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When do you go grocery shopping?

When do you usually do your grocery shopping?  

  1. 1. When do you usually do your grocery shopping?

    • Weekday morning
    • Weekday afternoon
    • Weekday evening
    • Saturday or Sunday
    • I don't have a regular day
    • Other (please specify)

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I've been working on our fall schedule and and I just put something in the slot where I had grocery shopping. Now that I am looking at the schedule I'm not sure I will be able to go grocery shopping anymore. JK! I really don't want to have to do it on Saturday afternoons. I've always tried to go every Thursday morning (which is payday every other week) so that everything is nice and organized. Get paid...go shopping. Now it has to change.


When do you do your grocery shopping?

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It varies here. We live in the middle of nowhere (10 miles from any grocery store), so it all depends on where else we need to go and when. I'm constantly orchestrating multiple stops so that we're not trying to go somewhere every single day. If nothing else works out, I'll go on a weekend and give one kid some extra attention by letting him/her be the one who comes with me.

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I do my shopping on Saturday. If I'm out of the house during the week it makes my schedule nuts. When we finish up school on Friday evening, we deep clean the house, do the laundry and the guys take care of the yard. Then Saturday we shop and run errands. Sunday is a day of rest or fun road trips. :auto:

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Are you supposed to have a day :001_huh: No wonder our fridge is always empty.


I go shopping when there is nothing in the fridge but a few mouldy carrots :lol:


I hate it - I have to drag three little kids with me so I usually grab enough for a couple of days and head out because I only get about 15 minutes before the kids start getting nuts.


So I shop every other day because of my extreme aversion to making a weekly shopping list -that would mean I had to plan meals - another thing I detest doing:glare:

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When the weather is warm I go grocery shopping every morning. When it's cold, I go in the afternoon. It takes me about an hour each day and I have to go every day because I can't carry enough food and milk home to skip days very often. Grocery shopping was one of the hardest things to find time for when we moved here. But at least I have a very interesting bazaar to shop at.

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Whenever we either run out of too many things, or I feel motivated to, or it's convenient to.... no set day or time. Often it ends up being some weekday morning or other but no set weekday and other times it's an afternoon or an evening or even sometimes a weekend (which I try to avoid only because it's more crowded then).

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We shop as a family on every other Saturday. This is usually our only outing! Sometimes for a 'treat' one of the older kids will babysit so DH and I can shop alone (ooh, a date). We live in rural area and are limited to bicycle transportation, so it really is an adventure. I have looked into having things delivered but there are no affordable local services and the national services cost too much.

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SInce I have lived here in the DC area and the commissaries are far (at least 20 minutes away) plus I have been sick a lot, I have changed how I shop. NOw I tend to do large shopping every two-three weeks and small shopping more frequently. BUt I don't do the shopping a lot of the time. My two oldest children do, my husband does it even less often than me, and sometimes I do online shopping with delivery.

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I don't know what I'll do during the school year. I muddled my way through the spring. But right now, my plan is to shop for two weeks at a time. I go in the morning on a weekday and my oldest dd can watch the others kids at home. It takes me 4 hours. I go to two stores (outlet center and WalMart). Working well so far!

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I chose other - because my husband does the food shopping! He shops early (store opens at 6am and is not in our neighborhood) on Saturday morning and gets the bulk of what we need for the week. Then we usually stop at another store for meat on Sunday afternoon after church. I wish we could get meat and other groceries at the same place but the store with the best prices/selection does not have the best meat.


I will run out for fresh stuff to a local store twice a week or so, whenever it is convenient for me. Sometimes he stops on his way home from work, but I like to do those small trips myself.

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I usually go on a weekday evening after dh comes home and I can leave the kids at home. However, in the past my other favorite times were Saturday morning (no one at the stores and lots of markdowns available) and Wednesday morning after the ads just came out. Not only was everything available, they were making down the leftover from the last ad.

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Major grocery shopping and getting house hold items I do every other Thursday. We do a 5 day week and a 4 day week. We live far from many places so we tend to make a day of it. Leave in the morning drive to where ever we decide. Have lunch, shop, maybe hit a museum or something also.


Now between trips like this I usually go to the store about 2 time a week to pick up more milk, fresh veggies and fruit. No certain days of times. Just when ever I get time.

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I used to go on a weekday morning, though not a specific day every time.


Now I'm divorced and I babysit on weekdays, so instead of taking 4 kids with me during the week (:boxing_smiley::banghead::willy_nilly::cursing:) I can go by myself on Saturday (:001_wub:).


Or if I miss Saturday, I'll go after church on Sunday with 3 kids, which is slightly awful (:willy_nilly::cursing:) but still better than taking 4 kids.

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During the school year I always shop on Saturday on the way home from Sat. School, as I pass by two Whole Foods. I also got to TJs usually once during the week, sometimes also on Sat, sometimes on a weekday when I'm in that direction.


In the summer I used to always go on Wed afternoons because there's a Whole Foods across from where they used to have park days, but now they've "renovated" that playground and no one likes it anymore. :glare: So this summer will be a bit of chaos, as meals get erratic when I don't shop on a regular schedule.


I could never shop on a weekday morning!


I dream of the day they build a Whole Foods up this way so I could shop by myself on a weekday evening instead of taking up half my Sat. every week and shopping with all 3 kids.

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It completely depends!


I hate weekend shopping. It is so crowded at the store.


When triple coupons start on Wed. I go Wed. morning and sometimes several times that week.


Next year our schedule is actually freer than it was this year. We are focusing on SCHOOL next year so I am sure I can give an assignment to the older ones and run to the store as needed. I started doing that a bit this school year and it worked well. I am only gone for about 45 min and they have an assignment they can do independently during that time.



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I voted weekday evening, because that's what I did when the dc were young and at home. When I go grocery shopping, I want to get in and get out, and that's much easier without dc. So went when Mr. Ellie was home and the children could have quality time with him. :D

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I get my fruits and veggies delivered weekly. I go to Costco once a month on a Saturday. Other than that, I'll go one Saturday a month to a regular store. I'm looking for better-priced options for the things I'm getting at stores so I don't even have to do that for anything other than milk.


When I worked weekends, I went to the store on Thursday afternoon. It was nice, but not going at all would be even better.

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I prefer to go earlier in the morning (9am-ish?) on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Thursday is the ideal day (the local store that usually has the best deals on things runs their sales Wed-Tues. More people shop towards the end of the sale than at the beginning and I hate going shopping when it is crowded). If I don't go in the morning my second choice is late evening (after 9pm).

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I often get groceries delivered. I can usually swing it so I get free deliveries. It saves me the petrol and I can do the whole shop in half an hour online.




My daughter just spent a year in England and I was so jealous of her grocery delivery. It seems the norm there. Wish I could get that in the US.


I have tried to have a regular day, but inevitably we run out of something or there was an activity that got in the way. Now, we just go when we are out anyway and get what we need at the moment. When my kids were younger and all at home and we bought in bulk it was easier to go once a week. We are trying to eat more fresh food which doesn't really lend itself to big gaps between shopping trips.

Edited by jcooperetc
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We have one car, which DH takes to work, so I don't have a car for a big grocery shopping during the week. Usually we do our big grocery shopping on Saturday morning, and then DH will stop on his way home from work on Wednesday night to get milk, eggs, or anything else we might need to get through the week.


We've been thinking about getting groceries delivered, though.

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I was just thinking about this the other day. I have always done my shopping between 9-11 on any given weekday. I love beating the crowds, but it really eats into morning school time. I know alot of homeschoolers who school all morning and into the afternoon, leaving only night/weekend shopping an option. If it works for them great, but being a stay-at-home mom and homeschooler, I want to take advantage of when everyone else is at work and school to get my errands done. So much more peaceful!

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We go straight from church on Sunday. All the employees at the supermarket know us. All 9 of us come tromping in wearing our Sunday best (except for me and oldest Ds. We like jeans).

The kids hate it but I tell them if they like to eat then they need to shop.

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I put 'other' as I don't have a regular day and it really depends on what it is. I go to Sam's once or twice a month, our food club delivers once a month, I patronize a couple of HFS, one about once a month an the other when the things that I have ordered come in.:tongue_smilie:


I purchase my meat from local farmers(whole beef once a year, chickens--30 at a time.) Eggs, milk I get from a couple of friends once a week.


When I do the Sam's club it is normally an all day thing as it is in another town and we always do everything that we can on the same day.

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I have been a Thursday morning (9am) shopper for as long as I've been at home with kids, but next year it will have to change--we're stepping things up a bit in terms of schooling, and adding another "for real" student (I don't really stress about K, but 1st grade is "for real" LOL.) It looks as though I will have to switch. I love the suggestion above about doing a 5 day and then a 4 day week--we could do shopping, library, errands, Drs appointments on the last day. Hmmm... I had planned to have Fridays be wrap it up/light days, so that might just work. thanks!

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Other: I go shopping on the first of the month. I hit Costco, WinCo and Kroger. I stock up on EVERYTHING for the month. Throughout the month I stop by Kroger after church on Sunday to get milk and bread. That is it. It really has cut down on costs to do it that way. When we run out of fresh fruit from the first of the month we eat canned from the giant cans at Costco. I only buy fresh fruit or veggies during the rest of the month if it is on an awesome sale. Once every three months DH and I go to the meat market and fill the deep freezer with meat.

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I do 2 weeks worth of meal planning on every other Thursday and the shopping the next day on Friday afternoons. I get to Costco, Walmart, and Fry's. It takes about 3 hours. Occasionally I have to pick something up at the grocery store in between the big shopping trips.

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Dh does the major shopping trip--used to be Fridays, because that was his day off. Then he switched to Thursday evenings after dinner. Now, for some reason, he's changed it to Weds evenings after dinner (or after the Weds service, if he has to do it that week).

He's done the shopping since ds was a little one--it gave me a break, ds some time with Dad, and our budget a rest (since he's better about keeping to a budget than I am). It's fun for my kids to go with Dad--he does things like have them go out for a pass in the paper towel aisle (they catch really well now)...:001_smile:

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We have fruit and veg delivered each Friday and buy the other groceries on Saturdays. Dh takes the kids to buy them while I hit the book and toy libraries. Once in a blue moon I'll drive over to the Indian grocer to do a bulk buy of dry goods. Lately I've had to go down the street to buy extra veggies and nappies (how I regret I can't use our cloth nappies on ds :( ) The prices have gone up so the box of veggies isn't lasting as long. However, it's a prepacked box so I don't have to mess around ordering each week. For now it's a useful service. :)



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I'm not organized at all with shopping. We live about 2K away from a grocery store. The kids and I will bike to the store and get things 2 to 3 times a week. It is also in town near the library. It's on the way home from the thrift store, bike shop, bank, ...


It is also a great reason to get the kids out of the house for a bike ride. They like to go (usually) because they get a free cookie from the store.


I use to be more organized with it. But I find the more I'm organized the less often I go, which also means the more I have to take home on a trip. I prefer to go by bike. I find taking the wagon difficult since the trip home is all up hill.

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