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Ring around the toilet, bowl full of scum...Poll!

Which option best describes how you clean your toilets?  

  1. 1. Which option best describes how you clean your toilets?

    • I clean them every day or two, and I give them a swipe before guests come over.
    • I clean them every day or two but don't check them before guests
    • Cleaned every 3-6 days and checked before guests come
    • Cleaned every 3-6 days, but I don't check before guests
    • Cleaned every week, and cleaned again before guests come
    • Cleaned every week; no special cleaning for guests
    • Cleaned about every two weeks, and cleaned again before guests
    • Cleaned about every two weeks; no special cleaning for guests
    • Cleaned less often than every two weeks, plus cleaned before guests
    • Cleaned less often than every two weeks, no special cleaning for guests

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I recently attended a gathering at an acquaintance's house, and I was surprised to see that her toilets were quite visibly dirty, with large rings, scummy marks above and around the water line, and dust/hair/toilet paper crumbles on the part of the toilet just behind the seat (but before the tank). This person lives in the same area as I do, so I know hard water is not an issue. I was really surprised that when she was hosting a planned gathering in her home that she didn't clean the toilets at all.


It got me wondering, how often do folks in general clean their toilets, and do you make a special effort to clean it before having planned guests over?


A poll is coming! It's private, so please vote honestly. No one can see who responds which way.

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I'm probably an outlier because I'm obsessive about having a clean toilet and bathroom. If we have people over then I scrub the toilets and we usually have people over two or three times a week. So my official answer is probably two or three times a week at least.

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Yes, I always check the powder room toilet if guests are coming over. I also make sure there is extra paper stock in there and feminine products handy if that were to be necessary.

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I would have picked other. I clean it whenever it starts to look not so fresh. It may be a few days or it may be a couple of weeks- especially in the bathroom we rarely use. I always check them before guests come. When I was in my first apartment after leaving my parents' and the dorm, I had never learned how to clean a toilet. My mom must have always done it and never mentioned it or told us how to clean it. The new apartment had a nasty toilet. I honestly had no clue it could be cleaned or made to be better until my MIL quietly cleaned it without saying anything. OMG. I was so embarrassed and I know I should have known better but it was like a veil had been lifted and I realized that the toilet didn't have to be the way it was when we moved in.

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I would have picked other. I clean it whenever it starts to look not so fresh. It may be a few days or it may be a couple of weeks- especially in the bathroom we rarely use. I always check them before guests come. When I was in my first apartment after leaving my parents' and the dorm, I had never learned how to clean a toilet. My mom must have always done it and never mentioned it or told us how to clean it. The new apartment had a nasty toilet. I honestly had no clue it could be cleaned or made to be better until my MIL quietly cleaned it without saying anything. OMG. I was so embarrassed and I know I should have known better but it was like a veil had been lifted and I realized that the toilet didn't have to be the way it was when we moved in.


Eeek! I feel for you. Your MIL was so sweet to do it and not say anything though.


I would be an "other" too, for the same reasons. If there's visible ick, it gets cleaned right away. If there's nothing visible, it might go for awhile before I get to it. I would nevernevernevernever let guests come over to a toilet that looked like that though. That's just rude. (ETA: Assuming one is not newly married and old enough to know better, that is.)

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I chose every two weeks with additional when company is coming, but I wipe the actual seat down with a Lysol wipes every to every other day. The animals sometimes drink out of it, and I have a boy so I'm always keeping an eye on the cleanliness of the seat, the bowl isn't as big of a deal to me since no one sits of it, but it gets washed and scrubbed at least twice a month.

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I deep clean the toilet once a week.


However because I have young children I wipe the seat, swish the bowl, wipe the floor every day as a top up :glare:


I also give it a once over if visitors are coming or I slip in quickly to check the condition if they come over unnannounced.

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The main bathroom upstairs the family and guests use often gets cleaned regularly every couple of days.


The toilet downstairs in the basement that gets used a few times a year gets cleaned a few times a year. It is cold and dark down there. I do laundry and get out. I'll climb two flights of stairs to go pee upstairs on the second floor rather than go in the basement when I'm down there.

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It could be hard water or something. My parents' upstairs toilet gets pretty scary in a very short time period. My mom can't go up the stairs often, and my dad may or may not notice.


Personally, I have maids come about once a month, and I usually wash them myself once in between, and if guests are coming. We can usually go about 3 weeks before any slight marks form. But, we keep a bleach pellet in the tank. Otherwise it would be needed about weekly. (I should note that there are no males here. I think that makes a difference.)


Nobody here drinks out of the toilet (that I know of), so I am not too obsessive about it.

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I clean my own bathroom weekly. The kids bathroom gets done while they are in the tub and I notice that the toilet/sinks need getting done - maybe once or twice a week?


The downstairs bathrooms gets gross fast so I wipe that one done daily. It gets deep cleaned less frequently because its 1/2 bath and I have to wipe it more often. My house gets dustier for some reason in the winter... and we have two cats and three kids.

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I always clean the toilets if I know someone's coming over, even if it's just the kids' friends. (aside from regular cleaning) However I have also been trying a lot of items in the Cleansing Products Family in an attempt to remove stubborn toilet bowl rings. I have googled it, but only have managed to come up with stuff that has been tried and failed, or the other stuff that runs the risk of scratching your toilet bowl.


I'm between a Rock and a Porcelain Place. Anyone have any tips for stubborn toilet bowl rings?

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Where we used to live, we attended a small group Bible study at the home of someone from our church. This was weekly, the same night each week. I was always surprised at how icky her toilet was (we had two small kids at the time and inevitably one of them would need to go). I always wondered why she wouldn't just spray and wipe the toilet before she had a house full for a Bible study. Just as you said....when the seat was down, between the seat at the tank......gross! Hair and all kinds of nasty stuff. Ew! :ack2: I never did, and still don't, understand it.

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I clean once a week no matter what, spot clean with lysol wipes as necessary, and check to be sure everything is tip top before guests arrive. Fresh hand towels are a big one for me, a la an old Frasier episode. :)


Yes, I always check the powder room toilet if guests are coming over. I also make sure there is extra paper stock in there and feminine products handy if that were to be necessary.


The bolded - oh my! I never thought of that! I had a hysterectomy in my 20s, and *never* think of feminine products. What a thoughtful idea! Guess what's going on my next shopping list? (That will really make DH go hmmmmmm...)

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I would be beyond embarrased if anyone saw the toilet on the second floor. Without knowing what's wrong, it just looks plain nasty! But, in the winter, something freezes outside and nothing upstairs drains well. That means the tub gets a nasty ring (it takes an hour, literally, for the tub to drain after shower or bath), and the toilet isn't used. The washing maching backs into the tub and toilet well, so the toilet looks gross, but no one uses it.


The first floor toilet and bathroom get cleaned (planned) 2-3 times per week, but ds has been cleaning it daily (potty mouth = potty chore). He doesn't get it perfect, but he's doing it.

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Cleaned once a week and cleaned again (or esp. ) if guests are coming over. A couple of times with unexpected guests I've locked myself in the bathroom with the cleaning supplies to quick clean, while telling my kids to entertain them for a few minutes.


I did have one terribly embarrassing moment. We have an unused toilet in the "cat's bathroom". This toilet is broken and unusable. Even though it is unused, somehow it grows horrible nasties in there. We have a sign on the bathroom door telling people that it not usable but one day a visiting child used it anyway. He came upstairs and loudly described it's condition to his mother in front of the whole party. I felt like falling through the floor, though all I did was to say, "Yes, that toilet is broken. Perhaps you missed seeing the sign."

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It is the running joke in our family that whenever we are coming to visit the person comments that they are off to clean the toilets. If nothing else gets done, the toilets always do. My grandma was a stickler and we think that is where the line started.


We have hard water so if I don't clean every couple of days I get a nasty ring. And I always wipe down the rim and behind the seat before people come over because I live in a house full of males at the moment. :glare:

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I always clean the toilets if I know someone's coming over, even if it's just the kids' friends. (aside from regular cleaning) However I have also been trying a lot of items in the Cleansing Products Family in an attempt to remove stubborn toilet bowl rings. I have googled it, but only have managed to come up with stuff that has been tried and failed, or the other stuff that runs the risk of scratching your toilet bowl.


I'm between a Rock and a Porcelain Place. Anyone have any tips for stubborn toilet bowl rings?


If you have a true porcelain bowl you can use a pumice stone. If it is a really cheap toilet you might want to try it under the rim or someplace inconspicuous but I have never had it scratch. Our grocery store sells them in the bathroom cleaning supplies.

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I recently attended a gathering at an acquaintance's house, and I was surprised to see that her toilets were quite visibly dirty, with large rings, scummy marks above and around the water line, and dust/hair/toilet paper crumbles on the part of the toilet just behind the seat (but before the tank). This person lives in the same area as I do, so I know hard water is not an issue. I was really surprised that when she was hosting a planned gathering in her home that she didn't clean the toilets at all.


It got me wondering, how often do folks in general clean their toilets, and do you make a special effort to clean it before having planned guests over?


A poll is coming! It's private, so please vote honestly. No one can see who responds which way.

If I saw this I would assume she delegated it to a kid or someone else and forgot to check up on it, with all the prep she had to do.

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I have a "public toilet" downstairs that gets more frequent use/attention. It just sees more action than the upstairs bathrooms.


If a guest surprises me on an off day, I will excuse myself to the bathroom and do a quick wipe-down with wipes. Family crud is bad enough, but non-family crud is revolting.

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I clean before quests are coming over, but not often otherwise.


This is because our toilet is really icky and you can't tell anyway. I have tired various things to get it better looking. Even Paint thinner.


You know the kind of movie where the character has to stop at a run down gas bar in the middle of no where. ... Yup, that's my toilet.

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You need a category for "they're cleaned twice a day and especially before guests arrive."


Maybe that's excessive for some, but I cannot bear to see evidence of someone else's visit to the loo still lingering. My dh feels the same way and taught ds to do a quick courtesy wipe of the rim to assure that "splashes" don't remain.


You have no idea how grateful I am for that.

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I checked every two weeks and then again if guests are coming over but I also wipe it down if there's hair and dust around it. I'm a stickler for a clean bathroom when guests are coming. I should've been able to check once a week because it's dd's job but I've been lax about her chores lately as she has quite a load of work at this time of year. Little dd wipes the sinks and empties garbage every day.


On the topic of visiting others who have dirty bathrooms. I have a friend who just cannot keep a home clean. At one point, I think they moved just so they didn't have to clean. I still hover over the bowl because I'm too afraid to sit down.

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If I saw this I would assume she delegated it to a kid or someone else and forgot to check up on it, with all the prep she had to do.



:iagree: If I know people are coming over, I clean the bathroom myself. If they stop by unannounced, I can't predict what will be there. Each kid is in charge of cleaning one bathroom daily and they are not consistent in their efforts. We're working on it though!


As a PP mentioned, I keep cleaning supplies in each bathroom so I can slip in and do a quick wipe-down when necessary.


I have to mention here that before I had children, I was at my SIL's house for a party and noticed a ring in her toilet. I made a snide remark to my husband how about it. A few years later I moved into a house that had a constant ring in the toilet. I scrubbed and scrubbed, used a pumice stone and multiple cleaning supplies and it returned within days. I felt this was my punishment for being such a stinker.... if it bothered me enough to comment I could have grabbed a brush and scrubbed it myself, she is family after all!

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Don't have boys, which makes a difference, but I drilled into my girls that neither I or anyone else wants to 'enjoy' evidence of their visit And so they were acquainted early with the toilet brush. "Yuck! That's GROSS! I'm NOT doing that!" etc. One of mine spent so much time unwell in there that we had to get a 2nd toilet in the bathroom. The stand alone one is still referred to as hers even though she's not here now.

I used to clean houses, so as another poster said, I have a messy house but the toilet is generally clean. (I'd much prefer no toilet to a scary one.)

I did notice I had to start deliberately cleaning it when we finally left the continuous mopping accidents stage.

My youngest has toilet/bathroom duty now and quite enjoys it.

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I didn't vote that "I clean them every day" BUT.. I kinda do kinda don't.. I keep a special "bleach" drop in in my toilet. It's NOT one of those smelly blue things. It's a hard tablet that lasts about a week or two.


In 3 of the houses we've lived in we've had icky water that has a tannish tinge to it at times. These tablets I use keep the scum away, the toilets fresh and clean, and I rarely have anything to fuss over if guests come. :D

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Cleaning is one thing but if you live in an old farmhouse and the water is hard, there are often brownish stains in the tub as well as in the bowl...just saying...


We have some deposits in the bottom of one toilet. I've done some soaking but it doesn't come off. I clean about 1-2 x a week in the main and about 1 x a week in the bedroom bathroom. Always check before company!!!!! No rings!!!!! No pee dribbled on or around- yuck!

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Although I was casually conscious of how out toilet looked, I became much more conscious of it after going to a house where the toilet reeked of urine. Not nice at all... We recently actually disassembled the toilet (removed seat completely) because we could not get rid of the lingering smell of little-boy-with-bad-aim. This did indeed turn out to be the source of the problem. Ugh!

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I clean them if they look ick...and my definition of ick is WAY cleaner than the OP's friend's definition. We have people over regularly due to foster care and the children's therapies; so they are checked regularly and dealt with as needed. Then the kids have to clean up any mess they make also. But it really doesn't require cleaning a ton or anything (though possibly because we do at least wipe up messes and such).


We do have a housekeeper come ever 4-6 weeks.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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We clean it when it looks like it needs it (getting scummy) and before guests come over. I'm not a germ phobe and I feel cleaners can do more harm than good, so other than dishes and laundry, we don't clean very often - just when it gets "too bad" by my judgment or if people are coming over. This includes the toilet and bathroom in general, vacuuming, dusting, and many other things some people consider a daily, weekly or whatever chore.


On the other hand, we're very rarely sick and we have a lot more time to do other things. ;)

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