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Are you "girlie"?

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I am not.


Sometimes I wish I was. I wish I cared that my hair was in place, my nails were painted and my shoes didn't clash with my shirt. Oh excuse me blouse.


However a tiger can't change it's stripes and I have been this way since high school. The only time I cared about my appearance was when I knew I would be around the opposite sex :D.


Now though? I put my hair in a half-pulled-through pony tail, clip my bangs out of my face, go barefoot and wear t-shirts or tank tops with leggings or sweats.


I think part of it is I don't have the energy. But that is another post!


So if you are girlie how do you manage it?

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No. I have tried... cute haircuts, make-up, trying to figure out how to do the whole accessorizing thing... because I guess I felt like it's what wives/moms do. But I have just recently made peace with the fact that, deep down, I am still who I was in college on that front -- hair in a ponytail, very little make-up, jeans and a T-shirt. Guess what? My dh doesn't care. He fell in love with the college me! :rolleyes:

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Yes and no. More yes, I think...but a jeans a t-shirt girlie girl.




I love to shop

I love yard sales

I love candles and smelly goods

I love for the house to be clean

I paint my toenails and wear cute sandals

I like to dress nice (sometimes) and fix my hair (sometimes)

I squeal when I see a big spider...


before I take my shoe off and beat the crap out of it

I have eviscerated more chickens than I care to mention

Blood doesn't bother me

I can work hard and get dirty doing it

I can go a whole day and not take a shower

I can run to the store wearing jogging pants, a t-shirt, and no make-up and I don't really care

I could care less about name brands - especially when it comes to purses!


So, um...kind-of

Edited by Tree House Academy
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No, I don't consider myself girlie, especially since I live just outside of city, and it's very evident who the girlie women are. I do wear a bit of make-up to even out my skin tone and cover dark circles that are genetic, but it's just to make ME feel better about how I look. I wear earrings and my wedding ring, but that's it. My hair is simple, as are my clothes - no fashionista needs or diva-ish behavior here. Dh sometimes suggests for me to be more girlie, but it's just not me. I like my flip flops vs. heeled sandals. Jeans vs. skirts/dresses. There's no use in having a manicure when the effects don't last, and they are expensive. Simple is better, imho. :001_smile:

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Not at all girlie here, but wish I were. I was cute when i was younger and did the pony-tail, make-up less, jeans and t-shirt thing. Now, not so cute. I really feel like I need to do more, but I just can't seem to find the time. Plus, I just don't look good in make-up. Seriously, I don't. Not even professionally applied. And, it makes me breakout. Still. At my age? I guess I really wish I cared more than I do.

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I am *very* girlie!


Always have my toe nails painted, love having a french manicure. Hair is almost always done when I go out. I do wear it in a hat sometimes, but I still have make-up on. I wear dresses 9/12 months of the year, with cute sandals.


I wear pearl earings every.day. no matter what.


Always have my necklace on-even when I go to the pool.


I will say however it takes me an entire 5 minutes to do my make-up.


I personally do not feel good if I walk out of the house in sweat pants and not even lip gloss on.

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I cared more before when I would primp and preen just cause I might see a boy I liked. Then I had kids... LOL And I learned quickly 45 min showers were forever lost, a good nights rest for bright eyes with no bags no longer existed, and I learned to roll with it... LOL


I am a girlie girl in that I LOVE pink, and to dress my little girls up- though admittedly not everyday, LOL. But for myself, I wash my hair about 2-3 times a week because of the type of hair I have. And my idea of "doing my hair" is picking it out, putting mouse in it and letting it air dry. If I am feeling really ambitious that day I might blow dry it my diffuser... LOL


I live in capris, shorts, jeans, sweats, and pair them with tee-shirts of varying looks. I have plain tees, v-neck ruffled tees, some with lace at the top... but that's about as good as it gets. They are still tees. I also rarely step out into color. I own a couple of pink shirts, but mainly it's all earthy- browns, blacks, navy, and some greens. I have a couple of white shirts though.


I wash my face and occasionally use lotion, but none of that fancy moisturizer and stuff. Make-up for me usually consists of none, LOL... or if I am going out I'll curl my lashes, swipe on some organic mascara, some concealer under my eyes, and some gloss for my lips :) That's as "done" as I get on a more normal everyday basis. If I am going out fancy schmancy then that's different, I can clean up nice :) As I am sure all of you can.


My underthings, consist of nice white seamless microfiber bra and panties- no color, though I wouldn't mind changing that. But I am creature of comfort. Gone are the days where I dropped $50 or so on a bra from Fredrick's ;) LOL


My shoes are simple, though I am choosing to go more for comfort then even coordination at this point in my life.


So, no, I would no longer say I was "girlie"... but somewhere once long ago, I was... LOL But then I became a mom :)


ETA: since I read the post above mine... no nail polish ever. I do grow out nice beautiful nails naturally though, so at most I'll do a clear coat. And no jewlery either. If my wedding ring still fit, I'd wear that. But earrings are reserved for special occasions.


ETA, again, since I say another post: I DO *looooooove* to shop!!! But I am not a name brand snob, though I *love* Gymboree for the kids. And I don't do $200 purses either. I have ONE plain black leather purse I got at Kohls, for $28. It was originally $100, though, and I'd pay that to have it- or to replace it.

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I think I lean more toward yes. I don't go anywhere without make up. I love to dress up, but don't dress up at home or just to run to the store. Love getting my hair done, having painted nails, buying new accessories, make up, and clothes. But make up is a big must here. Always:)

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Yes and no. More yes, I think...but a jeans a t-shirt girlie girl.




I love to shop

I love yard sales

I love candles and smelly goods

I love for the house to be clean

I paint my toenails and wear cute sandals

I like to dress nice (sometimes) and fix my hair (sometimes)

I squeal when I see a big spider...


before I take my shoe off and beat the crap out of it

I have eviscerated more chickens than I care to mention

Blood doesn't bother me

I can work hard and get dirty doing it

I can go a whole day and not take a shower

I can run to the store wearing jogging pants, a t-shirt, and no make-up and I don't really care

I could care less about name brands - especially when it comes to purses!


So, um...kind-of


This sounds like me, though the "sometimes" for dressing nice and fixing my hair gets less and less every year.


I keep my finger nails nicely shaped and trimmed, and in the summer I like to paint my toe nails. I have lost track of how many shoes I have - I love shoes! And manis and pedis and facials. On the other hand, my version of accessorizing is to wear a tank top under my gi that matches my current belt in karate. My only jewelry is my wedding band. I don't wear makeup, and I am fine with working in my garden and getting dirty and sweaty then running to the store in my grubby clothes if I need something.


So, yeah, kinda.

Edited by Truscifi
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1/2 and 1/2


On any given day, plain hair and make up is hit or miss. You will find me in jeans/t-shirts/microfiber jacket.


At work, I wear all black. I have 5 pair of pants and 5 identical black Eddie Bauer Sweaters for the cold months and a few light sweaters for the summer. I fix my hair and wear makeup at work, but am still very simple.



BUT I LOOOOOVE to dress up. I don't get my nails done, but will spend an entire day shopping to find the right outfit or dress for a fancy dinner.

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Not girlie here although I do have one! I do like to have my nails done occasionally (once every 6 months or so). Have my hair highlighted twice a year (cause I look really washed out if I don't). I wear makeup and fix my hair on Sunday for church and if Dh and I go on a date.

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I am so not a girly girl. I am forever in tshirt & jeans or capris & tank top. Make up is a very rare occasion. Anything more than a quick wash, brush and throw it in a pony tail hair style is out of the question.


Now I do love to shop. I am a shop till you drop kind of person. Love it and always have. Now you will more likely find me in the garden section vs the clothes section.

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I hate shopping.


I paint my toenails.


I can snake a toilet.


I hate bugs.


There isn't much to do with my hair.


I wear makeup, even to the gym.


My fingernails are always short and a mess.


I know how to accessorize.


I am somewhat girlie, not full-on girlie. And, it is something I have to think about. My eldest is much better at make-up, nails, etc. She comes by it more naturally (I think she gets it from my mom).

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Not girlie but I gave birth to a girlie girl. Help!:eek::lol:


I'm not girlie, either and I, too gave birth to a very girlie girl.


My friends think it's funny that I like bellydancing (that is considered 'girlie', I guess) and kayaking ( which seems sporty/tomboyish, I guess). :tongue_smilie:

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I know how to dress and put on make-up if I have to but I don't like it. It tires me out to dress up.


I like to shop for books, office/school supplies, science stuff, maybe some art. Otherwise, I hate to shop. I like to hike, swim, read, etc.


Don't mind bugs, hate mice. Can't scrapbook or do any of those creative, crafty things.


Sometimes I wish I was a "real girl" but most times I can't imagine it.


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i take care of my appearance. toenails are always painted, i love cosmetics and clothes, i'm utterly obsessive about my hair....but i'm a complete tomboy. very mentally tough and outspoken. muscular, even.


i think girly-ness is more a state of mind than having pride in one's appearance.

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I'm not girlie at all. Dh said its one of the things he loves about me -- that I don't take forever to get ready to go anywhere.:tongue_smilie: There are times I wish I was a bit more girlie though. I wish I could do more with my daughters' hair and clothes but I'm totally clueless there.

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No. I have tried... cute haircuts, make-up, trying to figure out how to do the whole accessorizing thing... because I guess I felt like it's what wives/moms do. But I have just recently made peace with the fact that, deep down, I am still who I was in college on that front -- hair in a ponytail, very little make-up, jeans and a T-shirt. Guess what? My dh doesn't care. He fell in love with the college me! :rolleyes:



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yes, I am. I always have make-up on when I leave the house and have my hair done nice. I wear jeans daily and prefer nicer casual shirts over t-shirts but I still wear t-shirts often. I don't like to look frumpy. I never leave the house without my gold hoops and earrings, and I never take off my necklace. Dh designed my pendant and had it made for me for Christmas a few years back.


Still, I *love* frogs and pick them up, run my farm, muck stalls and care for animals all the time. I ride a 4-wheeler (with my jewelry on and usually with make-up!) and even will ride it fast during mud season to make a spectacle of myself. :D I still have part of the tom boy in me that will never leave.


Sometimes I realize how stupid I look mucking my stalls with all my jewelry on. I usually don't remember to remove it when I go out to the barn. Oh well, I think my animals appreciate the effort I put into looking nice while I care for them. :lol:


It's funny. Just today I was telling my kids how I used to wake up at 3:30 a.m. to get ready for work when I was 18. I told them I lived in CA but worked on NY time at brokerage firms and I needed to be there when the stock exchange opened up in NY. Dh said, "Wow, you started THAT early?" I told him, "No, but Farrah Fawcett hair was in at the time and it took me FOREVER to get ready." :lol::lol::lol:


ETA: When I lived in CA and when I first moved to NH I always dressed very, very nice. I guess I over dressed. Dh wanted to see me in jeans and now that's all I wear. I do prefer casual wear as I truly am a country girl at heart.

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I guess I'm somewhat girlie in that I vastly prefer dresses/skirts to pants, and I love pink.


But my hair is almost always in a messy bun, and I almost never wear make-up, nail polish, jewelry, or accessories. For really dressy occasions, like weddings, I might put on very light make-up--light to the point that my DH peers at my face a few hours later and asks, "Are you wearing make-up?" Obviously, it's lost on him, so why bother?

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I don't know.


I love shopping.


My toenails are always painted.


I never wear dresses and rarely a skirt. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.


I would rather wear flip-flops than high heels.


My hair and make-up are always done.


I love HGTV and chick flicks.


I love farms and farm animals.


I love hiking and working in the yard.


I hate spiders, but I own a snake.




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Absolutely. Well, in my definition I would definitely say I am. I'm not a scaredy cat over bugs (scaredy cat over snakes) and I play with my boys but I love dressing nice with nice shoes (even if it's a fun top with jeans and sandals). I always fix my hair each day (less than 10min), wear make-up and really prefer to have painted toenails but not fingernails. I do like to shop. I like shoes, clothes and purses. But I do NOT like getting manicures or pedicures or going for haircuts or necessarily love massages.


That's why it's such a joke that I have all boys. :lol: Wouldn't trade it for the world! Boys in the house are the best thing ever. I just wing-it day by day. :) :lol:

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I am not.


Sometimes I wish I was. I wish I cared that my hair was in place, my nails were painted and my shoes didn't clash with my shirt. Oh excuse me blouse.


However a tiger can't change it's stripes and I have been this way since high school. The only time I cared about my appearance was when I knew I would be around the opposite sex :D.


Now though? I put my hair in a half-pulled-through pony tail, clip my bangs out of my face, go barefoot and wear t-shirts or tank tops with leggings or sweats.


I think part of it is I don't have the energy. But that is another post!


So if you are girlie how do you manage it?



I am girlie, but I was a late bloomer to it. I made a rule for myself not to go downstairs unless I was dressed neatly and had on some make-up. To me, 'dressed neatly' doesn't include sweats or yoga pants (I have those for house-cleaning days and well... yoga). I love make-up, but don't wear much when I wear it. Tinted moisturizer is my best friend -- does 2 jobs in one! Top that with a dusting of powder, a swipe of mascara and lipgloss or tinted lipbalm and that's my everyday routine. It takes less than 5 minutes. I do spend a lot more time on my hair, but I have crappy hair. On days when I just can't manage it, I pull it back in a pretty barrette and just flat iron my bangs and the long parts not in the barrette. That takes about 10 minutes.


I just feel a lot better about myself and about facing the day when I feel that I'm looking pulled-together, so to me, it's worth the extra time and effort even just for the 'everyday' days. (As opposed to work days which take a lot longer to get ready, but probably don't have to).


Anyway... my best advice is to just set a minimum for yourself. What is it that you think is the minimum you want to do style-wise for yourself everyday. Then, make a deal with yourself and stick with it. You might be surprised at how it may change the way you feel. :001_smile:

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Sometimes I realize how stupid I look mucking my stalls with all my jewelry on.



:lol: It's not stupid looking! It's just how you are! I'm like that, too. Funny story for you...


Last week I had to go for a conference in the city for my work. My dh was out clearing roads for the RM and we were expecting a double-b to come pick up a bin of barley. The truck was supposed to come at 8, which was fine because I needed to leave at 9, and dh had already set up the auger at the bin for me. At 8 the driver calls to say he's goin to be late. Oh boy! I knew I was going to have to fly out of that farmyard as soon as he was done, so I finished getting ready -- hair blow-dried and curled, full make-up, jewelry -- the whole nine yards.


So, the truck finally comes and I pulled up my barn boots and dashed out to get the auger started. The driver takes one look at me in my suit and wool dress coat (and barn boots!) and says "that's your chore clothes?" I said "well yeah, 'cause you know how loaded we farmers are, eh?" ;)

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I think I am much more girlie than when I was younger but I am not "fashionable" girlie- more au naturale. I like to wear dresses even around the house in summer- they tend to be bohemian though. My hair naturally falls into place so its not a problem- I never use styling products or blow dry. I dont paint my nails, or use hairspray or anything like that. But I do enjoy my femininity- as well as my bare feet and jeans. I am much more likely to put on some jewellery with my jeans and a tshirt, or wear a pretty dress, and throw on some lipstick on my way out the door, than I would have in my teens or twenties. I think I have grown into my womanliness as I have become older. I do try and look good- it just makes me feel better and i know my kids and dh appreciate it.

Having a teenage daughter who is stunning and who grew up a tomboy but blossomed into very gorgeous girliness in her teens, has helped.

It doesn't seem to take much time to throw on a pair of earrings, to wear nice jeans instead of track pants, to find a couple of dresses in the op shops, etc A couple of years ago I picked up a colour book which helps you work out what season colours you are- I am a Spring predominantly. Once I knew that, I threw out a whole lot of clothes whose colours didn't suit me, and bought some which did, and now my wardrobe feels much better. A tshirt of the right colour can look fantastic. I love fresh, clear colours, mostly fairly light, and love to wear different colours according to my moods.

Also dd and I researched clothing styles and our bodytype, since we have a similar bodytype. Then I am much more discriminating about what clothes I buy- I have not much of a defined waist so I always used to wear baggy clothes to cover it up, wheras clothes that fit against my body are much more flattering.

I find it fun- if its not fun, its not worth doing.

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I am SUPER girlie!! I am a manicured-pedicured-cosmo swilling-designer purse carrying- all pink wearing- afraid of spiders- girlie girl. :D


I wear skirts and high heels almost every day, always have lipstick on, and wear matching undergarments at all times. I love jewelry and Ralph Lauren is my hero. If you look up tomboy in a thesaurus my picture would be the antonym!

Edited by Heather in NC
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Not at all. I'm clean and my clothes match (usually) My hair is brushed. I do have my nails and toes painted (my only 'me' time every three weeks). I am allergic to all types of makeup including any kind of lipstick, lip gloss, etc. so that alone knocks me out of the 'girlie' club.:lol:

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I am SUPER girlie!! I am a manicured-pedicured-cosmo swilling-designer purse carrying- all pink wearing- afraid of spiders- girlie girl. :D


I wear skirts and high heels almost every day, always have lipstick on, and wear matching undergarments at all times. I love jewelry and Ralph Lauren is my hero. If you look up tomboy in a thesaurus my picture would be the antonym!

My hero! ...er, heroine.


Another girly girl here. I'm not manicured as I have nothing to manicure but I am pedicured. I love my designer purse which I picked up at Macy's for 75% off. The words, "I'm going to Macy's," are a battle cry. New earrings will make me weep with joy. And the only good thing about spring is that I can wear my heels again until the next snowfall. Lipstick isn't just make-up, it is an essential.


True story, happened last week. I went north for my every six week foray to the bigger town for my hair appointment at the Penney's salon. While sitting in the chair I realized I forgot to put in earrings before I left the house. When the girl was done with my hair I went straight to the jewerly dept., hit the sale table and bought the cutest earring/necklace set for $11. I put the earrings in, the necklace on and went to the market for a few groceries then home.

Edited by Parrothead
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I have tried over the years to be a little more girlie. It never sticks. I am just a low maintenance girl. I can't stand doing things that I have to keep up on myself (plucking eyebrows, painted toes etc.). Too much work! I don't have time for that. I always joke my jewlrey is my wedding ring and my hearing aid. Works for me!

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Lipstick isn't just make-up, it is an essential.

You forgot mascara!

Getting out of the house without mascara is not an option, barring emergencies. And it's immodest - shamelessly wearing your natural face around without the minimum cover. :tongue_smilie:


Now seriously - I am girlie, but to a point. I hate spiders, hate mess, take care that the pieces of my outfit match. My hair is always neatly styled. Manicure and pedicure, face treatments (with all the lotions, massages, etc.), all undesired hair always waxed / sugared off, eyebrows always neat, nails polished, a regular client at a beautician. I am more of a "less is more" person when it comes to make-up, I like it decent and not aggressive, but I definitely use it.

I wear almost exclusively skirts, love high heels, love purses - and, of course, I always carry a mini mirror, hand cream and such, with "emergency" make-up, in purse at all times.


My eldest and I perfectly understand each other (though she is more girlie than I am), it's the middle where something "went wrong" and she ended up a bit tomboyish.

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My hero! ...er, heroine.


Another girly girl here. I'm not manicured as I have nothing to manicure but I am pedicured. I love my designer purse which I picked up at Macy's for 75% off. The words, "I'm going to Macy's," are a battle cry. New earrings will make me weep with joy. And the only good thing about spring is that I can wear my heels again until the next snowfall. Lipstick isn't just make-up, it is an essential.


True story, happened last week. I went north for my every six week foray to the bigger town for my hair appointment at the Penney's salon. While sitting in the chair I realized I forgot to put in earrings before I left the house. When the girl was done with my hair I went straight to the jewerly dept., hit the sale table and bought the cutest earring/necklace set for $11. I put the earrings in, the necklace on and went to the market for a few groceries then home.


That is an awesome story!!! Now you are MY hero. :D

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If by girlie you mean "would love a pink sparkly shotgun" then you could call me girlie.


If by girlie you do NOT mean "wants to use afrementioned pink sparkly shotgun to shoot the da*n racoon who keeps eating my chickens" then no, I'm not girlie.


I like candles, all bath products, and religiously dye my hair to cover gray. However, I own 1 pair of heels that are only worn occasionally to church, I live in Converse sneakers or flip-flops, can kill a spider without blinking, sometimes curse like the Sailor I was, and can out drink many boys.


Now, we won't go into snakes, because those things are just vile and un-Biblical.

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If by girlie you mean "would love a pink sparkly shotgun" then you could call me girlie.


If by girlie you do NOT mean "wants to use afrementioned pink sparkly shotgun to shoot the da*n racoon who keeps eating my chickens" then no, I'm not girlie.


I like candles, all bath products, and religiously dye my hair to cover gray. However, I own 1 pair of heels that are only worn occasionally to church, I live in Converse sneakers or flip-flops, can kill a spider without blinking, sometimes curse like the Sailor I was, and can out drink many boys.


Now, we won't go into snakes, because those things are just vile and un-Biblical.


:lol::lol: Last year we had a snake in our sunroom. Who was the one armed and ready to oust him? Me! Yes, dh was no help.


I'll scream if I see a spider, but I've gotten more brave over the years.

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I am super girlie, and my girls are not, in the fact they wont curl their hair or get all primped up.


You would think years of dresses and me putting curlers in their hair w/ tights , they would be girlie too.


Guess, they are rebelling.

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If by girlie you mean frilly or lovin' to spend time playing dress-up, then no. I usually put on some makeup when I go out, but I'm very conservative and simple in my dress and hair. Low-maintenance is how I'd describe myself.


Oh, and I'm the bug "guy" in this house because dh kills them and I set them free outside. :)

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I'm not girly and never have been. My mother tried for years to get me interested in hair, clothes, and makeup.


I don't wear dresses (feel more discreet in shorts and t-shirt). I wear shorts and t-shirt almost all the time (occasionally wear jeans). I wear tennis shoes. My hair style is a ponytail. I haven't worn makeup in many years. I haven't even owned makeup in many years.


My oldest wanted to learn how to do makeup for her 13th birthday, so I set up for her to have a makeup application session at Ulta with Bare Minerals (they helped her find the right shade for her skin tone). She'll wear makeup maybe 10-12x/year. My middle dd wasn't interested, but I know my youngest wants to do the makeup session for her 13th birthday. I'll have her use Bare Minerals also, but she'll need a very different shade from her sister because their skin tones are far apart.


My youngest is a fashionista and very much cares about her clothes. My middle dd cares even less than I do. My oldest is in-between. She cares about her clothes, but not like the youngest does.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Nope. I'm mostly clean, but might miss a stain or two. Wear makeup about once a month or so. Used to be able to run in heels, but have always preferred my sneakers - even with dresses. No manicures here. No nails to manicure! Hair is always brushed, but it doesn't do much good. I have just enough natural curl to always look unkept. Thankfully I found a hair stylist who layered it "just so" so that now it looks like it is purposely wind blown styled with almost no effort on my part. Yippee!


My biggest goal is comfort and practicality in clothing. Thank heavens everything matches denim!

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