He then asked me what job was the 'shortest', so he could have lots of free time. :D


I just asked Moose; he can't decide. Aha! He knows now! McDonalds. L.O.L.

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DD21 - Works at a credit union and wants to make it her career - working her way up the ladder

DD15 - Hopes to be just like JK Rowling

DD14 - Registered Nurse

DS11 - Wants to own a fleet of taco trucks and then buy a bunch of storage facilities. He's got it all planned out. LOL

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Ds17, says he wants to invent things...right now he is working on some contraption that has to do with water treatment.


Dd 13 wants to work for MAD magazine...she already had one picture published:D


Ds 9 wants to be a lifeguard, a plumber, and a dentist. He says he will work as a lg and plumber to pay for dental school....l.


Ds 8 wants to be Batman




My grown kids are doing what they love....so far.

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Funny you should ask. Just tonight 7yo dd informed me she wanted to be a dog when she grows up. When she was 4yo she wanted to be a tiger. Sounds like she's setting her sights lower these days.


On a more serious note, 17yo ds wants to be a software engineer. 13yo ds has been talking about becoming an astronomer/astrophysicist if his initial plans to be a video game tester don't pan out.

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My ds, who is a college freshman, is majoring in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology. He wants to eventually get a PhD and work in a lab doing medical research. He's wanted to be a scientist since he could talk. He had narrowed it down to biological sciences by the time he was about 10.


My dd, who is 15, has always wanted to be an author. She still wants to write but also wants to be a family therapist specializing in adolescence.


At this very moment, my 6 yo wants to be a pilot.;)

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Actor, Singer, & Pediatrician. I said "people usually only have one job," DD10 replies, "yes, I know, but I won't be these all at the same time."


"I'm not sure" says DD14, "I need my laptop back (she's on restriction) to do some research on that":glare:


"why?" says DD12...then says "an actress"


I guess they look at too much TV! ...sigh...

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My 8 year old typically says he doesn't know. He used to say soldier or police but I think he's realized that's not all fun and games. Sometimes he says scientist. I think he'll be an engineer or scientist.


My 5 yr old recently announced at dinner one night that he wanted to be "an uncle". Another time I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said "A regular guy." When asked if he might want a job he said "Maybe" and then "maybe an artist."


Can you tell they are a bit different? :)

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Ds11 wants to be a video game designer. Ds8 wants to be a herpetologist (that's a reptile scientist) or an icthyologist (a fish scientist). He has wanted to be the same profession since he was 2. I think he'll lean toward fish. Did you know they have full college scholarships for fishing?! Oh, yes they do! We're going to get him into fly fishing because a university in northern Nevada offers scholarships. Or he can focus on bass and go to a southern university.

Both boys have pretty cool ideas of what they want to be. We shall see.

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16yo - composer

13yo - actress/mom

9yo - mom and orphanage lady to take care of babies who have no mommas. :)

7yo - builder ("like dad" - who is not a builder except of nifty/handy things around the house.)

5yo - Cinderella

3yo - Baby (Yes, I'm afraid she'll always be "Baby" :))

Edited by Susan in TN
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Mine isn't around to ask at the moment, but I asked my friend's 7yo daughter, who replied, "I am going to be the lead singer in a riot grrrl band. That's on the weekends. During the week, I am going to be a cleaning lady and repair broken vacuum cleaners." Alrighty, then!

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DD is a paramedic, two years into a pre-med major and doesn't want to go to med school now. Loves the trauma, disaster work, etc...so she's going to finish a bachelor's in emergency medical management, continue working as a paramedic, get all of her levels of FEMA and HAZMAT certifications, flight medic training, and work towards her instructor's licenses as well. She'll eventually will work in EMS management, FEMA, or the American Red Cross. But, that won't be any time soon. She love patient care in the field and is on a current "deployment" list which is a list of medics who are willing to be sent out of state - hurricanes, tornados, epidemics, etc. Once she has her instructor's license, she will also apply to her EMS's international training program so she can spend two-six months in foreign locales helping nations without EMS develop their first emergency services. Her EMS donates fully operating rigs - older models but all brought back into good shape - and the medic instructors teach overseas...usually EMT basic although Papua, New Guinea got their first fully qualified paramedic last year through one of the EMS departments in Washington State.


Ds #1 turning 15 tomorrow - Plans on majoring in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeology and minors in classical languages. He would like to work as an archaeologist as well as write freelance for National Geographic, Archaeology Magazine, etc.


Ds #2 age 13 - Biology major with an emphasis in Zoology along with a double major in Chemistry, Master's in Zoology, and PH.D. in Herpetology. He plans on wrangling poisonous creatures and harvesting their venom for medical research :001_huh: - trying not to think about that too much - to help finance grad school, and his dream job would be working as a reptile conservationist in Indonesia specifically so he can wrangle, tag, and track Komodo Dragons. :tongue_smilie: Seriously, I just try to smile and think pleasant thoughts. My dream is two-fold: A. He never, ever brings his work home with him! and B. He does something tamer such as manage the itty, bitty lizards in a zoo!


Ds#3 age 11 - He has been adamant for years that he would double major in mathematics and physics, get a master's and a Ph.D and be a professor to "real students"... apparently this means he has no intention of suffering the non-serious student. :lol: Personally, he is the kind of personality that will be amazing with the kind of person who LOVES the elegance and beauty of mathematics. I do not wish him on the chem, biology, or med student who is taking calculus because it's required and they only want to survive the class. He'll either be loved or hated...no middle ground.


Oh, my niece who is homeschooled wants in on this. She's 10 and wants to raise llamas, sheep, and horses and never, ever work anywhere that she can't wear jeans, a western shirt, and cowboy boots! When I suggested that there might be a time in which she would need to dress differently, her response was, "Not in this lifetime!" I fully expect her to get married someday in jeans, white western shirt, and a huge white ten-gallon hat!



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