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RoughCollie's Artery Is Bleeding Out As We Speak

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Hello, denizens of the Well-Trained Mind forum. This is RoughCollie's son, who will remain nameless. I'm here to talk to you good people today about my mother's arterial condition.


As I'm sure some of you may know, RoughCollie went in today to get stents put in. It was a simple operation, but not one without possible misgivings. She came home this evening, needing rest, and so she went upstairs -- but, unfortunately, one of the arterial incisions in her thigh started bleeding. We have called an ambulance and she will be on her way to the hospital shortly.


It's funny, actually, that she wanted me to post this thread so soon. There are three more children besides me, and her husband, of course, and so this is what I can do to help. Ha.


Anyway, please pray for her.

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