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Update for those interested

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Chris :grouphug:,


I don't know if this will be of comfort, but I'll give it a shot.


Tom Fettke wrote a song several years ago about a struggle that he and his wife went through with one of their sons. He became a very rebellious young man at around the age of 14/15 and though they did everything recommended by counselors, pastors, youth workers, mental health professionals, police......you get the picture, they exhausted themselves just as you have...this boy ended up in prison for, if memory serves, 10 years. As Tom put it, he and his wife wore the skin off their knees praying over their boy.


During the course of his prison sojourn, he eventually sought the Lord due to the influence of a loving, compassionate, and very persistent prison chaplain. Tom's boy got out, put his life back together, and now works in full-time music ministry.


Here are the lyrics to the chorus of "Sometimes We Wait":


Sometimes we wait

Simply to find,

Sometimes the answers come with time.

Not right away

Not clearly to see

Sometimes we never get those parted seas,

That lead us to the shore.

But, there is a place,

Where we rest in His grace,

When sometimes we wait on the Lord.


I'm praying for you, your family, your boy.



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Chris, I don't know you well, nor do I know much of the story behind what's going on with your son. But as a fellow mother, my heart aches for you.


I can hear my two little boys playing in their room just down the hall. I can't imagine how I will feel if one of them chooses a path in life that would land them in the place your son is. Just the thought breaks my momma's heart.



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You are an amazing example of strength and grace to all of us here. Prayers and :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: many times over.




My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry you are going through this. May God bless you and bring about good from this trying time.



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