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Does your husband read?


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This is somewhat of a spin-off of the "100 books" thread. I'm just wondering how many of us WTM ladies had a DH (or a significant other) who is a reader.


Mine is upstairs right now reading the Scarlet Pimpernel.

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Not as much as I do (I usually check out 10-15 books at a time, and read them within a week or two, and that's just pleasure reading), but books are a major source of entertainment in our house, and there are books in probably every room of the house except for bathrooms at any given time.

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I voted yes, but dh mostly reads the newspaper daily, and bar reports weekly. The only time he reads books is on vacation or on a fishing trip, or occasionally on a lazy day at home. And he only reads fantasy genre paperbacks, which don't count as real books to me! :tongue_smilie: He did read all the Harry Potter books and enjoyed them.


He does ask me about the books I'm reading, though. But, I'm always reading several things at once, so when he sees me, there's often a book in my face. Maybe someday he'll pick something up other than Realms of the Dragon Warriors and other such titles. :lol:

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This is somewhat of a spin-off of the "100 books" thread. I'm just wondering how many of us WTM ladies had a DH (or a significant other) who is a reader.


Mine is upstairs right now reading the Scarlet Pimpernel.


I didn't post on the 100 books thread, but my dh is one of those that may not have read that many books. He is very intelligent, but just doesn't like to read. His learning style is audio/visual and only reads the occasional magazine for fun. He has read several books because I've asked him to, but much prefers if I read the books to him (he stays more engaged and retains more information).

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Nope unless you count the scores along the bottom of the ESPN channel or the Bass Pro catalog. He doesn't like to read. OH! I forgot that he did read his new electrician code book. :D He is very intelligent, but he just prefers hands-on and DOING something. I don't think he thinks he has time to "waste" reading, lol. Reading is just not his thing, and I'm okay with that.


ETA: He reads aloud with Emma every night. They alternate each reading a couple of pages. Very sweet!!!

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Aside from all the stuff he has to read for work (textbooks, articles in scientific journals, student theses and projects)?

Currently, DH reads mostly magazines, very few books. He has, however, already greatly exceeded the "100 books as an adult" quota. This is just not his season in life to focus on reading books.

Edited by regentrude
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I voted 'Other' because I wouldn't say he is a reader, but he does read. Lots of online articles, bits and pieces of code and management books, and he usually has a science fiction novel started.


His favorite reading is when I read to him in the car on long rides. We're reading Fire Upon the Deep right now. Since he's an audio learner with ADD tendencies its much easier for him to listen than read.

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I voted 'no' based on the spirit of the question. I presume you weren't asking whether they read at all ever, but rather whether they are a "reader." My husband is not a pleasure reader, at all. Interestingly, he has several bookshelves full in his office and he enjoys collecting books on subjects of interest to him, but he rarely sits down and actually reads. In fact, most of his reading is for reference purposes or on a subject that has currently piqued his interest. So he'll pull books down for preparing a work presentation or for a bible study or to show the boys more information on a topic they've been discussing.


But purely for pleasure or to relax- never. Which is SO completely opposite of me. He also encourages our boys to read for pleasure often, because he doesn't want them to grow up like him. He feels he was not raised to enjoy or appreciate reading, and wishes he was different and wants our boys to be avid readers.

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Mine reads but not as much as I do. Why? I have more time and also I read faster. But I would say he probably reads some every day and also he reads a lot when he travels which has been frequently and will soon be even more frequently. He reads sci fi, classics, and lots of science and technical books. I read mysteries, Stephen King (the only horror author I read), and also lots of non fiction. I do read classics but only occasionally. So the only books we ever read that are the same is the few sci fi I ever read and the few classics I read.

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This is somewhat of a spin-off of the "100 books" thread. I'm just wondering how many of us WTM ladies had a DH (or a significant other) who is a reader.


Mine is upstairs right now reading the Scarlet Pimpernel.


What is the point of this question? Of course my dh reads. I cannot abide ignorance, much less marry one of its minions.

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For work, yes. For pleasure, yes, yet he is what I call a 'comfort reader'. He reads the same books over and over. Sherlock Holmes, Dickens, especially Great Expectations, Mark Twain etc. He has read a zillion novels to the kids over the years, Narnia, Harry Potter, almost all of the Redwall books (maybe all of them) etc. He loves Ken Burns. He tried to read The Devil Wears Prada because as I was reading it I was laughing hysterically. He put it down after less than a chapter. lol He liked The Green Mile. He enjoys some non fiction and has read everything by Micheal Pollan, really enjoyed Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and enjoys books about small scale farming and gardening.


He reads, but is not one to read a book a week.

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He doesn't really read novels, although I did let him lend my copy of The White Tiger to one of his work colleagues, and then he later read it himself. He enjoys reading books about math, physics, politics, electronics and technology. He also quite likes biographies.



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