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Anyone else disappointed winter is so short this year?

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Oh wait, you're not joking....


Sorry, I am not missing that slippery yucky messy wet stuff for anything. My kids, on the other hand, would say yes, they wish for some snow. But not me. I hate the stuff. I also hate the cloudy dreary days, and am extremely thankful for the unusual amount of sunshine we've had this winter.

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The mild winter is going to be a serious problem for businesses around here, since our area is highly dependent on winter tourism to keep the lights on the rest of the year. So although personally I am looking forward to the end of the winter because our new house has the winter driveway from &^%&, I would rather see two or four massive snow storms. It still feels like winter hasn't really arrived yet.


I haven't abandoned hope yet. Several winters ago, we had received very little snow until the Valentine's Day Storm dropped 40 inches. We went on to have pretty good St Patrick's Day and Easter storms that year as well.

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I live for the fall and winter months. I muddle through spring and summer just to get through to fall and winter again.




I'm TOTALLY with you here. Yes, I feel totally cheated. I have had to cancel our candle lit snowshoe event twice now. I won't be rescheduling this year.


THis winter has been a HUGE disappointment.

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I'm not disappointed, but it's definitely a weird feeling. Like winter never came.


I am really glad I never followed through with getting everyone ice skates, and stockpiling mittens. At this point they would have grown out of them by next year. :glare:


I guess yeah, I do feel cheated.

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Well, I do wish if it was going to be cold that it would at least snow, and we are only at 37% of normal water levels but even with that...




no, no and heck no. I start pretending in February that since the days are getting longer spring must be just around the corner. I hate December and January. We usually have to take a trip someplace warm by this time but I don't feel the need this year.

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The kids were disappointed, especially the ones who got sleds for Christmas. Annual sledding party at church was cancelled. The snow derby was rescheduled based on a forecast and ended up on a weekend with no snow. :glare:


I certainly didn't miss winter. The prolonged fall (my very favorite season) was incredible. I was and still am suspicious of the weather and am not enjoying "spring" in February as much as I would if it were April because I feel like as soon as I get emotionally attached to spring we'll get a blizzard of massive proportions.


My mom was telling me that she came across a similar weather pattern in the 1800's in upstate New York when she was doing some genealogical research. The weather had gone from an extended fall to a very late, harsh winter (no spring) and then summer. They were not able to harvest due to there not being enough time from frost to frost and turned into a famine of sorts. She said it was later attributed to a volcano erupting in Europe a few years earlier that had messed with the seasons. Weird.


That doesn't seem to be happening here. We did get a tiny bit of winter, freezing and snow. So I'm really hoping that this is just spring in february and I'm also hoping that we don't have a warmer than usual summer, becasue we don't have AC and our house doesn't breathe well. Ugh!!


Oh, and I'm not looking forward to the bug problem that will surely be worse this summer. :glare:

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I live for the fall and winter months. I muddle through spring and summer just to get through to fall and winter again.


I'll stand with you on this one! Up until one month ago, we lived in Florida where I would count the days until winter. The winter months meant a tiny respite from the continual oppressive heat. This year we celebrated Christmas with it being a toasty 85 degrees outside - yuck! We've since moved to Southern CA and I was SO hopeful for some cooler CA weather...meaning 50-60 degrees. :tongue_smilie: Nope. It's in the 80s. :glare: TOO WARM!!!!


So. YES. I wish there had been more of a winter!!!

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I'm not disappointed per se. This mild winter has meant I've been able to do stuff like wash litter boxes outside and windows when the dog has slobbered on them and the rabbit coop is in GREAT shape all the time.


But I certainly don't mind a good, hard freeze. I love the quiet of a deep snow and being stuck in the house with nothing but a giant stack of books to get through.


And I do worry about what this means for our cherry crop up here and my presonal garden. How is my garlic faring out there without a good freeze??

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The kids were disappointed, especially the ones who got sleds for Christmas. Annual sledding party at church was cancelled. The snow derby was rescheduled based on a forecast and ended up on a weekend with no snow. :glare:


I certainly didn't miss winter. The prolonged fall (my very favorite season) was incredible. I was and still am suspicious of the weather and am not enjoying "spring" in February as much as I would if it were April because I feel like as soon as I get emotionally attached to spring we'll get a blizzard of massive proportions.


My mom was telling me that she came across a similar weather pattern in the 1800's in upstate New York when she was doing some genealogical research. The weather had gone from an extended fall to a very late, harsh winter (no spring) and then summer. They were not able to harvest due to there not being enough time from frost to frost and turned into a famine of sorts. She said it was later attributed to a volcano erupting in Europe a few years earlier that had messed with the seasons. Weird.


That doesn't seem to be happening here. We did get a tiny bit of winter, freezing and snow. So I'm really hoping that this is just spring in february and I'm also hoping that we don't have a warmer than usual summer, becasue we don't have AC and our house doesn't breathe well. Ugh!!


Oh, and I'm not looking forward to the bug problem that will surely be worse this summer. :glare:



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The mild winter is going to be a serious problem for businesses around here, since our area is highly dependent on winter tourism to keep the lights on the rest of the year. So although personally I am looking forward to the end of the winter because our new house has the winter driveway from &^%&, I would rather see two or four massive snow storms. It still feels like winter hasn't really arrived yet.


I haven't abandoned hope yet. Several winters ago, we had received very little snow until the Valentine's Day Storm dropped 40 inches. We went on to have pretty good St Patrick's Day and Easter storms that year as well.


We had a white Easter here a few years back. I thought the neighborhood would cancel the Easter egg hunt. Nope. Kids dug for eggs in the snow. It was deep too, massive. The kids and I were delivering a daily newspaper that winter AND I was 6 months pregnant.


I cried....A LOT!!


#!$@@ people wouldn't shovel their @#$@ sidewalks and life was generally miserable.


My kids have been doing a weekly route now. They do it on roller blades and there has only been ONE week that they had to walk it. That was miserable for them as it took 3x as long. I'm very, very, thankful for that!!!!

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Not feeling cheated at all -- it has actually been a HUGE blessing.


We moved into our new home much later than expected and the good weather has given us a chance to get some outdoor projects done.


Also, our heating bill has been MUCH lower than it would have been otherwise.

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Sorry, but NO, we've had plenty of winter and snow so far mixed with ice, freezing drizzle/rain and the occasional sunny day with decent temps. I live for the sunny/melting days. The last few winters have been bears and I'll take this one over them any year.


Come on over or up to enjoy our winter weather. Today is a balmy 25' to 27' and I'm loving the warmth.

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Basking in SUNSHINE, which is rare in winter where I live. I am excited about the warm 50 degrees today, I am so excited about warmer weather! Bring on the global warming! (I keep talking about moving south, but my hubby keeps saying to just stick it out here a few more years because with global warming, we will have southern climate here soon).

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Winter? Heck, I'm in the PNW and am still waiting for summer 2010.


We did spend a wonderful, sunny, 50+ degree day at the zoo yesterday. Crowds were relatively light because of some game on television.

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I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We've been known to get ice storms in March and April, and that seems MORE frequent when winter has been mild. And this is about as mild as it gets.




I don't think we can count winter as over yet.


I usually go without seeing my yard for a few months, we haven't had anything beyond a light dusting. I am nervous.

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I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We've been known to get ice storms in March and April, and that seems MORE frequent when winter has been mild. And this is about as mild as it gets.


Yep, that what I think is going to happen this year. I am expecting to get wholloped come about March.

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Oh wait, you're not joking....


Sorry, I am not missing that slippery yucky messy wet stuff for anything. My kids, on the other hand, would say yes, they wish for some snow. But not me. I hate the stuff. I also hate the cloudy dreary days, and am extremely thankful for the unusual amount of sunshine we've had this winter.



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I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We've been known to get ice storms in March and April, and that seems MORE frequent when winter has been mild. And this is about as mild as it gets.


This. I have a feeling winter isn't through with us yet. I've been loving the mild weather so I'm dreading what might be coming.

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YES i am with you!! Here in Virginia Beach, while it might be nice to not have to run the heat, i had to run the AC during the last week of DECEMBER. I am tired of 9 months of summer. Tired of sweating. Had to dig a fan out for my son last week because it got so warm upstairs.


I don't even want to think about the mosquitoes this year, we had bites all the way through November this past year. I swear they were roaming in gangs with switchblades this past summer/fall.


My poor hand knits are lonely. I really want to wear them. LOL

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I've enjoyed the mild temperatures. I'm glad I'll be able to put in a garden sooner and that we haven't had to shovel or kill ourselves heating the house, but much of me is concerned about bigger issues.


There is going to be a serious drought and almost certainly massive fires in my area of the country which often has 3-5 feet of snow during the winter. We've barely maintained 1 foot for most of this winter and had bare ground for weeks.


My enjoyment of the mild winter is tempered by what it "means", I guess you could say.

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I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We've been known to get ice storms in March and April, and that seems MORE frequent when winter has been mild. And this is about as mild as it gets.


:iagree: We've had a couple snow storms and freezing rain. A lot of ice because of the snow melting then it getting cold, but nothing like we normally get. I'm pretty sure we'll get some more before winter is over.

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I'm upset by how "up and down" this winter has been. We've had many days in the upper 70s - 80 even! But, we have also been highs in the 40s lows in the 20s. One week's laundry typically has shorts/tshirts and jeans/sweaters.


But, I cannot face another summer of WEEKS over 100. That very idea makes me ill.

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We are in Michigan and this has been the strangest winter I've ever spent here.


We had one great snowfall where we got 15" in one day, but other than that we've hardly had any snow. It's been mid 30's to lower 40's almost the whole winter. The lakes haven't even really had a good chance to freeze around here...putting a real damper on ice fishing. :(


I'm losing hope we're going to get much more winter this year.

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last year, I had the same issues. Gee, it's so nice, you'd think it was march. It was jan. about march or april, it seemed mother nature realized she'd slept through winter and decided to "do" winter. temps plummeted. We went to a hot springs at the lower elevations in the mts here for memorial day weekend. rain isn't that unusual that time of year - but there was new SNOW every morning. Several of our local ski resots were open late. Like the FOURTH OF JULY. Usually, april skiing is doing well.


so, we'll see what winter decides to do this year.

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