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Does your phone chime if you get an email--vote even if you don't know what I mean :)

Do you have a phone that chimes/vibrates with email notifications...does it wake you?  

  1. 1. Do you have a phone that chimes/vibrates with email notifications...does it wake you?

    • We have at least one phone that chimes/vibrates for email and it would wake someone up
    • We have at least one phone that chimes/vibrates for email but it would NOT wake someone up
    • We have no internet/email on our phones--or no phones at all--or chime/vib is turned off for email
    • other

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It is after midnight here and I just sent an email to dd's teacher. After I hit send, I realized that I don't know if she gets her email on her phone or laptop. Dh's phone vibrates when he gets an email, but doesn't chime. It still wakes us up.


I was curious how many people it would bother to get an email in the middle of the night due to a phone....not a computer.


Do we need to stop sending emails at convenient times for the sender, just in case the receiver has their phone by the bed? or is is up to the receiver to set options that would allow for their own person preferences?



If you don't know what I am talking about, just vote the 3rd or 4th option.... :) whichever you would perfer.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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My phone has the capability, but I've disabled that particular function. I travel for work and keep odd, always-changing-time-zones sleep times and I've been waken too many times by texts and such that come through at "normal" hours. If I know I need to sleep, I put my phone on airplane mode so that the alarm still works but calls, texts, and other alerts don't chime and wake me.


If I *KNEW* someone had email alerts on his phone, I'd be careful about when I sent emails (probably doing a draft at my convenience, and sending the next morning). If I don't know, I tend to assume the person doesn't have email alerts and will reply at my convenience. Most of the people I know don't use the email alert function on their phones unless they're expecting something important; that is, they use it selectively, so I gamble on the function being disabled.

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I have my email alert turned off. I get most of my emails between 4 and 8 AM from various yahoo digests, websites alerting me of sales, etc. If I left my alerts on, I would be annoyed, but not at the sender. I would be annoyed that I'd not turned it off.


I also send out my emails, personal or otherwise, between midnight and 3AM and I don't plan on changing that. I can't imagine ever angering anyone unless they don't know how to work their phones.

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IMO, it is the responsibility of the owner of the phone to set it up to their preferences (or their parents'). I can not tell you how many times I have been woken up by some child's phone. :glare: Some of them have extremely loud, incessant alarms, lights, bells, whistles, vibrations, really obnoxious ring tones or unbelievably loud songs and I don't know how to operate any of my children's phones so I now require that all phones be turned off at bedtime. But if a phone goes off for any reason at night, I blame the owner of the phone. Now if you call my home phone in the middle of the night, you better have a darn good reason.

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No WAY would I want to be woken up by any noises at all. No WAY would I have my phone make a noise when an email arrives, or even a message. But I don't even like phones. I keep mine turned off most of the time. Really annoys my family :)


My kids, I tihnk, do allow it though. They like getting woken up in the middle of the note when someone sends them something. :glare:

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IMO, it is the responsibility of the owner of the phone to set it up to their preferences (or their parents'). I can not tell you how many times I have been woken up by some child's phone. :glare: Some of them have extremely loud, incessant alarms, lights, bells, whistles, vibrations, really obnoxious ring tones or unbelievably loud songs and I don't know how to operate any of my children's phones so I now require that all phones be turned off at bedtime. But if a phone goes off for any reason at night, I blame the owner of the phone. Now if you call my home phone in the middle of the night, you better have a darn good reason.


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We have a mobile phone, It came with our Internet plan. We didn't want it, we have only used it about 10 times in the last 6 months. I don't even know how to text. We leave it turned off at all times.

I am sort of anti mobile phones.

-because I disagree with being in contact with everyone 24 hours a day.

-they make people feel less safe.

-I disagree with how the special metals essential for mobile phones( or whatever they are) are mined in Africa.

-they can cause brain tumors and cancer.

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My husband's phone is quite loud when he receives an email, but he leaves it in the foyer at night so it won't wake anyone up. The rest of our phones are just phones, so it is not a problem.


I don't want a smartphone/iphone and neither do my girls but my husband has to have one for work.

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IMO, email is expected, by everyone, to be used at the sender's convenience.


Now, my phone makes a sound, but for whatever reason, I do not hear it when asleep (though I hear anything and everything else). I assume it's kinda like how the sound of the fan drives me batty when I'm awake but doesn't when I'm sleeping (we do have a remote so I can turn it off the second I wake up; but now that we have a baby, I leave it on as white noise for her).


Anyway, if the sound bugged me, I'd change my phone settings.

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My phone makes a quite beep when I get an email. It doesn't wake me at all. However, I have a very annoying sound (think hunting trumpets) for texts, because otherwise I can't hear them in my purse when it goes off. THAT sound wakes me up. And it keeps going off until you open the text. I finally had to tell my mom that if she wanted to tell me something of relative unimportance to please send me an email if it was between 10pm and 7am. She was using texts like email. Not only that, but her texts are paragraphs long, and so it came through as 3 or 4 texts, all with their own alert. :tongue_smilie:

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Since most spam is delivered at night, I would expect anyone with an email-enabled cell phone to turn sound off during their sleep time.

We do, and everyone I know does too. Unless someone has an email address that's barely used and hasn't been picked up in a spammer's list, I can't envision leaving the email notification on at a noise level that would wake the owner up.

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Dh's work phone has a bunch of stuff disabled. You can't turn off email chimes without turning the sound off completely. He cannot turn the sound off completely because he gets phone calls in the middle of the night. the chiming does sometimes wake me up. But, I don't expect people emailing him from around the world to do it at a convenient hour. He does not get spam on that email.


Eta: He turns off the email sound on his iphone. I have my phone set up so that it doesn't push email, I have to retrieve email manually.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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It wakes up dh but it doesn't wake the rest of us. Funny thing though - he complained to me about my phone and asked that I turn the sound off over night. But last night, he left his sound on. His noise for e-mail and such is much louder and more annoying than mine. Mine is this little tone. His sounds like an angry insect.

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DH and I both have internet/email on our phones. I have mine set to where there's no chime because I like to keep my phone in our bedroom in case of an emergency. DH gets texts (from ESPN :001_rolleyes:) and emails (from clients) at night so he keeps his phone in our computer room where we cannot hear it.


Chimes for emails drive me nuts.


I think if someone keeps the chime on for their email, then they should think about the fact that it could wake them up at night if they receive one....I think you would be fine. However, I won't send texts after a certain hour because a lot of people (including me) keep the chime for a text on.

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I agree with the position that the onus is on the phone owner to decide what alerts happen at what hour.


I use mine as my alarm clock since it resides on my nightstand for emergency calls from work. With my Blackberry, "bedside mode" only left the ringer active between 11pm and 6am. I haven't figured out my iPhone's similar widget yet, but if we were awakened by text and email alerts, that would be a high priority.

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Mine gets e-mail, but won't wake anyone up-I've got the alert chime for that disabled. Text alerts are pathetic little chirps. Only an actual voice call gets a ring-and even that I'm not likely to hear at night because the phone charger lives in the kitchen and that's the other end of the house from the bedrooms.


DH has his set to ear shattering volumes, but hasn't set up anything but voice on his phone.

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However, I won't send texts after a certain hour because a lot of people (including me) keep the chime for a text on.


I agree. There's this unofficial ranking in precedence.

Phone call: pick immediately. Ringer would be on at all times (except meetings, Mass, in which cases vibration mode is expected to be on...)

Text: as your soonest convenience. Ringer would be more discreet and may be or may not be off at night. Ringer may be left on in situations where phone calls are disabled.

Email: whenever, within a 24 hours period. Ringer would be off at night, and most times outside of standard business hours.


Those are what I see as common usage around me. It is not necessarily what I think politeness requires.. :tongue_smilie:

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-they make people feel less safe.



I'm sorry, I have never heard this before. I always thought the opposite. Would you clarify, please? Thank you!


A teen, female relative was staying with a friend because her parents weren't doing their job. Her friend had to go to work so she was at the house by herself. The friend's father came home and tried to attack her. She was able to get away from him and hide in a closet. She texted a friend and asked them to call the police. She was able to stay hidden and quiet by not talking until the police arrived and got her out. If she didn't have her phone with her, I don't want to think how this would have turned out.



My husband and I don't have texting on our phones; we don't want it. It's just the free phone, pretty basic, but it does have a camera. We mainly just use the camera to take a quick pic of our daughter before we go out somewhere, in case she gets separated from us, then we will have a pic of what she is wearing that day. (Thankfully we've never had to use it.)


Hate talking on the phone in general (prefer email) but I always keep my phone on in case one of our parents or my brother has an emergency and needs us.

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I voted that yes we have phones that chime/vibrate for emails, texts, etc but it wouldn't wake someone up. It may wake me up for a second, but I don't mind and my dh usually sleeps right through it. He actually needs to be on call all the time (he's 2nd in command of a navy ship) so we're used to calls at all hours of the night.

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Dh doesn't get his e-mail sent directly to his phone. I do, but I have the chime for it disabled. So I voted your third option since your question related to adults.


Ds's phone chimes when he gets an e-mail, but not loud enough to wake anyone.


I would never think of being cautious about timing my e-mails for normal work hours. That would be really annoying. Most of the convenience of e-mails is that I can send them any time, particularly when I suddenly remember that I need to tell or ask someone something, but it's not an appropriate time to phone, but I know that if I wait for a better time, I'll forget all about phoning. :tongue_smilie:

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I have my email alert turned off. I get most of my emails between 4 and 8 AM from various yahoo digests, websites alerting me of sales, etc. If I left my alerts on, I would be annoyed, but not at the sender. I would be annoyed that I'd not turned it off.


I also send out my emails, personal or otherwise, between midnight and 3AM and I don't plan on changing that. I can't imagine ever angering anyone unless they don't know how to work their phones.



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I'm sorry' date=' I have never heard this before. I always thought the opposite. Would you clarify, please? Thank you![/quote']


I've never heard of a cell phone not making people feel safe either. I remember the days of carrying a help banner in the glove compartment of my car. If I needed assistance, I had to put the banner in the back window and it said in huge red numbers/letters to CALL 911. :lol:


I've used my phone a number of times for safety reasons. My dd19 has had to use hers for that reason too.


I don't buy into the argument that someone wouldn't want to be contacted 24/7. If I stay home all day and there is a landline in my house, I'm still able to be contacted 24/7. There is no rule that says a phone MUST be answered, whether it's a landline or a cell phone.

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I think this is an example of technology outpacing us. One of the biggest advantages of using email over phone calls is that it can be used at the convenience of both the sender and receiver. If we have to worry about the time we send an email, it loses that advantage.

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We have two phones that receive email. Dh's phone is in the bedroom at night because that is where he keeps everything he takes to work the next day. His phone vibrates if he gets email, so he has to remember to put it on something soft so it doesn't wake us. Mine makes a small dinging noise, but I never keep it in the bedroom, so it does not keep us up. (Except for this weekend when we were in a hotel. It woke me up only if I was in a lighter cycle of sleep.)

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Oh heavens, there is no notification set for email on any of the three iPhones in our house. They would just chime constantly. Dh and I both get hundreds of emails/day. Dd & Ds get enough that would be annoying. I can barely stand be notified for texts!

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My iPhone chimes when I get an email, but I put it on mute before bed. I would think you could send emails when convenient for you; if people don't want to be disturbed at night, they can silence their phone or put it somewhere it won't disturb their sleep.



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Do we need to stop sending emails at convenient times for the sender, just in case the receiver has their phone by the bed? or is is up to the receiver to set options that would allow for their own person preferences?


I feel that only sending email at times when it's convenient for the recipient rather defeats the purpose of email, and it's their responsibility to control how they use it.


There are caveats to that. If someone requested that I didn't email during certain hours, I'd respect their wishes (as long as I remembered, anyways). And if I knew that someone had a real reason for having their email wake them (on-call at work, for example), then I wouldn't use that email address for something that could wait.


But if I didn't know for a fact that it's going to wake them, the thought wouldn't even cross my mind.


(Now, it's a problem if one spouse has the email chime because they sleep through it, but it wakes the other spouse. Ask me how I know this one!)



I check my email on my phone, but I have the alerts turned off so it only checks when I open the app. I've had the same thoughts about sending a text to someone though. What's too late to send someone a text...8? 10?

SMS I'm going to treat the same as a phone call unless I know the preferences of the person in question - probably not after 8PM or before 9AM.

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ours don't wake us up because dh leaves his phone charging downstairs, and if I bring mine up, I turn off the sound. The only problem I have with this is that I've all to often forgotten to turn the sound back on and ds19's texts were left unanswered. You know it's QUITE the hassle to actually pick up and call on the phone these days. :glare: I could :rant: about this more if you'd like.;)

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