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Your linen closet

What is the state of your linen closet?  

  1. 1. What is the state of your linen closet?

    • Tidy (folded and ordered)
    • Messy (things stuff in)
    • Other

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I can honestly say it is tidy. But this is a first for me.


Two weeks ago a good friend of mine who is also a housekeeper came up to visit and helped me tear out the old installation in my attic. While doing that she mentioned that she has a big painting job coming up. A few months ago we got rid of our king size bed and therefore had lots of king sheets stuffed in our linen closet. I told her she can have whatever top sheets she wanted as long as she organized the thing.


So it was a win, win. She left with a box of stuff - and I got a clean linen closet.

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Tidy. I go through it about once a month and refold anything that has gotten messy and purge any items that are unused/misplaced.


The closet is stuffed full since it's very small for the size of family we have, so while it will never be featured in any magazine everything is neat looking inside at least.

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Mine is very tidy. We finally have a big enough closet (6' wide, 2.5' deep) that everything has a home. I labelled the shelves with a labeller when we moved in.


One shelf is crib sheets, blankets, and mattess protectors, each in their own spot.

One shelf is twin sheets, blankets, and mattress protectors.

One shelf is queen sized sheets, blankets and mattress protectors.

On the floor of the closet on the right are new pillows. One the left are our beach towels & swim gear in a tote bag.


I also have a shelf for cleaning supplies, another for medical equipment, and so on.


Sometimes my sheets aren't perfectly folded, but it still looks tidy.

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Mine is fairly tidy. I have large bins on each shelf for sheets and pillowcases sorted by size. The towels are all neatly stacked. However, the top shelf is a bit of a hodgepodge. I know what is up there but it is not organized.

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I had to vote "other!" We turned our linen closet into a game closet/craft closet a few years ago! LOL! Doesn't that show where my priorities lie? Now, the sheets are on the bed (we have a total of 6 twin sets of sheets to share among 4 beds--generally I just strip the beds, wash the sheets and put them right back on the bed). Towels are kept in the cabinet underneath the sink in the bathroom in which they belong. They are generally folded...although the ones in the kids' bathroom sometimes are a little crammed in there!

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It's a combination. The bottom half is tidy, all of the towels and sheets neatly stacked. The top two shelves are stuffed with all of the extraneous stuff, so they are messy.


That's pretty much what ours looks like too. It's tough to get stuff in neatly above your head. There are also odd things on those upper shelves like fitted sheets & afghans.

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Mine is very tidy. We finally have a big enough closet (6' wide, 2.5' deep) that everything has a home. I labelled the shelves with a labeller when we moved in.


One shelf is crib sheets, blankets, and mattess protectors, each in their own spot.

One shelf is twin sheets, blankets, and mattress protectors.

One shelf is queen sized sheets, blankets and mattress protectors.

On the floor of the closet on the right are new pillows. One the left are our beach towels & swim gear in a tote bag.


I also have a shelf for cleaning supplies, another for medical equipment, and so on.


Sometimes my sheets aren't perfectly folded, but it still looks tidy.


Diana!! :grouphug:

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A little of each. Kids help put stuff away so that quickly takes care of any organization i had going in there. Is it really that hard to follow patterns people? Towels with towels, washcloths with washcloths....


But at this moment it *is* fairly neat...minus the bottom where blankets have been shoved.

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Tidy. While I am very particular about the state of the visible house, my husband has a thing for very clean closets. He regularly empties a closet, re-folds the contents, washes the walls, shelves and floor of the closet :001_huh:, and then puts it all away.

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Tidy. While I am very particular about the state of the visible house, my husband has a thing for very clean closets. He regularly empties a closet, re-folds the contents, washes the walls, shelves and floor of the closet :001_huh:, and then puts it all away.


If he needs a fix, he's always welcome at my house. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted "Other" because I don't really have a linen closet. My laundry room has a small closet in it, but the only linen in there is extra sheets which are neatly folded because they are almost never used. I usually just wash the sheets and then put them back on the bed when I pull them out of the dryer. The towels for the kids are in a closet in their bathroom and are usually somewhat neat, but I've had them start folding them so they are "kid neat"


The towels for DH and I are on a small bookshelf in our bedroom outside the bathroom because our bathroom doesn't have any place to put in it. Dh's walk in closet is in that bathroom and we stopped keeping them in there because the only shelving is actually behind the door making it odd when trying to get stuff from them. Those towels are usually neat because they are right out in the open.

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If the lockout continues and we don't have a football season this year, I might just send him your way! ;)



Let's not talk about that. :tongue_smilie:


To the OP: I don't have a linen closet. Extra sheets and blankets are kept underneath the mattress (thanks to this board! Previously they were kept in a laundry basket.) Towels are kept in a bathroom cabinet.

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I voted other. I have two linen closets. The one in my bathroom is tidy, because I have to look at it every day. The one by the kids' bathroom is where I stuff baby blankets and crib sheets and tablecloths and old cloth diapers... I mostly ignore that closet, but when I have to put something in it, it makes me cringe. One of these days I'm going to get in there and get rid of all the stuff we don't actually use.

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Yes, only because I straightened it up last week. I dislike messy linen cabinets. Don't ask about my bookcases though. :lol:


I made bins for first aid, medicines, and toiletries. I have a separate container for pet supplies, and all the sheets and towels are on one shelf. I have my one extra set of sheets in there, ds keeps his linens in his closet.

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I answered 'messy'. I try to tidy it but it won't cooperate. :glare: I claim a victory any time everything is clean, folded and sort of matched into sets. We have too many sheets: king sets (dh & mine), twins (dd), queen (guest room) and varying quantities of pillows, sheets and blankets for making up the sofa beds.


After 14 years in this house (not enough storage) I am happy with the victories I can claim and just let the rest go. :001_smile:

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I voted tidy, because it generally is. But once a year, I have to redo things, because after 10 months of tidiness, it starts to fall apart and I have to regroup.


Generally it falls apart right before VBS, so I send the kids to VBS (the ONLY break I get for the year), and clean out all the closets.

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I voted 'other' because it is a work in progress. Whenever it's my turn to watch the littles in the bath, I clean while they play. So far, I've gotten the two top shelves nice and tidy with towels. The third shelf from the top is my baby station with diapers, lotions, ointments, etc. This area is organized as well and also houses extra boxes of tissue and rolls of TP. Below, I plan to have one shelf devoted to sheets and blankets, and one for extras like shower curtains, window coverings, and the hardware that goes with these items. Upstairs there is a linen closet that I use for blankets that my pack-rat kids don't want to part with. This closet is one that I'm afraid to open. I'm constantly having to send up folded blankets to be put away. It is a daily occurrence.

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I voted messy, but my linen closet is storage for school supplies, art supplies, catalogs, etc.


My linen closet does have an unusual story, though, because when we moved in our house didn't have one.


One of the things I prayed about in deciding to homeschool was space to store all the stuff. Maybe that sounds trivial, but it was a true concern of mine. Our neighborhood was still being built, and my dad went down and looked at some of the houses that were in the process. He came back and said that a house like our design had a linen closet. He went to the spot where it should be, did some measuring, and realized the builder left it out.


He said he was going to go and speak with the builder about it. I told Daddy not to worry about it because we'd been in the house for over a year. Well, he went anyway. He came back and said the builder was going to put in one for free. I couldn't believe it. We did put in our own shelves and it doesn't have carpet in it, but what an answer to prayer!

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