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Tom Hanks spoofs Toddlers & Tiaras

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Being a non-fan of the 'industry' of Toddlers & Tiaras, I occasionally watch the train-wreck when I need a few minutes of completely mindless escape. So when I saw this spoof today, I howled (well, stiffled it as the boys were still asleep), and just wanted to share it with others of like minds :D



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Someone please help me out here a minute... because sometimes I'm a bit dense when it comes to humor...


I think this is just a funny joke, right?? They did this on purpose to make a laugh about it all... right? I caught on to it for the most part... but, are those all Sophie's trophies? Tom was just being ridiculous to be funny, right? (Told you I am dense with humor...) I loved the ending... with Ron Howard... that was funny.

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"Oh, you look just like a Bratz doll!" I laughed like a maniac. Thank you!!


We saw this real show once in a hotel room and DH had me roaring with, "Turn it off! Turn it off! It's burning my eyes!!! 3 year olds with falsies and bikinis!! If I watch this, I should be in jail!!"


This is just one phenomena I do not get. I get pageants for grown ups. And I find them disturbing. But a CHILD on display with makeup, wigs, high heels, etc. is just plain wrong on so many levels.


I could possibly understand if you have a very princessy daughter, letting her prance around the house in a fancy dress with kid makeup and princess shoes. But there is no way you can tell me that a room full of adults watching these kids isn't going to have at least one freak in there. And I just could not be responsible for my actions if I ever saw a grown adult looking at my child daughter in that manner. I would have to kill him/her. Just BOOM! All done freak.

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Someone please help me out here a minute... because sometimes I'm a bit dense when it comes to humor...


I think this is just a funny joke, right?? They did this on purpose to make a laugh about it all... right? I caught on to it for the most part... but, are those all Sophie's trophies? Tom was just being ridiculous to be funny, right? (Told you I am dense with humor...) I loved the ending... with Ron Howard... that was funny.


Yes, he was totally making fun of the show and pageant parents. :001_smile:

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I think this is just a funny joke, right?? They did this on purpose to make a laugh about it all... right?

Right. I don't think she is really Tom Hanks' daughter though. According to wiki and other online bios, he doesn't have a daughter named Sophie or a daughter that age.

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Being a non-fan of the 'industry' of Toddlers & Tiaras, I occasionally watch the train-wreck when I need a few minutes of completely mindless escape. So when I saw this spoof today, I howled (well, stiffled it as the boys were still asleep), and just wanted to share it with others of like minds :D





I have never seen the original show, but OMG! That was hysterical!! :lol:

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